Police Who Murder Man In Public On Camera Fired

The FBI is looking into the death of a black man after he was stopped by police in Minneapolis. Video of the confrontation shows a white officer with his knee pinning down the man's neck for over 7 minutes while he pleads for air and long after he goes unconscious.
Other video from nearby stores captured the arrest in it's entirety, but do not show the victim resisting at all.
4 officers were put on paid leave, but due to outrage have now reportedly been fired, but are not yet charged with any crime.

News, Eric Garner pt. 2. I just wish I would have been there because instead of standing there filming I would have tackled that officer.

We need people to start standing up for one another against this shit.

*promote *quality


Snuff or news? I feel like this incident is going to be with us for a while.


Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Tuesday, May 26th, 2020 4:08pm PDT - promote requested by Mordhaus.

Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by Mordhaus.


I thought the same thing. No jury would convict you, and you would save a life.
Better might be to citizens arrest them both for attempted murder, meaning you have the right to kill them in the process if they fight. (Force used in a citizens arrest must be in line with the crime and only the amount needed to subdue and hold them)

Thanks for the P and Q


News, Eric Garner pt. 2. I just wish I would have been there because instead of standing there filming I would have tackled that officer.

We need people to start standing up for one another against this shit.

*promote *quality


I'm going to say something, and some people are going to lose their shit because they won't understand what I'm trying to say, but I'm going to say it anyway.

You know what this is?
Another dead n****r.

You know what Americans can give a shit less about?
Dead n****rs.

You know when Americans start giving a shit about dead n****rs?
When live n****rs start kneeling at sporting events because America doesn't give a shit about dead n****rs.

If you're dark-skinned in America, you don't matter; you never mattered and you will never matter.
It will always be open season on you. You will always be "them"; you will always be the enemy.
You will never get justice, you will never get equality, you will never be welcomed.
The slightest infraction by any one of you will be equated as a shortcoming of your entire race.
If you raise your voice, then they'll call the police and if you raise your fist then they'll call out the National Guard.
It doesn't matter what you accomplish in your life, it doesn't matter how high you climb in your profession and it doesn't matter how much you better the human race as a whole, America will always view you as JAFN.
But the day you start voting with the bullet and not the ballot, all that changes. Equality has a blood price and when you make them pay it, then you'll start to be considered equal.
And not one fucking second before.


Sorry Newt, but this'll just be added to the pile of "who cares?"

This is the country that watches its children get machine-gunned in their schools and just shrugs. This is the country that poisoned its own population with opioids and just shrugged. This is the country that allowed corporations to take over the entire power structure of the nation and just shrugged. No one cares. No. One. Cares.

You cannot overcome the wall of indifference and entitlement no matter how many impassioned pleas or elegant speeches you make.

Your heart's in the right place, but this is Bob Knight's country now and you will never get it back. And the people who're like Bob Knight? Yeah, they really don't give a shit about dead niggers.

As soon as I get my work visa for France finalized, I am out of here.


Snuff or news? I feel like this incident is going to be with us for a while.


To your first post, some of us care because it's a dead American, period. I agree, many have that mindset, but not all Americans by far. That said, I'm astonished that non-white America hasn't openly declared the undeclared and often denied war between them and blue America. Where's Cyrus (from the movie The Warriors)?

I'm not prepared to just hand over the nation my forefathers gave their lives to create without a fight because the number of easily duped morons in our midst was underestimated. The last election gives hope that the populous was sufficiently shocked to at least vote, especially with so many states moving to all vote by mail. Trump was right for once, if everyone eligible votes, no Republican will ever hold a federal office again. To combat voter fraud, instead of presidential tantrums I wish they would make it a mandatory sentence felony and prosecute every case, that would have put quite a few Republicans in prison last election including some candidates.

Who cares?! Sadly it seems to be a minority of us, especially a minority of those of us in office, but still a plurality. There are more of us than there are Trumpsters, but we aren't as single minded or unified since we can think for ourselves instead of just regurgitating propaganda.

Yes, our country, it's values, morals, and ethics are all in dire shape, but I believe it's not beyond saving unless we give up and move to France....then it will probably be a Chinese colony in a decade.


Sorry Newt, but this'll just be added to the pile of "who cares?"

This is the country that watches its children get machine-gunned in their schools and just shrugs. This is the country that poisoned its own population with opioids and just shrugged. This is the country that allowed corporations to take over the entire power structure of the nation and just shrugged. No one cares. No. One. Cares.

