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Ravi Zacharias Answers Stephen Hawking

Ravi Zacharias Answers Stephen Hawking

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

As Christopher Hitchens said " human's have been around for 100,000 years and in that time they've killed, reproduced and acted with impunity without any input from god, it was only in the last 2,000 that he eventually started to care about his creation and then it was only a fleeting visit".

the mathematics of that alone is vastly implausible.

Chris Hedges Lays Into Obama

Wozniak on Steve Jobs

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

Wozniak has always been my biggest hero of the 'Apple' founders due to innovation through technical ingenuity and i greatly admire his past beginnings of hacking whatever he could get his hands on.

I am glad to see that he is not interested in running things as he would probably suffer the most from it. Both men have changed things now-days and it was quite remarkable how the company has completely turned around in recent years through positive public image through their unique marketing strategies, will it last? who knows. but it is certainly interesting how in the 1980s Apple was seen to be an alternative niche to the mainstream & now apple IS the mainstream and everything else is seen to be uncool and alternative the very same place they were not so long ago.

Naomi Klein: U.S. Politics Give Protesters No Options

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

this is exactly the same premise as when the Arab spring uprising happened in Tunisia, the U.S. would forever state "If only the citizen's would take matters on themselves and rise up against their oppressors in favor of democracy rule, things would be soo much better" and when it happened they did not know how to react to it because they had absolutely no control over the outcome and whether it would favor their interests as well.

it's a really tragic thing now how the tea party is wholeheartedly accepted and embraced by CNN and other news networks now as legitimate and the more grass-roots movement of occupy wall street is not!. and personally i like and respect even the individuals who aren't in sync with the overall message and bring their own opinions which means its theirs, and they are not being feed notes on what to think or not to think by the shadowy millionaires in the background who are really the cause of its appeal.

Ron Paul's Message to Occupy Wall Street - END THE FED!

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

@ Marbles -

you have contradicted yourself with your first & last statements about Paul's healthcare view's

1) He's the only candidate that supports universal healthcare.

2) he believes people should be able to make their own decisions about their health and their children's health--not the government.

As seen in America when private interest involve themselves in the healthcare industry ALL do not get covered thus it is not UNIVERSAL, so how can he be 'for' people making their own choices when either government is not allowed as a viable option and private business keeps them from treatment?. BTW governments are very efficient at providing this essential service as can be seen in numerous countries outside of America's borders.

just because as you state Paul wants the federal government out of marriage all together, does in no way mean that he is in favour of gay's to marry that is just a red herring.

how would ending the federal reserve help? & can Paul secure the economy and our standards of living by doing so?, and ending the fed does not erase the debt America has accumulated, especially regarding that the rest of the world will still be utilizing it. just like how although America gets the majority of its funding from China they do not get paid in Yen.

'government agencies continually fail', you do realize that Paul is a government servant don't you?. so apparently they CAN do somethings right to you. and the protection of air, food and climate causing emissions would not be lessened by corporate businesses (who do you think is funding the anti-climate change policies?).

as you stated: Quote 'So he believes in a creator and is unconvinced of evolution. Big deal'. this is a BIG DEAL to me, if you want to run as a rational idea politician and believe in a invisible friend this clearly means that you are not as rational as you think and it may effect future policies. do you also believe that Sarah Palin would be a good president as she also believes in a divine creator?. and this also denounces that they do not have any understanding or appreciation for science and what it has given to us, would president Paul allow government supplied vaccines in a future epidemic?, probably not and this is part of what makes him so dangerous. freedom to choice cannot be allowed if that very freedom is ofset from the very start.

Ron Paul's Message to Occupy Wall Street - END THE FED!

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

does he support universal healthcare?, No.

does he support the equality of gays to marry?, No.

if he shuts down the fed, has he provided all possible replacement?, No.

does he support the functions of government agencies to protect the standards of the air we breath & the food we eat?, No.

does he believe in evolution & the power of vaccines to prevent catastrophic diseases?, No.

i do like the idea of bringing the troops home. however, many other fallouts would happen on his watch that may turn out to not be in the best interest of the country. freedom is a good premise, but the blinders of some of Paul's goals just seem WAY too far out there....

The rich have less empathy than poor and middle class people

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

One theory i have is that it is a sort of evolutionary process & wealthy people only associate with other rich people and to quote George Carlin "the goal is to fuck the other guy outta more stuff before he fucks you". so maybe that help in explaining why they don't see anything overtly 'Wrong' with a sad facial expression in their business mindset it actually symbolizes that they have done their job well.

Sunday Night - Inside Australia's Chilling New Cult

Man makes house out of a dumpster

Eliot Spitzer: Politics Is Slave To Wall St. Interests

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

Does anyone else think like me that this is telling us what we ALREADY know?, hell, it may even be a new political tactic - like when Barack Obama complained about the lobbyists influencing politics in America, my how things have changed from then. Wait....

Horizon - Are You Good Or Bad

9/11 Conspiracy Road Trip - BBC - Full Version

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

The major issue i find with this program is that the host did not clearly give all the theorists an indication to voice their concerns and beliefs about the events of 9/11 to each expert interviewee which they faced, this could have helped explain to them why their beliefs really hold no water. The host should have said "If you have any issue, uncertainty or objection to what is being said state it now otherwise stay silent", but instead when faced with the facts they only voiced opposition when they were back on the bus with each other, as they KNEW they could win that battle & if they acted that way towards the expert, they would quickly get a verbal smack-down in public.

"Atheism destroyed with one question" (sic)

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

“Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” finally has an answer: The chicken.

The research comes from British scientists out of Sheffield and Warwick universities. It all boils down to one protein—ovocledidin-17 (OC-17)—that is only found inside a chicken's ovaries, and is essential for eggshell formation.

Although the protein has been studied as part of eggshell development before, researchers used a super computer to ‘zoom-in' while a shell was forming, and found that it actually serves as a catalyst.



truth-is-the-nemesis says...

disturbing how little has changed since then...and why it keeps working?.

if FDR was running now i'd vote for him immediately, you are dearly missed FDR and the revolution you didn't see happen we gave in to your greedy inner desires and paid the price.

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