Why Do ALL Europeans Hate America?

I cant help feeling this news report is just a little biased.

Yes, it's the European media's fault for everyone looking down on the US...
Exactly why does the ungrateful, stupid, godless heathens of pagan, liberal, communist Europe hate their honorable and fair liberators? Why can't they stop their baseless spewing of heinous lies and misinformation and embrace the superior lifestyle and ideologies of the best country in the history of the world?


I am a American and I hate to agree with a lot of the stereo types.=(
Religion has become quite the plague on anyone who is not religious in America...


This needs *lies.

The guy in middle misunderstands the idea of media enforcement, people ask about camp X ray because they give a shit about human rights abuses, and the fact that they keep on asking is because they care about human rights, not because the news plays the camp X-ray story over and over again, which they don't.

And yes what the author of uncouth nation told you is absolutely true, we don't actually hate the american government and what the american government does, we actually hate you, individual Americans, we hate you so much that we would start a war with the american public itself, if we weren't so liberal, and yes we spend ours days constantly mocking your religious beliefs because all Europeans know deep down the belief in god is stupid and pointless, and that we try to spread our liberal, godless views and gay loving ways to America by the use of the BBC.

I don't think a single video on video sift has angered me so much ever, and I need a lie down.


I agree, this needs *lies.

The whole thing is propaganda. CBN is Pat Robertson's network, so this should be viewed with that in mind.

My take is that the purpose of the report is to try to insulate Americans from viewing the European world's outrage with what we've been doing, by telling the faithful that it's just some bias that has nothing to do with our torturing people, even if that's what Europeans and their news outlets actually say.

It also serves a double purpose of implying that anyone in America who espouses those critiques of America are clearly un-American, and should be reviled and shunned.

Stellar piece of propaganda, FOX should hire the people who put it together. They've been off their game of late.


I can't believe they cite 18th Doughty Street. That's terrible journalism.

Terrible... people in Europe caring about human rights...

This video is so indicative of the psyche with which it was produced, the willful submission to the naivety and innocence of The United States.

It's not the fault of the US, we can't re-examine our own failings because we commit none... Human Rights Laws are just antiquated.

No it is the fault of those who choose to criticize us, those who do not understand the world we live in post-9/11.

The US needs to get its head out from its own ass, the majority of the population in the US doesn't even know exactly where Iraq is on a map... or Iran.... or Vietnam...


Err that can't be it. Are you sure it's Canadian? the only CBN I remember in Canada was the radio channel and Commonwealth Broadcasting Network but it was mostly full of content for South East Asians...


I'm an American. I studied French, and currently study Mandarin Chinese. While hiking for 10 miles along the Great Wall of China, I encountered a group of 4 French college students. I said hello in French. They asked, "Are you American?" When I said yes, they said, "I thought so. We could tell by your accent." And turned away and snubbed me.

What? I went to the effort of learning your fucking language, and even spoke it to you in China of all places, and you hate on me because I'm American? I think the problem is in Europe, not America.


Aussie here.

I used to love American action films (still do), my dad let me watch them but felt the need to balance me out with little historical tidbits. I vaugely remember getting told one about the US abandoning some freedom fighters while I was watching Rambo. I cant remember the details, but they were coaxed into rising up against their masters with the promise of US support which was withdrawn. They were pleading for help from the radio station as tanks burst through the walls. Pretty hard to reconcile that with what hollywood told me

In 1999 I was an avid Counter-strike player/mapper/modder and got to know allot of the boys on the forums quite well. The NRA came out with an ad which included a sound bite of some old tosser in Australia somewhere who had confronted a burglar.
"If I had a gun I would of shot im" - I laughed at how obviously misrepresentitive it was of Aussies and forgot about it. But in the forums all the gamers had rallied behind the ad. I posted a simple and clear message saying Australians almost all are anti-(personal) firearms. Well I got flamed like I have never experienced. People were telling me I was wrong, telling ME how Australians felt about gun control. All these regular guys I knew, suddenly turned utterly hardline. It was so weird and scary.

And then there is the religion thing: those stats about US views on evolution etc are scary.

But really, all these things are just dressing for the bigger worry, the extreme inward looking nature of huge, politically aligned swathes of the US population that give power to imperialistic policy. Thats it really. The French might get precious about the battle between French and American culture - but I think that is really a side issue.


>> ^NetRunner:
It also serves a double purpose of implying that anyone in America who espouses those critiques of America are clearly un-American, and should be reviled and shunned.

George Bush:
"If you're not with us, you're against us."

Reason enough to invade every country in the world, then!

ShakaUVM - So you immediately assume that it's just 4 french people being rude and ignorant? I mean, french are rude and ignorant as a rule anyway! But it never once, for a single second, occured to you that they were snubbing you because of war-crazy, religious fanaticism topped with gun-(lack of)control, self righteousness and ego?

You think i say that to insult anyone? That's what people think dude........ Blame it on others if you like, but if i give people the impression that i'm an ignorant woman hating racist sexual predator pervert, then maybe that might just be a problem with how i present myself.

To semi-quote bill bailey, when i see a round of applause greeting a comment like "I don't know anything about iraq, but speaking as a mother, i know it's FULL OF TERRORISTS!", i despair for the american nationality. Obviously, that isn't a direct quote. But the amount of times i've seen americans applauding someone for saying something PRO-AMERICAN that is actually bullshit! It's just gotta sound right and the stupid majority will carry the unsure minority along in a wave of applause, leaving the few intelligent people remaining wondering why the fuck people are clapping. Happens here with comment voting as well. Say something intelligent and you might get a few votes. Say something pro-(anything american here), and you'll get 50. Say ANYTHING that even LOOKS anti-american and you get 5 downvotes. It'll happen with this comment too. People will read 2 lines and ignore the rest.

I appeal to the people on the sift that frequently floor me with the quality of their comments, please come and make a few choice observations over here. Even to prove me wrong! I just love hearing from you. And a lot of you are american

(PS. The true gold mine for me on this sift isn't in the comments that get upvoted, it's the ones that have buckets of quality and are ignored)


Sorry after reading comments i've just watched the video. I call Brass Eye.

No way is this video not a spoof

If it isn't, then just wow. You could actually chalk this video down as "Why Europe hates America". It's virtually every reason mashed into one convenient short video!


Comedy is made to be funny, this is made to, well shit, I don't know why. To cater to the moronic, patriotic and religious masses, I suppose.

I'm very European and I dislike America. When I meet individual Americans I have nothing against them as such, and most I meet are reasonable people, but I hate what America stands for. America was all about free and equal opportunities, freedom, democracy and all that. Now it's a neo-fascist state that hides its true face from the public. To quote Ron Paul (who quoted someone else that I don't remember the name of): "When fascism comes to America it will be draped in the flag an carrying a cross". That "when" has come and gone, and now America is draped in the flag and has the cross up its rear-end.

The decline of the US society is sad, but I hope that rock bottom has been hit, so you can restore yourselves to your former glory.


oh no, oh no, oh no. sorry abt the oh nos but i just had to chill for a min so i can review this vid and comments without being clouded.

right where do i start, i know! so who here believes in the vid??? come on, hands up, show yourself. For the people who believe in the media, all i can say is that they have a clouded view on the images and belifs of other people, govs, etc.

In order not to be a narrow minded dum fuck, is by meeting all of the countrys people and looking at the views of the the single person but not the mass.

Ill break it down for you, religion thats a easy example. Right, so if you have christianity and islam, would you believe that they are rivals????? If you do think they are, then well done you have classed yourself as narrow minded.

Because i know some christians and some muslims, and i have asked each of them how do they free about the other and the result i got from them was a mix of they hate, dislike, fine with and love eachother.

Now if you say christianity is the US, and islam is europe, then im guessing you would get the same result....


2nd part

now heres about the vid.

I think this vid maybe a anti-europe vid beacuse it is fed to people like swampgirl and Kreegath that are on the comments abover me.

cuz just look how they are reacting, i mean come on! its people like that, that give mankind a bad name. Those are the people that belong in the army because they are narrow minded, they are sheeps not leaders, they follow the line of food that is put infront of them. so if you believe in this vid and others like it then i have a question to put to you sifters

what are you, sheeps or leaders?


ooooooh. SG and people like her!!.....shitlist, baby-

dannym3141-here, here, comment voting is sheit-I like upvoting comments, and down-voting them in a non-sequitous manner-

What am I?
Euro-mutt. Italian, French, English,some native American, some African, cause we in American alllll have black blood, so do most Europeans....

