Incredible skateboarding by soon-to-be-famous Kilian Martin


As a skater, I have to rain on the parade. These are all joke tricks for your standard pro skater, and most aren't even executed exceptionally well. Touching your front wheels in a manual? Putting your foot down? That's basic no-no stuff.
Chris Haslam blows all of this out of the water when he's playing around. Richie Jackson. There's lots of "circus skaters" out there that destroy this dude.
And as someone that's not much of a Mullen fan- Rodney Mullen is roughly 829% better than this guy.



>> ^gnargnar:

As a skater, I have to rain on the parade. These are all joke tricks for your standard pro skater, and most aren't even executed exceptionally well. Touching your front wheels in a manual? Putting your foot down? That's basic no-no stuff.
Chris Haslam blows all of this out of the water when he's playing around. Richie Jackson. There's lots of "circus skaters" out there that destroy this dude.
And as someone that's not much of a Mullen fan- Rodney Mullen is roughly 829% better than this guy.

If that's the case I won't bother correcting his name from the title - the video says Kilian.


Stuff is very Mullen like, but I agree with gnargnar that Mullen blows this guy away. You can't take away a some of his stuff as joke tricks though. I'd like to see you pull off the one foot manual on separate boards...


>> ^gnargnar:

As a skater, I have to rain on the parade. These are all joke tricks for your standard pro skater, and most aren't even executed exceptionally well. Touching your front wheels in a manual? Putting your foot down? That's basic no-no stuff.
Chris Haslam blows all of this out of the water when he's playing around. Richie Jackson. There's lots of "circus skaters" out there that destroy this dude.
And as someone that's not much of a Mullen fan- Rodney Mullen is roughly 829% better than this guy.

I will post your video if you put it on youtube. I'd have to see your credentials in order for me to qualify this statement. A lot of people can talk the talk...


new things I saw were landing with legs crossed (1:40), and rolling off some stairs on two wheels (2:30)...

... both of which are kinda lame (in my opinion).

The fingerflip shit is neat; guys have been resurrecting that old school stuff down stairs and off of ledges, but, well, people stopped doing it because it was kinda lame. Dudes pretty good, though!


... oh, and the, uh, double-kick at 3:07... but, again, 80's bones brigade vert bros were doing that second kick as 13 year olds before someone showed them video of it and they stopped immediately.

THASS RIGHT!! Devil's ADVOCATE up in this biiiitch!!!


Alright, I almost replied to this, but stepping back I concede that it may not be entirely obvious to non-skateboard-nerds how inconceivably difficult Haslam's part there is vs. the fingerflips, low-ledge grinds, Mullin's spins and quick shuvits that make up the bulk of Martin's video.

>> ^Nebosuke:

>> ^bamdrew:
yeah man, Haslam does shit that is borderline miraculous... its probably that wizard beard....
>> ^gnargnar:
... Chris Haslam blows all of this out of the water when he's playing around. ...

After watching that video, Haslam is cleaner, but Martin had more complicated tricks. Haslam was also doing the same trick with only slight variations over and over.

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