WEIRD and STUPID Video Game Moments in Video Game History

Throughout Video Game history, there were such great moments but there has to be a bad moment or even a weird one time to time. So, lets take a good look at some Weird and Stupid Moments in Video Game History!

There were even weird and stupid moments in Zelda and Mario games. :)

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
What's so strange about the hookshot scene?

The text...

This is the hookshot!
BOING! It Expands and Contracts!
BOING! It can grapple many things!


It's not just the text itself. It's the fact that they call it the "Hook Shot", which is not the best name, and then in the description they say "it can grapple many things!". Why not just call it a "grapple?"


I like to thank to the person that submitted my video.

I didn't put Bimmy and Jimmy in because it was a typo in the story line and not by someone saying it. The guy saying I feel asleep was stupid because people don't talk in their sleep saying they are asleep and plus he said "I feel asleep."


Tags for this video have been changed from 'WEIRD, STUPID, sexual, gay, Video, Game, Moments, in, History, Legend, of, Zelda' to 'WEIRD, STUPID, sexual, gay, Legend of Zelda' - edited by looris


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