You cannot overcome the wall of indifference and entitlement no matter how many impassioned pleas or elegant speeches you make.

Your heart's in the right place, but this is Bob Knight's country now and you will never get it back. And the people who're like Bob Knight? Yeah, they really don't give a shit about dead niggers.

As soon as I get my work visa for France finalized, I am out of here.


Newt, you've already lost.

You didn't lose with Trump in 2016, but with California's Prop 13 in 1978.

The goal of the Neocon movement was to decimate American public education because they knew that an educated population would never vote for the kind of shit they were selling, and because teachers (being educated and all) were a powerful Democratic voting block. Defunding public education was a win/win for them.

It worked beautifully.

The teacher's unions were starved. Public schooling imploded. We went from the most educated populace in the world to the point where 50% of the population can't find their own country on a map.

Then the real screw-job started with the wealth transfer. Unions were busted, jobs were moved overseas. The safety net that kept millions from abject poverty was dissolved ("welfare queens", "food-stamp cheats"). The Middle Class began to evaporate with about 10% climbing up the ladder and the rest being dumped into the street.

For people like me -- people with high-end skills and a college degree -- that shit worked out great. But people who aren't as lucky? Kinda sucks being them. So they got madder and madder. Luckily, there were dark-skinned people that this rage could be directed at. That good ol' American racism? That shit pays dividends if you play it the right way.

Now you have an increasing number of poorly educated people living in poverty with grievances. Hey, guess what -- we have a new tool to focus all that anger and it's called FOX News! They can show you whose dastardly plan it was to keep your poor, white self down on the farm while those FUCKING LIBERALS live it up in the cities!

Lather, rinse, repeat.

See Newt, people like Bob aren't an anomaly, they're the intended end result of a very well-conceived long-term plan by extraordinarily smart people who understood Chomsky, Orwell and Lasker better than you ever will. Bob is now the norm and you are the exception.

Go ahead and vote in Biden or Warren or even Sanders: it doesn't fucking matter because you can't vote out entrenched stupid. No matter who is sitting at 1600 Penn Ave, Bob is sitting in front of his computer, seething and being stupid. He's not going anywhere. He's not going to see things differently and he's damned well not going to get any smarter.

There's a shit-ton of Bobs in this country and their numbers are growing daily. What're you going to do with them? Put 'em in a camp somewhere? Shoot 'em? You cannot have Bobs and the America you want. That leaves you with exactly two choices: you pick up your gun and shoot them, or you pick up your passport and leave. It's one or the other. You might not like the taste of this shit sandwich, but you're going to eat it whether you like it or not.

Also, you think Bob's a little kooky? Go visit 4chan's /pol/, visit whatever 8chan became, visit the comments section of Zero Hedge, read the comments on FOX's YouTube videos: those motherfuckers make Bob look like a goddamn bastion of rationality. Those people, the ones who're yelling at their screens and pounding out febrile screeds? They're armed. They hate you. They want to kill you. The only reason they haven't is because they haven't reached critical mass yet. Give them a couple of years of post-Covid economic collapse and they'll get there.

I'll never forget the most important lesson a Holocaust Survivor taught me: "The smart Jews left first".

Good luck; see you in Lyon.


Yes, our country, it's values, morals, and ethics are all in dire shape, but I believe it's not beyond saving unless we give up and move to France....then it will probably be a Chinese colony in a decade.


Hmmmm.....I went to public schools in California in the 80's, they were well above average, head and shoulders above public school in Texas. Granted, I went in Los Altos Hills and Palo Alto, neither hurting for tax funds. I'm not sure how they keep the lights on up here in Humboldt county.

You may be right, but even a confirmed pessimist like me has a hard time believing Trumpsters are now average intelligence, 100 IQ. That would make me Einstein, and I'm no Einstein.

Yes, there are more dumb people than intelligent....it's up to the intelligent to use their brains to get around that. It's not a new concept, it's why we have an electoral college.

Why can't I pick up my gun, do my duty to cull the American herd of the mentally feeble, then move to New Zealand? ;-)

The thing about the screaming loonies is they think they're tough, but the first time someone returns fire more than half will piss themselves and drop their guns in terror. Those pansies are afraid of deer. They love to be tough thinking only right wingers own guns....they're wrong. I've got many.

Yeah.....I'm not going to France no matter what happens. I'd move to NZ in a heartbeat though.


