Working Small Block V8 Engine made from LEGOs

A engine replica made out of LEGOs

I would like to see a little more about how the internals work. Does it have valves that are timed to drive the pistons? Are the pistons in fact individually driven by compressed air? In that case, getting the timing right would be impressive. If the air is just driving a flywheel that turns the drive shaft with it, that isn't quite so cool. Still cool though, just not quite so cool.

If he could connect it to some CO2 cartridges controlled by a throttle, and then put it into a car (a Lotus 49 please) so the whole thing was self-contained, THAT would be cool.


And the filming was horrible. The "engine" doesn't do anything, so the cameraman just moved all around while all I wanted to see was the "tachometer" when it sounded like it was going faster. Disappointment on top of poor quality = downvote.

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