If this is CBN, then yes, this is real, in the sense that Robertson's reality or agenda is real-

The media is complicit in whatever views the brits have about America, and BBC is, for all it's worth, the same as most media organizations....judged and left wanting-

But the idea that Europeans hate Americans, is bullshit-most of the Brits I know love the shit outta me-individuals in GB that I might meet that hate me for being American are like any other ignorant fuckers-they knoe not why they hate-

and whoever said that French folks are rude, obnoxious..etc???.....Hell man, give em a break??!! (not you Brits, you got legit reasons)Just look at the bullshit they have had to deal with??-Any country that is as particular about the preservation of their language and culture, should be proud....and just a bit snotty about it-

America needs a coop something fierce-the world needs a coop from the folks who control the money-WE control the $$ in reality-The only reason people dislike one country or another is because of money....ideology runs a pathetic second to religion being used as a tool-POWER and knowledge are the only things that set you free, and right now, the world seems powerless against those who would use hate as a tool-

I'd like to see the Vatican pillaged, the entire population of Switzerland tried in the Hague, a moratorium on people being fucking idiots.


I have been watching clips on the sift here for over 4 years and never posted till now. But I can't stand the hypocricy of the vast majority of posters here.

You're denouncing this news clip because of how unfair it would be for an entire society hating on another purely because of the ideology of its members. Yet every single day something is either posted about how if you believe in religion you're A: wrong, B: backwards.

The entirety of religious society is discarded here on the sift based on YOUR narrow minded viewpoints. And its hard to fathom that someone else can feel the same about your nation?



whatever...it's fun to have a common enemy. It's like a group of high school kids: every one of them groups together and talks shit about the person that's not there. I think it's funny to make fun of other countries, I stop at treating the people from those countries with a disrespect that they, personally, don't deserve.


>> ^ShakaUVM:
I'm an American. I studied French, and currently study Mandarin Chinese. While hiking for 10 miles along the Great Wall of China, I encountered a group of 4 French college students. I said hello in French. They asked, "Are you American?" When I said yes, they said, "I thought so. We could tell by your accent." And turned away and snubbed me.
What? I went to the effort of learning your fucking language, and even spoke it to you in China of all places, and you hate on me because I'm American? I think the problem is in Europe, not America.

Are you basing your views of Europe solely on 4 French students that you met one time in china?


Personally I have family ties to Europe. Now besides the French, Who (honestly as far as my personal experence goes) seem to snub Americans. To say ALL of Europe hate Americans is a gross lie.

Sure you can look at America and find the faults and expose it's mistakes. But seriously people if you think it's that bad here try living in India for two months. Take a trip to China, Congo, or Venezuela. Do that and then tell me how crappy your life is here in America, and how it's just terrible that you have clean water, and the roads are paved, and have a roof over your head with no holes in it. Come back and tell me what it's like to have sanitary conditions and freedom of speech.

If your an American and hate America, try getting out of the damn country and live in a less then privileged society. Tell me if you can still sit in front of your computer and rant about how you live in a toilet.

If your not American and hate America, why not see it for yourself? Try getting out of your country and experence life on the other side of the world. I guarantee you, you'll find that we're not all that different.

Hate is contradictory to peace. As long as you let other people tell you to hate others there will be no rest for this world that has seen so much blood shed.


Americans are anti-American because America is supposed to get better not worse for Americans, saying that its still better then Congo or Venezuela is a ridiculous point to make. What should we question what it's become when its closer to say North Korea?


Guantanamo Guantanamo Guantanamo Guantanamo Guantanamo Guantanamo, he just couldn't get them off that topic, huh? Well it's basically a concentration camp for muslims and anyone who gets in the way of the US. So YES it IS a big deal!


I'm part German and part French, the worst of both worlds.

One side of me wants to start a fight, and the other side wants to run away.

Screw you Europe, we saved your behind, and this is the respect we get? Shame.


We are what we do. We used to lead by example, but luckily other countries are smart enough not to follow our current administration's lead.

We have prisons outside of our country so we don't have to treat the occupants like we would American prisoners. Thats a pretty big deal, and a terrible example for a nation that values human life to set.

Thankfully all of the Presidential front runners have said they will close Guantanamo (although McCain has said nothing about the other prisons; nobody has asked him).


I really can't blame non-Americans for hating America -- it has treated the rest of the world as its bitch for far too long.

However, that is the government's doing, and doesn't reflect what great people the majority of Americans are.

A government of the people, by the people, for the people? Not for a long time.


way to create some Equilibrionist there bro....you want yer emotion-filled idiots??- hit some Latin American countries, or anywhere Catholics have fucked things up a bit...problem is, they are genuinely great cultures that have been herded and used for a long, long time....kinnna like Americans, Europeans, Africans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Chinese, Hawaiians, etc......pick a country.....see a pattern here??? It's called Empire, and it never dies....enjoy!!


fuck Guantanamo-
another symptom of a much more dire problem, not limited to anything having to do with the Military, per-se....It's like this ya bleeding-hearts:
To be focus upon, and passionate about, some internment facility involved in nefarious goings-on, and not being able to recognize but a toenail of the hydra, because you are too robotic to be concerned about the heads(and I ain't talking about the bobble-heads that call themselves Presidents, Prime Ministers, dictators or Mullahs, either), is a reflection of their stranglehold on your sensibilities as they relate to $$$, and what drives this buggy...You Do!
*adjusts fur pajamas and throws plastic bottle in furnace

Bandaids on sucking chest wounds....Guantanamo is all in your minds, putties


Oh, i stumpled upon this "davids medienkritik" website a few months ago.
I spend about an hour reading it.
Its about the worst political propaganda post you could imagine, all hailing king bush in his glory and the american way of bombing away evil.

After that i was so disgusted that i wrote david an email that no, i didnt hate america. Until i read his website, and his comment posters. And that i now wouldnt cry a tear after them if they went all to hell (which they actually seem to believe in).


I feel like many are complaining about America only to avoid looking at themselves. To glance at others problem and booming about it help you overlook your own, which are btw the same : powerlessness in face of mock democracy.


I am german myself and have noticed the ever growing anti-americanism since 9/11. Especially on the internet there is a HUGE amount of people who see americans as stupid simpletons who all carry a gun, dont know where their own country is on a world map and are extremely arrogant.
They always talk about american imperialism, baby murdering soldiers in iraq, and other unbelievable bullshit as if thats the real USA.

I am extremely interested in this phenomenon, so I have researched quite a lot over the years. Heres what I learned:

Anti-Americanism was always present (since the USA was established). It just got suppressed by the cold war. Now that the war is over, everyone can voice their opinions freely again. And since so many east-europeans came over to the west it got worse too. Especially in germany its bad since it was the frontline of the cold war. Even our ruling chancellor is an ex-east-german. Germany is implementing more and more socialism into its system as we speak, and thats also a reason why we have so many problems here. The gap between rich and poor gets worse and worse, even though socialism is said to counter that. Not only that but our government starts to act like leaders of a socialism country. They ignore facts, they ignore their own laws, they decrease the rights of the people, they add new laws that could be from east germany and are only there to make more money, they simply only care for the rich people and themselves. But Im drifting away too much.

As I said anti americanism was always here in europe. Yes, Bush made it worse. But the stereotyping doesnt draw lines. Its not Bush or the government alone for these people, its the entire USA AND their allies. May it be polish, isrealis, whatever. If they are friends of the big bad USA, they are as bad.

Can you believe that some people want a strong european military to wipe america from the earth? They are actually afraid of america. They think america will invade europe some day. For oil of course.

Not all europeans think that way. Anti americanism was a minority before. Maybe peaked at 30%. Now its at about 60-70% because the media added so much to it. Thats frightening. But still its not all of europe. But this could be a horrible problem in the future when new generations that grew up with anti americanism fed to them start to show up in governments.

Some studies of several society-scientists I read claim that anti americanism very often comes hand in hand with anti semitism. Thats also very interesting, and fact is that I also noticed a huge increase in Israel bashing here in germany. Of course they dont admit that they are anti semitic (its criminal in germany to voice anti semitic opinions, so everyone watches what they say very carefully), but their comments show just that.

Ive also noticed that the poorer or less educated the person is, the higher is the chance that they are anti americans.

And if you dont believe me, learn german (or use a free translator), visit german news sites which allow comments (stern.de, shortnews.de, and several others) and look for a headline thats about the USA. You wont believe your eyes (or your translator).
This movie may be a little overdone, but its not so far from the truth as you think.


Disclaimer: some viewers may find the following antagonistic. It is; but it is also only partly serious. (which parts? I can't be sure...)

The first 30 seconds of this video are great... I too could have sworn it was an american version of Brass Eye or The Day Today.

I'm glad that, unlike we europeans, americans are being fed a steady diet of truth about U.S.A!.. U.S.A!!.. U.S.A!!! woooo!

It's true that our media tells us that modern americans are taught they live in the greatest country in the world.. they ARE #1. Also, when they go to war, god is on their side...

Perhaps the similarity in their mass psyches is why 'america' fears the evil islamic countries..

(Warning: racism by generalisation of evil islamic countries) the same evil countries who purport that indeed, THEY are truely the best peoples in the whole world!.. and incidentally,... Allah is on their side!

Of course we all know that there are one or two americans who don't fit into the stereotype.. but what can we do? Humans like to generalise.. it's out of our hands.

But I bleat too much.

