Matthews VAPORIZES McCain Sr. Campaign Advisor on Hardball

The meltdown begins about 2 minutes in...

While he should drill the issue, and I for certain do not support McCain and Palin, it is being sensationalized a tad too greatly. There are other, much larger issues here which they could focus on. Such as fact checking the candidates thoroughly and confronting them on lies -either- side puts forward. The list goes ON and ON and ON. We all know Palin is cerebrally challenged on many issues. Focus on McCain. He is the one running for President here.


I think it's a very important issue considering this person, in 2 weeks time, might occupy an office that she either does not understand the role of, or wants to redefine that role. You can't separate Palin from the equation and say it should just be about McCain. At 72 years old and with four cancer scares, it's a sad reality that he probably would not survive his first term in office. Leaving this blundering, frightening, ignorant wretch in charge.


I for one think this Nancy person is very hot. Why she is almost hot enough to run for VP! On a serious note though, she was devastated. I was hoping Matthews would show the clip a third time, and then just stare at her in silent disgust.


The Vice President may also be assigned additional duties by the president but, as the Constitution assigns no executive powers to the vice president, in performing such duties he or she acts only as an agent of the president.


It matter not much to me the intricacies of your constitution.

But MY GOD, will you check out the mouth on that woman? Just she let it close for more than 2 seconds?

How do her teeth not dry out?

How does her face not hurt?

That's some skill keeping that wide a 'smile' on a face for that length of time.



>> ^deedub81:
The Vice President may also be assigned additional duties by the president but, as the Constitution assigns no executive powers to the vice president, in performing such duties he or she acts only as an agent of the president.

Damn straight deedub.

And Tweety was sincerely at his best in this segment. He's pissed, and looking for a senate seat in 2010, and I'm loving every minute of it.

"We'll talk about this after the election." -- ha!!


Where is the video looping Palin's comment:
What does the VP do?
"They're in charge of the United States senate!"
"They're in charge of the United States senate!"
"They're in charge of the United States senate!"
"They're in charge of the United States senate!"
"They're in charge of the United States senate!" .....


While Matthews does have total control in this entire clip, I think he went overboard a few times. It seemed to me like he was trying to play for the cameras... he kept sneaking little jabs about Palin's clothes which I thought was unnecessary. He made that (entirely relevant) point ealier, and made it very strongly, and there was no reason to do that shit later on in the interview. Pfotenhauer called him on that BS once or twice, but that doesn't amount to much considering the huge pile she was swimming through the other 8 minutes of the interview.

This is about as good as an interview as I've seen recently as far as non-BS goes from these pundits, but I'd still like to see even less.


Article One Section Three paragraph 4 The United States Constitution

The Vise President of the United States shall be president of the senate but shall have no vote unless they be equally divided.

The Us Constitution and Fascinating facts about it - page 32.


Ok... I loath this woman... but come on people...

"She was talking to a reporter"... yes... BUT she was answering questions from 8 year olds... I just think using this against her is a little silly... There is SOOOOO much we can beat her over the head with, with regard to policy...

Personally I think Mathews sounds and looks like a real jack ass... Almost Billo'esk here...


This interview would have been 30 secs long if she simply said Palin made a mistake. In fact none of these idiots would have jobs if people just admitted their mistakes. Can you imagine her stating it was a mistake and watching all the pundits completely lockup. All us married men know the quickest way to move on is to admit wrongdoing (even though we know we're right).


>> ^honkeytonk73:
While he should drill the issue, and I for certain do not support McCain and Palin, it is being sensationalized a tad too greatly. There are other, much larger issues here which they could focus on.

I strongly disagree with this sentiment. What equates to an abuse and utter disregard of our constitution should absolutely be hollered about. The idea that no one (meaning the public at large) seems to give a shit that someone plans to intentionally act outside the confines of the their role according to the constitution is ridiculous.


It's good to finally see these jackasses getting hammered after all these years of being treated with kid gloves, although I agree that Matthews did push it a little far. But, the only reason he pushed it as far as he did was because this Nancy Pfatenfeffer jerk refused, to allow that their candidate was ill-prepared with that knowledge. Palin is dangerous, anyone who doesn't see that is a fundamentalist christian, or a fucking moron.


