Women are capable of EIA too

The last one is my favorite.

So let me get this straight, not only did you watch what I'm assuming is America's Funniest Home videos but you took the time to not only record it but save it to your computer and think that it was funny enough to share with the viewers of videosift.
Do you want my nickname? Cause it's all yours buddy.


According to Wikipedia, EIA may refer to:

* Edmonton International Airport
* Electronic Industries Alliance, a US trade organization
* Energy Information Administration, a part of the U.S. Department of Energy
* Environmental Impact Assessment, an assessment of the likely impact of a project
* Environmental Investigation Agency, a non-governmental organization
* Enzyme Immuno Assay, see ELISA
* Equine Infectious Anemia, a horse disease
* Equity-indexed annuity, a financial product
* Evergreen International Airlines, an American airline with ICAO code EIA
* Exercise-induced anaphylaxis, a medical condition
* Exercise-induced asthma, a medical condition
* External iliac artery, an artery


>> ^Sagemind:
OK, Sorry, maybe I am just don't get out enough but what does EIA stand for?
Why do people always insist on using TLAs?

EIA stands for "evolution in action", which is a Videosift channel (Click on the tag EIA at the left of the video to view the channel). We often use EIA just to refer to people who do stupid stunts and get themselves injured in the process, similar to the Darwin Awards where people are "awarded" for killing themselves in the process of extremely idiotic stunts and thereby remove their idiocy from the gene pool. (Although since this is VideoSift we don't generally post videos of people actually dying, just doing stupid things and getting hurt.)

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