The interesting thing is it is not only from 'european' media (I mean, 'lies') that I get that image of 'american elitism' (as a whole)... I mainly get it from AMERICAN media (in terms of both support/ rejection) e.g. Simpsons.. Family Guy... the american NEWS... american daytime tv.. american latenight tv... american sports stars... the american government.. (oops!) ...the list is endless.

Do americans live in a 'Hypocrisy'...?

.. and you can't blame the French for their personalities.. it's the Toxoplasmosis talking (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxoplasmosis - they should eat less raw meat)

Also.. the whole "you'd be speaking german" thing is annoying. It seems to my brainwashed mind that for a long time, america was only interested in it's own politics, whilst the people of other nations were being killed in a large war of somekind... (a war which eventually became a 'World' war when the americans realised that 'The World Series' was not accurately named)

P.P.P.P.S. Actually I take it all back. I couldn't live without Denim Jeans.. God Bless America!


What is this crap ??

As far as I know, people in France doesn't hate America : They just don't give a shit about it !

And the WWII argument just began to piss me off : "If USA doesn't exists, France should have been in the Nazi's domination until the Red Army delivers those coward". We can play this game too. Without France, North America should be just another UK colony.

Total crap.


For the most part you can ignore bullshit like that, Bakalex. And now, you can simply say;

"Good job the Brits helped you out in Iraq eh? Otherwise you'd be pretty embarassed at doing another Vietnam!"



Anti-Americanism = Not trusting the US government and it's foreign policies.

Anti-Americanism <> Hating the US population, wanting it to dissappear, wanting it to go away.

America is a country built on a ideas and ideals that have been stripped away in a mere 6 years, there was anti-Americanism before Bush but its only in this decade that we have seen a complete loss in confidence in the US foreign policy. However that does not mean people hate America implicitly, we still consume media from the US, it produces some of the best research and technological innovations, people still flock to it as a land of opportunity and for their education.

However liking America for those factors does not mean the rest of the world should simply agree to each and every course that the US takes. The worldwide protests against the War in Iraq showed this, they took place all over the world, within the US and outside of it.

The video tries to make it sound like Anti-Americanism is almost equal to wanting America to be destroyed. That's a stupid argument meant to degrade a rational argument to gut level emotions and wounded patriotism.

I mean how else do you get shit like French Fries being renamed as Freedom Fries as if an act like that is revolutionary. This is simply manipulation meant to create boundaries between dialog.


>> ^BillOreilly:
I'm part German and part French, the worst of both worlds.
One side of me wants to start a fight, and the other side wants to run away.
Screw you Europe, we saved your behind, and this is the respect we get? Shame.


To quote Yatzhees comments in reply to comments made about his MOH airborne review.

"no you didn't fight in world war 2, all you did was make shitty posts like that one."

Your implying that the nature of states doesn't change and that the USA has always been and always while be the heroes that helped kick the Nazis in World wars 2, alot has changed since world war 2, and america is seen as no longer the land of the free, but more like the land of governmental heavy handed action, yes the USA assisted in world war 2, but I reserve the right to be angry when the leaders of the world invade a country with the contingency plan that pretty much consists of "iraq: lol", especially since in my country there was a majority against the war in iraq, but tony blair went to war anyway.

The allies started the contingency plan for Europe in 1941, the bush administration only started a contingency plan weeks before the invasion.

This is why I hate the america, not because of its perhaps ignorant people at times, not because of its fervent religious beliefs, not because of its supposed lack of culture, but because it tries to police the world, and ends up doing a sub par job of it.

I don't hate you or what your country stands for, I just hate the way that bush administration has governed.


>> ^coolhund:
I am german myself and have noticed the ever growing anti-americanism since 9/11.

Well you SHOULD have noticed that ALOT of europeans were behind the US after the attacks of 9/11. Why do you think the rush to war against the Taliban was even possible (including a REAL coalition)? But after that the US somehow managed to run all that new-found compassion right into the ground and turn it into spite.


Some Fox News knock-off is telling me that European media are (cue scary music)...distorting the truth!. Priceless.
They're gonna make Colbert jealous. He wish he had come up with something like that.

To stay on topic though, it is true that the European media in general have somewhat of an anti-American bias (beyond the Bush Is A Moron thing, that is), but it 's not as violent as the Euro-bashing you can find in the US. If you had, say, a French Bill O'Reilly rambling about 'cheeseburger-eating surrender yankees', he would most likely be fired on the spot. And US-bashing is not as deeply rooted as you think. If the US had, um, I don't know, a president named Hussein, this would change people's view pretty quickly.

That being said, the most effective anti-American propaganda weapon in Europe would have to be Fox News. Yep. Just show a few Fox clips to any European, tell them that this is the #1 news network in the US and voila, you got yourself a new America-basher.


The reason I hate America is simple.

Because the people living in a democratic country are responsible for their government and therefore what their country is doing. To me, everything America did after ending the Korean War and every President after Truman (except for Kennedy maybe) was one big mistake.

The problem is not that people are doing mistakes. I'm German, we are responsible for horrible mistakes in the past, so I know best. The problem is American people don't seem to learn from their mistakes. It's getting even worse.


Seems pretty simple if you watch this video.


Then the majority of these european criticisms go away.
The US has lost its way being led by warcriminals.


coolhund, you realize how dumb you sound,

"Can you believe that some people want a strong european military to wipe america from the earth? They are actually afraid of america. They think america will invade europe some day. For oil of course."

Why would the US invade Europe for oil?? Also there is no military capable of even a significant beachhead on US soil, let alone doing any real damage. You might be able to wipe the US military from other continents, but good luck trying to land in North America. Have you seen the military expenditures over the last 50 years? It would take the whole world combined, not just Europe.


Media distortion is common practice is just about any country, I do not find this unusual at all. Just look at what kind of picture US media paints of China, the Chinese are absolutely outraged of how we Americans (Europe too) are portraying them. I think it just has much to do with state control over media and bad foreign policy.


'If you repeat a distortion long enough it can become a reality'

Does that include:

Weapons of mass destruction?
Iraq having anything to do with 9/11?
Mission Accomplished?


Hi. I'm here to piss off gingers. Red-headed for a reason, pig under the bed, going to hell-it really doesn't matter what your skin color is....go back to the planet you came from, for the sake of all humanity....Peace out


To quote Robert Newman .
-"I tell this much about the united states we are sure bringing about world unity , 'cause the one thing that unites the entire planet , hatred of us , it's like y'all became one big nation called the rest of the world.

Well actually we did, in fact we have even got our own flag .

Oh Yeah? What is it ?

Same as yours but on fire.

we can blame bush/cheny / exxon / whoever, as long as we want,, it only went this far this fast due to OUR (i do include myself) inaction .

too bad, it used to be a nice place .


The problem isn't with America. The problem isn't with Europe. The problem is with how the brain functions, its capsulation of information for quicker decision-making and cause of stereotyping, brand loyalty, and blind love.


no, i beg to disagree lertad , this isn't a brand loyalty issue , thats a very easy feelgood answer . totally fucking off point but whatever . (btw nice way to reference a recent study on brain function , makes you do-nothing propaganda sound so legit !)
the bit is we got sucker punched and responded by swinging blindly at anything that didnt smile and blow us .
and now we cant figure out why we are unpopular?


Reasonable people around the world are all the same. They give each other the benefit of the doubt and they TRY to like each other. Unreasonable people around the world are all the same. They are suspicious, paranoid, bigoted, selfish, and quick to judge.

The most efficient way to make someone an unreasonable person is to indoctrinate them young. When parents and schools teach kids to hate, or look down on someone because of class, race, religion or nationality, guess what? It works.

I've been an American for as long as I can remember, and mostly proud of it. But, it won't keep me from pointing out a few things that bug me about my fellow countrymen.
(1) THEY THINK RICH = BAD Reality = "Freedom and equality are sworn enemies" (Will Durant)
(2) THEY SEEM TO THINK CELEBRITIES ARE SPECIAL. Nice post on the sift now....something about celebrities not being perfect. Who gives a s*** about these people? Americans, apparently.
(3) THEY THINK RELIGIOUS PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS. Reality = most religious people wait till they are married before they have kids. Family planning = smart.

There.....I've had my rant.

When are people going to wake up to the fact that we all have our own agenda. We want the best for ourselves, our family and friends. If someone threatens them, most of us are ready to fight to protect them. Writ large, it becomes nationalism.


This backlash is the consequence of invading Iraq. If the US had stayed the fuck in Afghanistan and tracked down Osama and then GONE HOME, maybe Europe would still like us.


"If you repeat a distortion long enough it becomes reality"

That statement from a religious broadcasting group?



Tags for this video have been changed from 'cbn, liberals, bbc, you would be speaking german if it wasnt for us' to 'cbn, liberals, bbc' - edited by mkone


>> ^Akujin:
I have been watching clips on the sift here for over 4 years

lmfahs - really?? that's a neat trick.