Great stuff, I agree she should have just written it off as a mistake but then these people refuse to take responsibility for anything. Don't know who the interviewer was but I liked his style, probing questions and no bullshit.

Strange looking woman with that mouth. After a while it started resembling a bright flying saucer.


While there are some clear points made here...

This style is a bit too much like Bill O's attacking rants that doesn't let anyone else speak or argue the point.

Her mistake is trying to even defend herself.


Does Thrill Matthews really need a OBAMARX CAMPAIGN SPOKESMAN there to back him up? Can't do a simple "interview" without interjecting a (free) political commercial for the messiah and his boy blunder?

Makes both these men look laughably weak.

"There is no controlling legal authority that says this was in violation of law."

Actual Vice President Al Gore, who broke the law* WHILE IN THE WHITE HOUSE

* Section 607 of Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code


>> ^quantumushroom:
Does Thrill Matthews really need a OBAMARX CAMPAIGN SPOKESMAN there to back him up? Can't do a simple "interview" without interjecting a (free) political commercial for the messiah and his boy blunder?

Um, Nancy Pfotenhauer is a McCain campaign senior policy advisor. It says so in the title of this video. The piece was not meant as an interview of her, it was a panel discussion where one of the participants just didn't feel like throwing in. Or couldn't find a good place to do so perhaps. I don't think Matthews was trying to have the guy back him up, he only asked for his take on it because that was why he was invited - to put forward his side's take on issues.

Personally, I think the whole "everything must be presented in a balanced manner" approach is silly, but that is, I believe, the goal on Hardball.


I love when you add an unnecessary addendum to your rants.

"This is why I don't think Nobamamarx should be blacking up the White House. And did I mention the Gulf of Tonkin?!"

>> ^quantumushroom:
Does Thrill Matthews really need a OBAMARX CAMPAIGN SPOKESMAN there to back him up? Can't do a simple "interview" without interjecting a (free) political commercial for the messiah and his boy blunder?
Makes both these men look laughably weak.

"There is no controlling legal authority that says this was in violation of law."
Actual Vice President Al Gore, who broke the law WHILE IN THE WHITE HOUSE

Section 607 of Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code


Oh. My. Word. Name one president in the last 50 years who hasn't perjured themselves by violating their oath to defend and protect the Constitution. In fact, the two major candidates running today are BUILDING THEIR CAMPAIGNS on violations of the Constitution. Everyone (republicans and democrats) wants to plunder everyone else so that no one has to work.

Consider this concept very carefully now that we are talking about the Constitution: it matters very little who becomes president. His office is one of limited, delegated, enumerated powers. If he steps beyond those powers, and thereby violates the constitution he swore to uphold, every single last American (who claims to operate under the principals found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution) should bring charges of at least perjury and treason.

You can't bring this government back under control unless you take the time to study and learn Foundational Law, and Apply It. The government officers are servants, not masters.


The piece was not meant as an interview of her, it was a panel discussion where one of the participants just didn't feel like throwing in.

Oh, I see. Because this isn't FOX, we automatically assume everything is really fair and balanced.

I love when you add an unnecessary addendum to your rants.

Democrat criminality is underreported by the "unbiased" MSM. That's why not a single "journalist" covered the real cause of the Fannie/Freddie collapse: Democrats.

Quantummushroom - don't worry, only 2 more weeks and you can throw McCain under the bus all you want.

The people that only learn things the hard way never seem to learn at all. That's why taxocrats never quite fade away. The punishment you risk voting for a socialist will be the possibility he might win.


Even after Matthews explained the answer, which neither she nor your VP candidate knew, she still refused to accept it. There's a difference between stubborn and stupid QM and from what I've seen of you, that's going to be a tough lesson to learn.


>> ^lucky760:
>> ^honkeytonk73:
While he should drill the issue, and I for certain do not support McCain and Palin, it is being sensationalized a tad too greatly. There are other, much larger issues here which they could focus on.

I strongly disagree with this sentiment. What equates to an abuse and utter disregard of our constitution should absolutely be hollered about. The idea that no one (meaning the public at large) seems to give a shit that someone plans to intentionally act outside the confines of the their role according to the constitution is ridiculous.

True, but this is also awful:

Truthiness or *lies? In charge? LIES!

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