The most frustrating thing about this for me is--I can pretty much guarantee that because the firing was so precipitous, I can almost guarantee that the particular union termination rules were not followed---and the Police Officers Association will follow with an appeal of the firing, and he will be re-hired.



Somehow Stuka Fox implied "german" to me so I wanted to go on a rant about how this stuff also has religion as source because of my experience as a non-german (aka white n**r ) in different parts of germany. But I dont have time.

Basically religion (or ideology) gives you this false feeling of confidence that if you do something immoral for the religious or ideological greater good you can repent and repeat. And fear of "different" people is something that can only be overcome by social skills, education and experience which is mostly addressed above.

Why choose "Stuka Fox" if there is all that (or some :-) humanism behind that facade?


Hey Vil,

No offense man, but I totally couldn't understand a thing you were saying. Seriously, I don't know what your point is supposed to be?


Somehow Stuka Fox implied "german" to me so I wanted to go on a rant about how this stuff also has religion as source because of my experience as a non-german (aka white n**r ) in different parts of germany. But I dont have time.

Basically religion (or ideology) gives you this false feeling of confidence that if you do something immoral for the religious or ideological greater good you can repent and repeat. And fear of "different" people is something that can only be overcome by social skills, education and experience which is mostly addressed above.

Why choose "Stuka Fox" if there is all that (or some :-) humanism behind that facade?


So this guy who started bustin up the first place that burned down tonight in Minneapolis has some saying he's been identified as a police officer

the guy bustin up the place https://tuckbot.tv/#/watch/gsgwpm

Social media post/convo that points to him be identified. https://twitter.com/ASB_Breaking/status/1266182888170631169

Police say it's not him https://heavy.com/news/2020/05/jacob-pederson-auto-zone-cop-not-umbrella-man/

no idea if any of this holds water as i just saw most of it quickly and didn't want to take to much time looking into it all. I found much of it in this reddit thread https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/gsgwpm/video_proof_that_the_protesters_didnt_start_the/


Agreed. This is because the SJM media need to stoke the flames of division and discontent.

Does all the looting and additional killing justifiable?

What happened was wrong. The cop should be punished by the law.


Snuff or news? I feel like this incident is going to be with us for a while.


Yep, all that evil media's fault for reporting facts and exposing murderers, not the racist murdering cops, not the racist hyper divisive president that makes every single thing that happens a divisive issue. God Damn you get dumber every day, you ignorant welfare queen.

You mean IS it justifiable? Absolutely.

What happened was wrong, and the norm. Usually it only ends in hospitalization, permanent injury, and unjustified incarceration with zero consequences for the criminal cops thanks to their gang culture they call the blue wall of silence.

Cop(s) should be punished by law, but without looting and additional unrest, they never are. Without the media exposing them, they never are.

Trump told them to do this, "don't be so nice", he said, "don't protect their head, smash them on the car", he said. I'm on your side, go forth and conquer, he said (not in those exact words). I think you've forgotten you are on the criminal murdering cop gang side. Trump calls these protesters "THUGS", not "good people" like he says about NAZIS who riot and murder citizens. Trump sent in the national guard not to keep the peace, but to shoot the thugs.

Umbrella man, who single handedly turned the peaceful protests into rioting, is white, and sure appears to be a police officer.


Agreed. This is because the SJM media need to stoke the flames of division and discontent.

Does all the looting and additional killing justifiable?

What happened was wrong. The cop should be punished by the law.


i agree its tempting to stop this from happening... but you say this after the fact that floyd is dead.

in your scenario, the person being arrested ends up living. so he goes to jail, alive. you get arrested for assaulting an officer and obstructing justice and now have to prove the person would have died if you had not intervened. that's a steep uphill battle but i would be on your side.


I thought the same thing. No jury would convict you, and you would save a life.
Better might be to citizens arrest them both for attempted murder, meaning you have the right to kill them in the process if they fight. (Force used in a citizens arrest must be in line with the crime and only the amount needed to subdue and hold them)

Thanks for the P and Q


Absolutely correct....but after he stopped moving and breathing with a dozen witnesses and on cameras, odds are good you would beat any charges. If I was a jurist I would never convict.