You're denouncing this news clip because of how unfair it would be for an entire society hating on another purely because of the ideology of its members. Yet every single day something is either posted about how if you believe in religion you're A: wrong, B: backwards.
The entirety of religious society is discarded here on the sift based on YOUR narrow minded viewpoints. And its hard to fathom that someone else can feel the same about your nation?

As with societies, the sift is the same - not everyone here is a religion basher. On the other hand, religion is completely different than nationality. You get to choose one, not the other. One may consider moving to another country and applying for citizenship, but the financial and social burden is usually too great for most people to overcome. Changing your faith is usually no more difficult than picking up a book and going to the appropriate place of worship, or simply giving it up entirely, which many here have done.

The clip is clearly overloaded with simplifications, but it is worth considering what happens when a generation of media coverage continues to push a particular viewpoint. That's one of the great things about the US - our mainstream media often get it wrong, but they have a tendency to correct in the long term. You have to pull back and look at this from a longer perspective. I don't really know what European media is like much beyond BBC online. But I wouldn't be surprised if anger at American foreign policy over years slowly changed into simply hatred of America, without some counter balancing coverage.

[edit] I have to say that the overall quality of mainstream media in the US has been deteriorating for some time, and more than just the last eight years. But I don't think this is strictly an American phenomenon (caveat above notwithstanding).


^ I'd add that we're not denouncing the clip because we think hate directed at America is unfair, quite the contrary. We're denouncing the clip because that's the essential message of the clip itself -- dismiss all criticism of America as blind, misguided ideology.

There's a lot of dissent in America over what we're doing, and my only explanation for why it hasn't been stopped, is because people choose not to believe it's really happening.

It's true there's a solid minority who thinks torturing "unlawful combatants" is something we should tolerate for the good of National Security. It's also true that minority rules the White House, but I think the reason regular people who find it abhorrent haven't evicted this government with torches and pitchforks is because there's such prevalent propaganda saying either it isn't happening, or it's not torture, or it's justified.

This is a piece of that propaganda.

European media may have a bias all its own, but Guantanamo should have everyone in this country outraged and ashamed.


"This backlash is the consequence of invading Iraq. If the US had stayed the fuck in Afghanistan and tracked down Osama and then GONE HOME, maybe Europe would still like us."

wasn't really the game plan was it now???-silly Americanadianeuroasianarabs....


Well you SHOULD have noticed that ALOT of europeans were behind the US after the attacks of 9/11. Why do you think the rush to war against the Taliban was even possible (including a REAL coalition)? But after that the US somehow managed to run all that new-found compassion right into the ground and turn it into spite.

As I said I am german and thus european. I noticed how even right at 9/11 a few europeans actually were happy about the attacks. Others already started to say that they blew em up themselves. It was that time when it started. Yes, there were a few governments that were behind the USA, but their citizens were NOT behind the USA. Did you even notice what happened in Spain and how angry the people were that their government supported the USA? Similar in other countries that supported em. In germany people actually loved former Chancellor Schröder, who almost destroyed the system of this country. Why they loved him so much even though he did all this crap to this country? Because he was a perfect actor in the media and didnt support the USA much. Now hes part of the russian oil & gas "mafia", fits him perfectly. Here in germany there always was and still is a discussion about sending troops to Afghanistan or not. Our government still supports it, and its good to know we are doing our part of the UN. But the vast majority of german citizens dont want troops there. They say "The USA started it, so they have to end it alone. We dont want any part in it."

coolhund, you realize how dumb you sound,

Why would the US invade Europe for oil?? Also there is no military capable of even a significant beachhead on US soil, let alone doing any real damage. You might be able to wipe the US military from other continents, but good luck trying to land in North America. Have you seen the military expenditures over the last 50 years? It would take the whole world combined, not just Europe.

Do you realize that it wasnt me with that opinion? Read again, its some anti americanists that think that way. I was just pointing out how stupid they are and how fucked up their thoughts are. I could give you even worse examples. They all sound extremely stupid and without any logic. But that doesnt change the fact that people actually believe in them.


People need to learn the difference between criticism and anti-americanism.
Just because you dont like that the USA invaded iraq incl. all the shit that happened and still happens there, or because Bush is an idiot, etc doesnt mean youre anti-american.
Criticism is fine and necessary. But when you start to spew out complete bullshit and hate about the USA and believe obvious stereotyping, then its anti-americanism.

I urge you to search in Google for a few examples of credible studies about anti-americanism. Heck, even read the wikipedia article.


Wow now this is a hot button topic here, i tried to read as much as possible and all i can say is this. Yes America has problems and i sense a lot of that hatred here in this thread but being just as closed minded as American media doesnt make Europe any better. I think its ignorant hate mongering bullshit really and yes you can argue that America is just as ignorant but that is misdirection and not helping things. The fact that as an American me and many of my friends have been attacked verbally and hated on sight in many of the countries we've gone to in turn temps us to hate them right back. It just reinforced a more closed off bitter relationship as many people i know have no wish to ever go back to Europe just because they are automatically branded as the stupid ultra flag waving patriotic religious rednecks who loves torture worships bush and own a gun. This level of judgmental behavior makes me sick and I hope that this video in itself is a gross generalization of how close minded Europeans are just as much as they think we are, but im probably wrong.


I only hate "reports" like that.

I dislike some US stuff yeah, but that goes for alot of European gov't and biz as well. There's assholes everywhere... Greed and selfishness is universal


Close minded Europeans??? WTF? Are THEY torturing people because someone "hates their freedom"???

The video was pretty clear, kids asked about Gitmo over and over again. They can't fathom or understand it, and NEITHER SHOULD YOU.

American kids should be asking this same question. It isn't the media doing this. In fact, the problem is the US media lies and hides the truth from the populace for the sake of making money.

It's not anti-Americanism. It's anti-human rights abuses. It's anti- country that hasn't kicked Bush out of office. Why are these abuses allowed to continue? Why is Bush and Cheney not impeached? Why does the US spy on citizens and waterboard people?

Asking those questions isn't due to the bad euro media. It isn't even breeding anti-Americanism if the US chooses to not address these issues.


Yes, Jordass, you are wrong:

You're branding ALL europeans, as far as i can tell, as racists. (and that's ironic)

I'm not racist, phobic, anti american or any damn thing. Shit, i date an american girl, she's great. But i do think the actions and attitudes of the USA have brought their reputation on theirselves. People think "OMG IRAQ WAR = REASON WE ARE HATED", but it goes a lot further than that. Over here in england, about 10 years ago, when the "i'll sue your ass" culture started appearing, it was ALWAYS referred to as "that american attitude of blame" or something else with the word "america" in it.

Be it through years of sub-standard or mis-directed education, poor choices of government, poor choices BY government, apathy, ignorance, or ruthless chasing of 'the american dream' at the expense of anybody. The reasons for widespread anti-americanism goes so much deeper. Couple that with some unintentional media bias - let's not assault them without some kind of evidence please - and you've got an epidemic.

Just as how deep it goes in Britain now. We had a great education system, our economy and trade industries were powerful, our streets were peaceful, we had a free national health system that WORKED WELL... We had so many things that made me feel proud to be british. And through apathy, bad voting, bad media, swallowing lies, watering down of the education system, poor planning....... i could go on......... it's now gone, and my country is a pathetic shadow of its former self.

That's our fault! So is it your fault!

Don't look for an excuse to mitigate your problems. That's for losers and last time i checked the true honest good americans weren't losers!


The solution seems simple to me. America should offer 1 million quatloos for all the above average looking European women. We will distribute them evenly geographically, until there are approximately 1.5 women per USA male throughout all regions of America.

I'm not sure what the next step is, but I'm open to Europeans still being able to own property in some legal senses.

I'm a big believer that the imported European women should receive some type of payment annually which varies in size depending on how height/weight proportionate they are able to keep themselves.


Read my comments again and then read my last one very carefully. I know very well where criticism starts and ends. I also know where anti-americanism starts (dunno where it ends yet). I say again that you should visit some german news sites. Whats going on there has nothing to do with criticism anymore.
Questions about Guantanamo are valid and they should be asked. How they are asked is a different question, because most of the time I only hear stuff like "Those fucking americans kill children all around the world, killed more people on this earth than all countries on the earth together, started more wars alone than every nation on the globe together since there is humankind, blew up their own people at 9/11, let Japan knowingly attack their country so they could invade it with a good reason, and now they even have what nazi-germany had in WWII with Guantanamo. When will finally someone bomb THEM to hell?" Comments like that get upvotes to high heaven, and when you say something against that comment (even with valid facts), you get downvoted to hell......
THAT IS CRITICISM???? Thats sounds more like some islamic fundamentalist crap. People gotta be a special kind of idiot to see that as criticism...


Dannym3141 said: ShakaUVM - So you immediately assume that it's just 4 french people being rude and ignorant? I mean, french are rude and ignorant as a rule anyway! But it never once, for a single second, occured to you that they were snubbing you because of war-crazy, religious fanaticism topped with gun-(lack of)control, self righteousness and ego?

Actually, I think that's precisely the problem. What you describe is prejudice, and ignorant prejudice at that. Even though I'm obviously not an ugly American who never bothered to learn a foreign language (because I'm speaking French to them in China of all places) they still hated on me, revealing their own ignorance and bigotry.

Kerotan said: Are you basing your views of Europe solely on 4 French students that you met one time in china?

No. I've traveled throughout Europe, but I thought that story especially fitting, as it demonstrated nothing but unthinking racism toward Americans, from the country which is so politically correct it won't even allow students to wear crosses in schools, for fear of offending someone.


>> ^coolhund:

As I said I am german and thus european. I noticed how even right at 9/11 a few europeans actually were happy about the attacks. Others already started to say that they blew em up themselves. It was that time when it started. Yes, there were a few governments that were behind the USA, but their citizens were NOT behind the USA. Did you even notice what happened in Spain and how angry the people were that their government supported the USA? Similar in other countries that supported em. In germany people actually loved former Chancellor Schröder, who almost destroyed the system of this country. Why they loved him so much even though he did all this crap to this country? Because he was a perfect actor in the media and didnt support the USA much.

You are confusing the buildup to the war against the Taliban with the buildup to the Iraq war here. Schröder wasn't against troops in Afghanistan, only some minor parties of the opposition in Germany were. The spanish government stumbled over their support of the US during the buildup to the Iraq war, not Afghanistan. The difference in opinion between a few european gvernments and their people arose during the buildup to the Iraq war, that's when all the big protests were held in europe, NOT before the war against the Taliban.

Also, Schröder was a big USA supporter, please get your facts straight. He joined the USA in Cosovo, which was HIGHLY critizised in Germany.


>> ^ShakaUVM:

No. I've traveled throughout Europe, but I thought that story especially fitting, as it demonstrated nothing but unthinking racism toward Americans, from the country which is so politically correct it won't even allow students to wear crosses in schools, for fear of offending someone.

Americans are not a race.


This video is retarded. The third word of the title is where it started to go wrong.

Tony Blair was as strong an ally as you could hope for. The "liberal" BBC somehow failed to report huge anti war protests.

Russia saved us all from the nazis, with more blood than you can imagine, retard. check the colour of the flag on the Reichstag in 1945. If it wasn't for the english channel and polish pilots we'd also be fucked. You gonna show some respect to Poland? Nah, you don't even know where it is, or what I am talking about, you weren't really in the war at that point right? Oh wait, NONE OF US WERE EVEN FREAKING BORN YET.

and the french don't like other people speaking french, regardless of nationality. deal with it. they are just like that. Napoleon fucked up and they never got over it. Even my best french friends never reply to me in french, and my accent is damn good. i am not american. "europe" is not a country. kthxbye retards.


You are confusing the buildup to the war against the Taliban with the buildup to the Iraq war here. Schröder wasn't against troops in Afghanistan, only some minor parties of the opposition in Germany were. The spanish government stumbled over their support of the US during the buildup to the Iraq war, not Afghanistan. The difference in opinion between a few european gvernments and their people arose during the buildup to the Iraq war, that's when all the big protests were held in europe, NOT before the war against the Taliban.
Also, Schröder was a big USA supporter, please get your facts straight. He joined the USA in Cosovo, which was HIGHLY critizised in Germany.

Im sorry, of course I was talking about the Iraq war. His course in the afghanistan war actually made him very unpopular, even in his own party. Some people actually left his party because of that. At the voting for this mission in afghanistan, only 2 votes more than needed were taken in favor of it...
He almost lost his election because of this in 2002, but since he suddenly changed his course and was against the iraq war, he won after all.

Support of the afghanistan war was also widely rejected by europeans. People actually believed the USA only wanted to go there because of oil... I remember very well how I verbally battled with lots of people who were against supporting the USA in that war. Ive also seen several polls where people were asked if their country should support the USA in afghanistan. 50-80% said no. Differences in this case between people and and their government were already present then.
Why Schröder did this anyway? I dont know... But there were many illogical things Schröder did and said. Thats why this country was a mess when he left his chair.

Schröder was strongly against the war in iraq and never wanted to support it in any way, beause he knew people didnt want this war to happen and the election was close. He was never a strong supporter of the USA (his party alignment didnt even allow that (socialist party and he was anti-capitalistic himself) and thats why they reacted so pissed when he voiced his support for the USA in afghanistan).
Yes, he joined the Kosovo war, but not to support the USA, but to be part in a NATO mission (germany is part of the NATO after all and has responsibilities). It was only heavily criticized because it was the first act of war for germany since World War 2.

Dont misunderstand: Anti-Americanism was there before the Iraq war, just not as bad. Following generalization and stereotyping by the media did the rest. Even Schröder and his party was accused of seeding anti-americanism because so many members of his party openly compared Bush to Hitler, Gaius Iulius Caesar, etc.


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Long discussion...

United States citizen here. I think many people become so outraged when discussing America that they get polarized into two groups: people who want to burn down the white house and salt the land between Canada and Mexico and those who want to do the same to the country of people in that first group.

I can't speak for any foreign media, the closest I've experienced is Al Jazeera's English site. I have however lived in the U.S. for a bit more than two decades and have noticed a few things.

American people, as a whole, are not fairly represented by American foreign policy. I am distressed to see that there is some debate about the use of torture, which I and many Americans assumed was not on the table anymore. American foreign policy distresses many Americans as much as it does our European detractors.

America has a very strong and vocal conservative political party. Many of them are good, hard working people who are given a bad name by the fanatical Christians who vote in flocks. Americans all get branded as belonging to this large voter base, but the majority of us still 'believe' (acknowledge) evolution and become as uncomfortable as anyone else around the real bible-belt theocrats.

While American foreign policy is rightly looked at with disdain and our human rights record has been questionable as of late, it would be inappropriate to judge the average American citizen for these things. Most of us don't support it, some of us even try to take action against it (rallies, protests, long forum rants), but the average citizen isn't very political.

As always, the proper response is outrage towards the government of the nation. Disdain or hatred for the nation as a whole and/or its people is foolish.


tv invents a disease you think you have;
so you buy our drugs and soon you depend on them.
you're ensnared by the medicine man, paying out the ass, again and again
gonna rip you off!!
-from Government Flu, Dead Kennedys


After taking the time to read the comments, I've joined the sift community now just to post here.

Ignorance and narrowmindedness exsist everywhere. I'm absolutely certain there are anti-china mentalities in china, Anti-Egyptians in Egypt, heck, I'll bet there are Anti-Canadians here in Canada. So why is it we're only hearing about the Americans?
Because they have the most control over our media here.

Same reason that, sure the typhoon in Sri Lanka was covered for a while, but 9/11 is a few memorials away from becoming a national holiday. (opinion!)
Disasters happen everywhere. Bombings in Israel are covered as a side story in our news.
I find that unfair.
I understand that news covers "local" before "international" but the US is international to Canada... right?
If this was a news post on.. say... how much Europe hates Aussies... would it get this much discussion?
I doubt it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, this report is almost nothing but a cry for attention. Lo and Behold, they've got it.


I was about to write a serious comment, but come to think of it: why would I?

For any non-European, not having access to Google or Wikipedia, persons out there: the sources quoted are very much totally not important media/talking heads. Even in the UK, hardly anybody knows who Margaret Drabble is and Stern Magazine, well, they scooped the “Hitler Diairies” once. And the Daily Mail...??? Please, that’s the British version of TMZ. On top of that nobody takes the Germans seriously (mainly because they themselves think they’re very serious people) and everybody in Europe dislikes them anyway and anti-Americanism is a very cute habit the French get engaged in from time to time as an entertaining way to distract themselves from all the suburban riots and farmers’ strikes.

And, oh yeah, it is really so difficult to have access to a non-biased and/or American view in Europe (seriously, no other part of the world is so full of cable, satellite dishes and internets accesses as Europe)

PS: ShakaUVM, I wouldn’t take one chance encounter with 4 (alleged) French (they could’ve been Swiss or Belgian) people as indicative of French perceptions about the US. Maybe you showered that day. As we all know, the French are very hostile to anybody who cares about personal hygiene while travelling ;-).

PPS: I seriously hope I didn’t offend BillOreilly with this post ;-).

PPPS: I’m so glad that we finally managed to stop talking about the farting cat (sooorrrry!!!!)


>> ^Farhad2000:
Americans are anti-American because America is supposed to get better not worse for Americans, saying that its still better then Congo or Venezuela is a ridiculous point to make. What should we question what it's become when its closer to say North Korea?

Seriously? Your seriously comparing the United States to North Korea? Give me a break. That's the most bogus association I've seen yet. While you at it you could compare Nazi Germany to Great Brittan. I mean they're pretty much the same right?


>> ^kulpims:
why do americans always have to think of themselves as basicaly good guys by default despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary?