I'm worried.....they charged the cop who was on camera, but I haven't heard about any autopsy. It seems likely that the officer(s) off camera, knee to his midsection and/or full body weight, is the one that caused his death. It's hard to strangle someone with a knee unless they're face up. There were three holding him, not one helping him, they're all guilty here.
I'm afraid the charges are designed to placate the masses then fall apart....again.


i agree its tempting to stop this from happening... but you say this after the fact that floyd is dead.

in your scenario, the person being arrested ends up living. so he goes to jail, alive. you get arrested for assaulting an officer and obstructing justice and now have to prove the person would have died if you had not intervened. that's a steep uphill battle but i would be on your side.


the autopsy showed no evidence of strangulation. almost like they were setting up to brush this under the rug, but had to stop once people started rioting.


I'm worried.....they charged the cop who was on camera, but I haven't heard about any autopsy. It seems likely that the officer(s) off camera, knee to his midsection and/or full body weight, is the one that caused his death. It's hard to strangle someone with a knee unless they're face up. There were three holding him, not one helping him, they're all guilty here.
I'm afraid the charges are designed to placate the masses then fall apart....again.


F¥¢k.....ok, preliminary autopsy...unless you found something I can't. Still...F¥¢k.
Could be I'm right then, they're setting up a prosecution they hope will fail, and ignoring/hiding the evidence of what killed him to shield the direct killer(s). That's one more reason they should all be tried together no matter which one stopped his breathing, they all helped murder him.


the autopsy showed no evidence of strangulation. almost like they were setting up to brush this under the rug, but had to stop once people started rioting.


The family's autopsy results are in..."asphyxiation from sustained pressure, homicide". No underlying medical conditions caused or contributed to Floyd’s death, medical examiner Michael Baden said at a news conference.
These findings directly contradict the preliminary findings from the county medical examiner.

That means the two officers with their knees in his back crushing his lungs, not the one on his neck, were the direct cause of his death....not that it should matter, all 4 actively participated in his murder.

Again, it's looking like they're intentionally misrepresenting the crime to throw the case against what they'll eventually say is the wrong defendant, and I fully expect they will never charge the "right" defendants.


the autopsy showed no evidence of strangulation. almost like they were setting up to brush this under the rug, but had to stop once people started rioting.


Guilty of second degree unintentional murder, second degree manslaughter, and third degree murder.


Self promoting this video back to the front page; last published Tuesday, May 26th, 2020 4:08pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter newtboy.


Innocent men framed


Yep, all that evil media's fault for reporting facts and exposing murderers, not the racist murdering cops, not the racist hyper divisive president that makes every single thing that happens a divisive issue. God Damn you get dumber every day, you ignorant welfare queen.

You mean IS it justifiable? Absolutely.

What happened was wrong, and the norm. Usually it only ends in hospitalization, permanent injury, and unjustified incarceration with zero consequences for the criminal cops thanks to their gang culture they call the blue wall of silence.

Cop(s) should be punished by law, but without looting and additional unrest, they never are. Without the media exposing them, they never are.

Trump told them to do this, "don't be so nice", he said, "don't protect their head, smash them on the car", he said. I'm on your side, go forth and conquer, he said (not in those exact words). I think you've forgotten you are on the criminal murdering cop gang side. Trump calls these protesters "THUGS", not "good people" like he says about NAZIS who riot and murder citizens. Trump sent in the national guard not to keep the peace, but to shoot the thugs.

Umbrella man, who single handedly turned the peaceful protests into rioting, is white, and sure appears to be a police officer.


This fake preliminary coroner’s report had been debunked before trial, and was again thoroughly at trial. These people you are listening to just hope you are too dumb to remember or too racist to care. Which is it Bobby? My bet, both.

The murdering racist pig justifiably serving 22 1/2 years was just stuck like a pig in prison.

AP-“Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin who was convicted of murdering George Floyd was reportedly stabbed in prison. Prison employees had to perform “life saving measures” before he could be transferred to the hospital for treatment.”


Innocent men framed


bad week for the dude. supreme court rejection of his case. documentary released about him. stabbed on black friday.

another b(o)(o)by hero bites the dust. lololol!!


The murdering racist pig justifiably serving 22 1/2 years was just stuck like a pig in prison.

AP-“Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin who was convicted of murdering George Floyd was reportedly stabbed in prison. Prison employees had to perform “life saving measures” before he could be transferred to the hospital for treatment.”


I was encouraged by the fact that he lasted just under 3 months in gen pop.
If he’s getting in fights, he shouldn’t get a day’s credit for good behavior.
No worries, he can just spend the next 20 years in solitary.


bad week for the dude. supreme court rejection of his case. documentary released about him. stabbed on black friday.

another b(o)(o)by hero bites the dust. lololol!!

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