Because I (as the average American) have never murdered anyone, I give money to charity, work hard (more hours per week than the average person in any other industrialized country), pay my taxes on time, love my children, am nice to my neighbors, am nice to my dog, tip my servers. I, along with more than 50% population, did not vote for George Bush. I, along with a huge majority, disapprove of the war in Iraq and our foreign policy in general.

I try to do what is right, even if it is a frequently misguided attempt.

I have faults, though. I don't always pay attention to world events, and I rarely know what's going on outside my country. But since it is 1000 miles to the nearest foreign country (which is largely similar, culturally), it never seems that big of an issue. And the American media doesn't really want to cover it, and I don't have time to go scouring the Internet everyday for the happenings of the world.

Besides, I have a lot of larger troubles. I'm in danger of losing my health coverage and my job. And now I owe more on my house than it's worth. Skyrocketing tuition means I'm barely going to be able to help my children go to college.

(This is mostly fiction for me: I'm a dirt-poor graduate student sans kids. But it's not far off the mark for millions and millions of people.)

That is, people think that they're generally good guys because they are. They're not villains out to rule the world, even if sometimes they do have a little too much faith and pride in their country and/or religion. They're mostly just trying to get by.

(Which doesn't make them better than people from other countries, just the same. Pick most any country and I'm sure the general consensus by the people will be that they're good guys. Because most of them probably are.)


I'll upvote your comment - but know that the 1/8th Jew in me mistrusts you, still, warmongering German.

>> ^maatc:
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>> ^gorgonheap:
>> ^Farhad2000:
Americans are anti-American because America is supposed to get better not worse for Americans, saying that its still better then Congo or Venezuela is a ridiculous point to make. What should we question what it's become when its closer to say North Korea?

Seriously? Your seriously comparing the United States to North Korea? Give me a break. That's the most bogus association I've seen yet. While you at it you could compare Nazi Germany to Great Brittan. I mean they're pretty much the same right?

America isn't all that close to North Korea. It's not Nazi Germany, either.

We're more like Germany before Hitler's rise.

Watch these clips:

Then think of the politics of Karl Rove, George Bush, and now Hillary Clinton.

Seek to divide people from one another (wedge issues, they're called).

Blame all problems on scapegoats (terrorists, muslims, opposition party).

Encourage people to feel superior because of their class, or their religion, or their nationality, or membership in The Party. Race might belong on that list too.

We're in a really dark chapter of our history. We're not at North Korea levels yet, but we're ripe to become a full-fledged Nazi Germany if we aren't careful.

I still think elections can undo the damage, and pull us back from the brink, but to pretend everything is perfectly fine (or the fault of the aforementioned scapegoats) is to deny reality, and help push us closer to the abyss.


>> ^arvana:
I really can't blame non-Americans for hating America -- it has treated the rest of the world as its bitch for far too long.
However, that is the government's doing, and doesn't reflect what great people the majority of Americans are.
A government of the people, by the people, for the people? Not for a long time.

Yup, that sums it up pretty nicely. I've lived in America for almost 5 years growing up and before that and in the present I'm living in my home country and I can pretty much say most Americans *are* nice people.

But so are just about most citizens in most countries.

Everyone uses stereotypes, it's the way the mind works, no matter how many "don't judge a book by its cover" quotes we hear.

After 9/11, how many Americans hated everyone that looked remotely Arabic?

What are the first thoughts to pop in your mind if I asked you to think of a person from North Korea?

Humans have always chosen leaders as their representatives, it is why charisma will always have a bigger influence than policy, and other civilizations will always have a tendency to judge a nation by its leader. It's the Human Ignorance.


>> ^Ryjkyj:
I've read all of your posts and I just have to say that I've been to Europe. Every single person in Europe hates us.

Maybe you should stop doing van Damme impressions to everyone that you meet.


No Danny im not branding all Europeans as racist, that was my point, to make such a generalized statement that all Americans are ignorant fools is like me believing this video as all Europeans as just as ignorant as we "supposedly" are. Dont lump me in to a nationality. If so then i guess i should hate every Chinese person i ever see because of Tibet. I should spit in the face of every north Korean because of their "Dear Leader". I should judge all people based on what their country does, which sorry folks doesnt make any damn sense. Yes a lot of Americans are stupid (though i can say that about a lot of populations). As long as you dont say "all" are and start hating on me when in reality i dont have any part of this bullshit. And Ryjkyj you just killed all my hope that this was all blown out of proportion and that humanity in general is so easily manipulated into always focusing on the negative people. Oh well i could go sit in the corner and cry but then I would miss the new American Gladiators lol


One mans media distortions is another's balanced media. Here in Canada we tend to see a little more european media alongside US media, and the contrast is indeed striking. But who is distorting?


I think it should be noted that this is not a "News" report. This is from CBN..they are not news. That should be in the title or the description.

oh and great to see Mink commenting again.


The irony of US media accusing the European media of propaganda.

When I went traveling I was meeting a lot of new people and getting to know them through language barriers was really hard work. There was however one subject which never failed to break the ice, and it almost inevitably started "What do you think of Bush?". America is viewed as a lumbering giant with little subtlety. Its no surprise, the US governments heavy handed politics, especially abroad, coupled with a media of half truths and lies has given The States a poor reputation. In many ways the media here is pandering to the publics tastes, its an ice breaker, a moment to laugh at those silly Yanks.

Its funny, almost without exception every single American I know tends to have the same views as myself. I live with 2 Americans, and I think they hate their country more than any European. I suppose the answer is that the Americans I meet have either left their country to travel, study abroad or even live abroad, or have spent enough time on the internet to be exposed to a world outside of there own. Trouble is, for every American I meet there are 10 who will never leave their country, 10 who watch Fox news and take it as fact and 10 who will sacrifice common sense to their God.

Anyway, I guarantee you if Obama wins the election anti-Americanism in Europe will drop noticeably.


>> ^gorgonheap:
>> ^Farhad2000:
Americans are anti-American because America is supposed to get better not worse for Americans, saying that its still better then Congo or Venezuela is a ridiculous point to make. What should we question what it's become when its closer to say North Korea?

Seriously? Your seriously comparing the United States to North Korea? Give me a break. That's the most bogus association I've seen yet. While you at it you could compare Nazi Germany to Great Brittan. I mean they're pretty much the same right?

Read sentence in bold again. You said that America is still better then most other nations, your statement implying that we shouldn't criticize the US because it's still better then country X Y Z.

Thus... Should we compare the US WHEN its becoming like North Korea QUESTION MARK.

Your response sounds like you didn't read what I wrote properly. Shouldn't get so worked up.


This thread is so long, no-one will ever read this comment.

Therefore I propose a worldwide holiday celebrating me, the way I think and no other, and denouncing the USA as the evil filth pit that it really is.

There, that's an even handed and balanced comment.

You can close off comments now, it's all done.


P.S. The Europeans, the Asians, the South Americans, the Russians and us Australians (and oceanic countries, I'm looking at you NZ) all dislike the USA as a whole right now because of how horribly your government (that you elected in TWICE) has screwed up the world recently, and how HORRENDOUSLY you've misused your power.

We KNOW there are plenty of good people over there, I've lived there for a short spell and know that, but as a whole, as a super power, as the great unwashed voting masses who voted in a moron twice... well, we don't like you very much right now. Sorry, it's true, you live there, you're lumped in whether you like it or not, and until you can turn the place around from a leadership standpoint I'm afraid we're all going to continue to dislike you.

It's not the media it's you...


Europe is weak, ineffectual, and a failed attempt at global unification.

Continue to hate the USA, as you can do nothing of consequence to change anything.


Man! I think you all have it wrong, there is good and bad in all countries.
The real problem we all have in every country is our own bloody governments.
They are the devils we should all hate and come together to over come.
Governments will always keep the public angry and hateful at each another, like that you wont look at what they are up to.
My solution is for all the public from all countries to go to war against their own government/corporate ministers and take everything back for ourselves. Pretty much what they do to us!!!


I kind of find it ironic. The US is basically responsible for the most foreign aid (by a extreme margin), the most science and medicine, the most recent technological advancements, the most charity, and the very internet that everyone posts in to hate America. We also cherish that option and do all we can to allow people to express their malcontent whenever they want, within reason. So you can thank America for this very forum where you vent.

Also, I think people really ought to look at their own country and its merits and its citizens and its rights and governments before they go judging us. You accuse Americans of ignorance a lot. Can you claim that every one of your citizens is not? Do you really think your country is so righteous and perfect? This all sounds supremely aristocratic at best. This country is young and powerful, founded by farmers and industrialists, determined to push technology perhaps faster than it should be pushed. This country has done a great deal in pursuit of peace in the world. Unfortunately, not every attempt has bared fruit. People naturally focus on the negative.

I challenge each of us to consider what would happen if the US decided to retract all of our military from all over the world, divest all of our funds from all foreign corporations, and stop all foreign aid. Someone above compared us to North Korea... if we shut our borders and became a recluse as NK is, think about what would happen...

And if you still think we blew up our own buildings to start all this mess we're currently desperately attempting to clean up, I don't think you're worth arguing with.


Hows about being honest:

Europeans, despite what you non-Americans are concluding, do not *hate* America. They are angry about what the American government has done. Guess what? Most Americans are too. Surprise surprise.


couldn't agree more. I do not *hate* America, however the current US administration has done a lot to alienate it's frieds in Europe. The US used to be a country one respected despite it's shortcomings, but over the last 6 years or so it's more or less developed into an "empire" it's impossible to like. I just hope the next president will restore the respect for the United States around the world (most of all in Europe).


>> ^Doc_M:
I kind of find it ironic. The US is basically responsible for the most foreign aid (by a extreme margin), the most science and medicine, the most recent technological advancements, the most charity

Uhm, yeah this is only if you count military aid, if you can even call that aid. Military aid mostly flows straight back in to the American economy via the arms industry, so basically it's just the government paying the military industrial complex. Much of the other aid or loans to third world countries is tied to conditions such as the country in question only buying certain overpriced products from the US, basically stimulating the US economy again.
Also as a percentage of GDP America is on the very low end.
Very interesting:

I live in the Netherlands and I don't hate the American people, I've met a lot of great American people. I do sincerely hate your government, foreign policy and nationalism.

This video is bullshit, it's all commentary hardly backed up by evidence. The dutch news programs don't really seem to have much bias against America. The papers have a lot of pieces against America, but that's mostly because of the foreign policy. I compare the news here with the American news online and don't see the bias...


>> ^Doc_M:

The US is basically responsible for the most foreign aid
I challenge each of us to consider what would happen if the US decided to retract all of our military from all over the world, divest all of our funds from all foreign corporations, and stop all foreign aid.

Doc_M, please name a source for your claim that he US spends more on foreign aid than most other countries. Is that per country, compared to its GPD or per capita? Does it include the trillions spent in Iraq, military aid to Israel &c? Did you subtract the interest on not paying UN contribution in time?

Re what would happen if the US would retract all its interference with the rest of the world: is there anything I can do to (apart from bashing the US at this place) to speed that up ;-)?

PS: btw, the government and politicians in my country also suck, but fortunately we're so small that we cannot afford to start a war on any other country or create a Guantanamo.


I think America needs the BBC. We have Democracy Now! on some channels in cities but the rest of America needs something like the BBC. I bet a lot of these "stupid" people would be interested in what a channel like that had to offer them intellectually as opposed to CNN and FOX ; they just don't know it yet because they've been having fake cheddar cheese dumped on them by the MCeeDees of media.


It's in Dollar amount. It's hard to compare the nations based on GDP when ours is so much more enormous than most other nations.
:: http://strangemaps.wordpress.com/2007/06/10/131-us-states-renamed-for-countries-with-similar-gdps/

Here's another that considers the entire EU as "one nation"
:: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)

The US economy is a big producer, but also expensive to function. Our foreign aid is about twice that of the nearest nation, Germany... so when I say most aid, I mean most aid in dollars by at least 2x. I consider aid to Iraq and Israel to be legitimate aid. I don't know if it was considered in the numbers I've seen however.
BTW, the report I'm referring to can be seen in the link above. Israel isn't even on the top 10. Iraq is on top.

I should also mention our investment in the U.N... take 2005 for example:
$5,327,276,000 - which looks like it increases by about $800,000,000 or so per year.

"The top seven contributors to the UN are the USA (25%); Japan (15.7%); Germany (9.1%); France (6.4%); the United Kingdom (5.3%); Italy (5.2%); and Russia (4.3%). Collectively, they account for more than 71% of the regular UN budget." -Un.org

It's also worth mentioning the CDC and other foreign medical assistance we provide, HIV/Malaria/etc. It's pretty extensive work.

[edit]: Sorry Octo, I'm addicted to the "edit" button.


I am serious. Perhaps a re-read is in order. The map I linked was just an interesting way to visualize just how the US GDP compares to a number of other entire countries. If you count the EU as a single "country," our GDPs are very similar. and I forgot to mention, but that "charity" and "foreign aid" figure, does not include military spending. If it did, that'd just be staggeringly high, sad to say.


That's cheating: changing/adding to your comment after I responded to it. Anyway, I don't consider a "strange maps" website dated June last year a serious source. Neither is a random citation to a wiki page listing EU countries' GPD's adding anything.


And in response to said hatred of "American Nationalism," there are two problems... First, you're getting an inaccurate picture of it from your media AND from ours. There is no doubt in my eyes about that. The BBC and other foreign news agencies just love to portray Americans as either Valley Girls or ignorant hill-billies who say "get-r-done" far to often with a Big Mac in one hand and a Shotgun in the other. I guarantee you can find the European version of each of those sorts if you look around for a second. Ironically, the American media likes to do the same thing... at least the comedy portion of it does.

The other problem is that Europeans seem just as Nationalist from this side of the pond as we seem to you from yours. Loving your country is by no means stupid if you have some sort of reason to do so. I happen to like it here. Sue me. hehe

Bottom line, every country contains its own idiots, yuppies, hillbillies, and "MOTHERLAND-shouters" --even if they come in different forms.


i can't believe this thread is still alive. you've all come a long way off the point which is - this video sucks more than Anna Nicole Smith in a room full of billionaires. why don't you open a new post in Politics talk and compare your penises...


I think Doc's point is hate the foreign policy not the country.

Contributions to Science and Mankind from US government funded research has changed the world for the better. To say otherwise and make blanket statements is both ignorant and stupid.

Now that is not to say that the last 10 years haven't seen an over all decrease in total funding when compared to inflation, it has. And as a result I think science has been set back oh I don't know- 15 years. The point is American science and engineering has bettered the world.

Don't like it rebel: stop using your telephone, computer, and car. Don't get vaccinated, don't use anything to do with satellites cause they use GPS and that was based on the atomic clock... the list goes on and on. Sweeping statements are in general stupid, except the statement that sweeping statements are stupid.


Well, I think in a way that Chggie was right. They shouldn't have used his name in the title to deride him. Then again, maybe Choggie shouldn't have act-

... oh wait. Wrong never ending thread. Sorry


>> ^Doc_M:
And in response to said hatred of "American Nationalism," there are two problems... First, you're getting an inaccurate picture of it from your media AND from ours. There is no doubt in my eyes about that. The BBC and other foreign news agencies just love to portray Americans as either Valley Girls or ignorant hill-billies who say "get-r-done" far to often with a Big Mac in one hand and a Shotgun in the other. I guarantee you can find the European version of each of those sorts if you look around for a second. Ironically, the American media likes to do the same thing... at least the comedy portion of it does.

It's silly to accuse european media of bias towards US when the only real news you get on TV these days comes from comedians like Bill Maher, Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert. Conventional journalism in America is long dead - long live the internet...

The other problem is that Europeans seem just as Nationalist from this side of the pond as we seem to you from yours. Loving your country is by no means stupid if you have some sort of reason to do so. I happen to like it here. Sue me. hehe

We're even more nationalistic than you - well, it figures, right? I mean, we have a rich history of waging war on each other going back thousands of years while you had to invent one in a hurry. But we've learned the lesson (I hope) and we don't go around the world all snub, telling others how to lead their lives and invade coutries we don't like under some bullshit pretenses.

Bottom line, every country contains its own idiots, yuppies, hillbillies, and "MOTHERLAND-shouters" --even if they come in different forms.

True. But we don't just hand them the keys to the country as you did...


> Bottom line, every country contains its own idiots, yuppies, hillbillies, and "MOTHERLAND-shouters" --even if they come in different forms.
>> ^kulpims:
>> True. But we don't just hand them the keys to the country as you did...

actually, yes. we all do exactly that, sometimes.

because in desperate times, we're more likely to react emotionally.
and seek unity, to find comfort in eachother, and to steel our resolve to respond.

sometimes, cooler heads prevail. more compassionate, reasonable heads.
but that path is harder. and is therefore not usually the first option to enter our minds.

the default option belongs to our baser instincts. our less rational selves.
the fight or flight response. and humans don't fly very well...


^The "compassionate, reasonable" approach only really works then the other side is also reasonable and compassionate, or in no position to be otherwise. So, yeah, that is always harder to say the least. Not unworthy of great effort, but hard.

I'd also prefer to give the keys to the country to some more than others, even if the some seems only the lesser of two evils. Europe should be equally cautious who they decide to pass the keys to in the near future.


it's hard to make a rational decision when the whole nation is afraid of the future and it's even harder to take the road of compassion when everyone is afraid of the truth.
and yes, we should be cautious. the prospect of EU becoming the next totalitarian superstate running a huge bureaucratic apparatus with countless regulations, restrictions of personal freedom and ever growing social inequality frightens me. if shit happens to hit the fan I'm moving to Antarctica


Europe is weak, ineffectual, and a failed attempt at global unification.

They were much better off when they defended their individual cultures and were open about hating each other and France and England fought all the time like drunken in-laws.

Continue to hate the USA, as you can do nothing of consequence to change anything.

Actually that's inaccurate. Europe can be overrun by Muslim hordes. Hopefully the Enlightened Atheist majority of Europe will do a better job converting the decapitators to reason. Ha ha ha.


I wasn't able to read everything here, but I thought there were a few things I could add to:

1) A few people seemed to use hate speech on the internet as proof of the virulence of anti-Americanism in Europe. Thing is, the Internet is a radical place. If the internet represented society as it really is, Ron Paul would have won the nomination for president. I'm an American and just last year studied abroad in England for six months--I never experienced any anti-Americanism whatsoever, anywhere. People were lovely to us (my friend and I) both in Britain and in France, even when we displayed full-on our horrible ignorance of French. The worst I ever got? I pronounced "herb" like "urb" and was gently teased.

2) Yes, America's in the wrong in a lot of ways, I agree with that. But I think there's also the phenomenon of scapegoating, which a few people touched upon. It's just easier to make everything an us-them scenario, and everyone loves to hate America, the big snarling overdog. We've got more eyes on us than any other country, and now that we've been stuck in such an awful administration for so long, every further misstep is spotlighted like it is for no other country. Say, what's Japan been up to lately? How about Italy? We know these countries also both have controversial governments, but they receive vastly less attention because they aren't under such constant hyper-critical surveillance (yes, they also aren't as intrusive and haven't committed acts quite as bad as we have in recent years, and we DO hear about them in the news, I'm not saying we don't hear anything; the point still stands).

3) One comment, by tgop, really stuck out to me because they said America doesn't seem to "learn from its mistakes." I would hope the world is witnessing the complete opposite--this election is the first in which both a woman and an African-American man are up for the nomination. The fact that they are even _running_ should be a sign to the world that Americans are also unhappy with their current administration, and that change is on the way.

...But maybe I'm just beating a horse long dead...




Press the fucking caps lock 1 more time.




Like hell you're Irish. GTFO.

On Topic: You can all go on wondering why the rest of the world are filled with scorn ( I wouldn't say hate) for America while you

-Bitch about Bush but elect John Mc Cain (You know it'll happen).
-Bitch about Guantanamo for 5 minutes but forget about it because American Idol is on.
-Occasionally get off your asses and protest at something the governement has done, not noticing that THEY ARE NOT PAYING ANY ATTENTION TO YOU AT ALL. They've realised you are happy with your little token protests while they go and do what the fuck they want.
-Equate patriotism with obeying your government unquestioningly. You pledge allegiance to the flag, not the rich men at the top. When did America become a frigging monarchy?
-Say how disgusted you are at the news of every new high school massacre, yet defend your "Right" to bear arms for no good fucking reason. "But if guns are illegal how'll we defend ourselves against people with guns?!" (Someone will try to defend it here too).
-If I start on your foreign policy I won't stop so I'll call it quits there.

I upvoted the video as a good example of the drivel the majority of Americans will lap up.

Ignorance must be bliss, huh.

EDIT: Heavens, just noticed how cross I sound.


First, think of a female in your life that you really, truly love. Maybe your mom or your little sister. Now answer truthfully - Would you rather an unarmed 200lb man tried to rape her (she is also unarmed), or would you prefer that they both be armed? The way I see it, she has zero chance unarmed; I mean absolutely no chance at all. With the gun, the odds are probably still against her, but at least she has a fighting chance. I' an American and I say - Guns are the great equalizer!! Bullies hate them!! And I don't own one, by the way... I'll probably close the barn door after the cow gets out...


Wanted to also mention - how ironic is it that the citizens of the last countries to try and conquer the world (Germany, France, England, Spain, etc) accuse the US of imperialism? "Uh, yeah. But we're way more wiser now."
Just shut up, you don't get to accuse anyone of imperialism with your sorry record.


but who is more likely to be carrying a gun? The 200lb rapist or your little sister?

>> ^BubbaBighatt:
First, think of a female in your life that you really, truly love. Maybe your mom or your little sister. Now answer truthfully - Would you rather an unarmed 200lb man tried to rape her (she is also unarmed), or would you prefer that they both be armed? The way I see it, she has zero chance unarmed; I mean absolutely no chance at all. With the gun, the odds are probably still against her, but at least she has a fighting chance. I' an American and I say - Guns are the great equalizer!! Bullies hate them!! And I don't own one, by the way... I'll probably close the barn door after the cow gets out...


>> ^BubbaBighatt:
First, think of a female in your life that you really, truly love. Maybe your mom or your little sister. Now answer truthfully - Would you rather an unarmed 200lb man tried to rape her (she is also unarmed), or would you prefer that they both be armed? The way I see it, she has zero chance unarmed; I mean absolutely no chance at all. With the gun, the odds are probably still against her, but at least she has a fighting chance. I' an American and I say - Guns are the great equalizer!! Bullies hate them!! And I don't own one, by the way... I'll probably close the barn door after the cow gets out...

Yes, but now there's a much higher chance she'd end up dead instead of traumatized.

And please don't try to justify it with any more obscure "What if..?" situations. You'll only sound silly.


Love the part about condemnation by Germany. Remember, it's clearly wrong to despise Germans as a people, because of what one man and his followers did. But! It's okay to despise Americans as a people, because of what the lousy US government does. "We" voted for them, right? So we must favor all of the policies. Clearly, we're all evil! Stupid and eeeeeevil!!

Anyone who thoughtlessly lumps people together as a whole to judge is a bigoted idiot. Also, I'm half German.


>> ^JohnnyMackers:
>> ^BubbaBighatt:
First, think of a female in your life that you really, truly love. Maybe your mom or your little sister. Now answer truthfully - Would you rather an unarmed 200lb man tried to rape her (she is also unarmed), or would you prefer that they both be armed? The way I see it, she has zero chance unarmed; I mean absolutely no chance at all. With the gun, the odds are probably still against her, but at least she has a fighting chance. I' an American and I say - Guns are the great equalizer!! Bullies hate them!! And I don't own one, by the way... I'll probably close the barn door after the cow gets out...

Yes, but now there's a much higher chance she'd end up dead instead of traumatized.
And please don't try to justify it with any more obscure "What if..?" situations. You'll only sound silly.

Spoken like a true bully...


The human rights comments are pretty damn funny. Sorry, I haven't evolved that far yet, where someone vows to try and kill me and I give him every opportunity. No, I'm pretty much going to try and lock him up (at the minimum), maybe do a little waterboarding to try and find out where his buddies are, too.

Why? The Europeans said it best - There is no God. Big bunch of nothing after this life. Blackness. You're gone forever and ever and ever and ever... No coming back, no thoughts, just nothing. Stop and really think about that.

So I'm going to let some religous nut case take MY life without putting up a struggle? Nope, you'll need to respect my right to live before I respect your human rights.


Bubba, go back to the shrimping business.

What you are saying is:
A] Killing is better then raping
Both are evil, but if you had to choose most would think being raped is better then getting killed.
B] You also assume that all fights are clear. In most cases you will see someone in a dark alley, shoot him and later figure out he was on his way with a toy gun for his kid.
C] Nut jobs tend to have guns and use them. The rest of us dont have the time or inclination to buy guns.
D] Worst of all: in your world, you automatically get into an arms race. Every time someone buys a bigger and better gun, you need one to for "protection". In the end that will drive you paranoid and your only option is a preventive strike.

What the hell do religious fanatics have to do with Europeans hating Americans or not? Is this a new form of Godwins law? If a discussion is sufficiently long, someone starts to compare issues with terrorism?

BTW, those countries you mentioned were hated plenty in their imperialistic days. Not the least by a group of people who fled those countries to find their luck elsewhere. Yes, smart ass. I am talking about your ancestors. If there is such a thing as hating Americans (and I dont believe a word of it) they are just returning the favor.

Instead of hate or scorn, try bewilderment. Most of the people in this world read about the US, shrug, roll their eyes and go about their business wondering how a country can dig its own grave like that.

I still remember the US as 1 of the 2 countries not recognizing the international war tribunal. The standpoint being that if ever a US citizen would be accused of war crimes, the US would send an invasion force to liberate him. The mayor of The Hague (small town where the court is) had US flags placed around a small section of beach so the invasion force wouldnt disturb the tourists. That is how the rest of the world thinks about the US. Like you do about your grandmother. There is a lot of respect for what she could and sometimes still can do. But most of the time she is just totally demented.


All Europeans don't hate the US. It's only the few able to look farther beyond their borders than most Americans can look beyond theirs. Everyone is the same. Everywhere. Everyone thinks their country is the Shit. Everyone thinks every other country is just shit. Muslim extremists feel that way about their religion, Americans think that way about their country, we Canadians think that way about hockey and beer.

But, to be quite honest, Canadians do have better beer. Now THAT is what I'd like the world to sing.

Why is American beer like sex in a rowboat? They're both fucking close to water.


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