Sarah Palin Book Signing - Meet The Fans

Such an elegant crowd of politically interested citizens.

My favorite quote: "When you're right, you don't have to compromise. Compromise is for people that are wrong".

Ah - yes - the fine art of propoganda. The left's well-thought out and intellectual criticism of Palin to date so far consists of "I hate her because she's stuuuuupid!" And this fine, rational, argument from such elegant, politically interested persons is now being elaborated to include the ever-so fair message of, "And if you like Palin, then you're stuuuuupid!"

Yawn. I think Palin has a way to go before she's a serious candidate. I'm not sure if she'll ever get there really because she just may be one of those people who can't bridge the gap between local and national politics. But the left's propoganda? Pht - idiotic bilge for idiotic people.

Penn & Teller's show proves that if you've got a camera and some time that you can find the lunatic fringe of any group. I dismiss this vid as an an example of focusing on the outliers and trying to portray them as the majority.


It's like a game of "telephone" from hell. They're parroting the things that she's parroting. The problem is that when you take ideas that are flawed and then filter them through that many layers of Stupid, you get, well... this.



Please point to one intellectual paper or essay or speech, devoid of stupid factual and/or grammatical errors, that Sarah Palin has done. Given her local and national mishaps, the burden of proof is on people like you to prove she is not stupid.

Being stupid is enough to disqualify one for president in my book. I have not heard or read one of her defenders convey a story of proven success of governance from that woman. When she had a chance to prove to everyone she could handle being an executive, by leading the administration of Alaska, she quit to go on the talk show circuit.

She will have her own talk show within 3 years, replacing Coulter and Malkin as the wingnut hottie. I do fervently hope she runs, however. She clearly has enough support from the prole contingent to win the repub nomination. I would give this know-nothing candidate my full support.


>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Ah - yes - the fine art of propoganda. The left's well-thought out and intellectual criticism of Palin to date so far consists of "I hate her because she's stuuuuupid!" And this fine, rational, argument from such elegant, politically interested persons is now being elaborated to include the ever-so fair message of, "And if you like Palin, then you're stuuuuupid!"
Yawn. I think Palin has a way to go before she's a serious candidate. I'm not sure if she'll ever get there really because she just may be one of those people who can't bridge the gap between local and national politics. But the left's propoganda? Pht - idiotic bilge for idiotic people.
Penn & Teller's show proves that if you've got a camera and some time that you can find the lunatic fringe of any group. I dismiss this vid as an an example of focusing on the outliers and trying to portray them as the majority.

Oh I hope she won't be able to bridge the gap. That's what the gap is for. To keep underqualified people on the local side where they can't screw up as bad. You probably know that better than anyone, but you decide to argue for Palin simply to spite the leftists on this site. Just like all the simple fools in the video, you're caught up in partisan bullshit and can't see past red vs. blue.

You're republican, I get it. You're most likely well off, middle to upperclass, and want to keep it that way. Working class problems don't concern you. The healthcare reform was redundant in your eyes, since all the important people can afford first class medical attention anyways, right?


This video scares me.


It's like a game of "telephone" from hell. They're parroting the things that she's parroting. The problem is that when you take ideas that are flawed and then filter them through that many layers of Stupid, you get, well... this.



>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Ah - yes - BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Never mind, not worth it.



You're republican, I get it.

No - you don't because I'm not. Haven't voted 'Republican' in the last 5 elections.

You're most likely well off, middle to upperclass, and want to keep it that way.

Partly. I don't want to 'keep it that way'. I'd like to move to the upper-upper class some day.

Working class problems don't concern you.

As a working professional I beg to differ. I'm not 'blue collar' if that's what you mean by 'working class', but I am a salaried employee and thus subject to the same issues that effect the bulk of Americans.

The healthcare reform was redundant in your eyes

Redundant? The Obama version of health care reform, yes. Reform of the health care system should take place at a regulatory level - not a 'government involvement' level. In that sense, yes, 'Democrat defined' health care reform very much is redundant (and a whole lot of other negative adjectives).

Given her local and national mishaps, the burden of proof is on people like you to prove she is not stupid.

Given that she had a rather successful gubernatorial term, I'd propose that as evidence that she is not 'stupid' as the neolib left wants to define her. Her roster of actual accomplishments is more robust than Barak Obama's was when he began his presidential run. I'm not saying she's a Rhode scholar, but there is no evidence that she's the brain-dead idiot the hard left wing likes to portray her as. As far as 'papers'? She's not in academia that I know of. She's had a think piece she published on health care in the NY Times. She's written a book. I know that liberals will just pooh-pooh and say that someone wrote them for her - so why even bother talking about them?

Again - I'm not a Palin booster or anything. I just find that the radical left wing is exhibiting a rather large degree of 'Derangement Syndrome' regarding her and those who like her. I also find that such hyperbolic claims are devoid of any substantive evidence and oozing with opinion and misinformation.


>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
No - you don't because I'm not. Haven't voted 'Republican' in the last 5 elections.

So even though you seem to be unable to stop criticizing and arguing against Obama, you did not think the McCain/Palin ticket was worth voting for, but you now defend Palin and the people in this video? You might not be republican, but you are doing this to spite the leftists.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
I'm not 'blue collar' if that's what you mean by 'working class', but I am a salaried employee and thus subject to the same issues that effect the bulk of Americans.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
I donate a large percentage of my personal income to charities.

I hate to break it to you, but the "bulk of Americans" can't afford to donate any part of their salary to charities, especially not a large part, because they can barely get by as it is. I do think, however, that it is very admirable that you donate part of your income.


>>Guiness world record. Largest amount of neo-cons getting ready to go in a bookstore EVER.

Sigh... Palin is not a neo-con. Neo-cons are big government conservatives. Palin is a small government conservative. That's why she's so popular - most Republicans had to hold their noses to vote for GWB the second time and many rejected McCain, because they were both for the massive expansion of government. See for example Spendulus I. Obama continued the trend with Spendulus II.

Conservatives are (rightly) asking where all the money for the Spendulus bills will come from, and the Republican Party is providing no leadership in opposing the expansion of government - the party is nearly rudderless. Even though Palin wouldn't be my ideal candidate for president, I'd vote for most any candidate that was for limiting the size of government. Last year I voted Libertarian (Bob Barr), for example. If Palin ran against Obama, I'd vote for her.

All the liberal FUD aside, her stances on the issues are actually quite thoughtful and reasonable. I've followed her notes on Facebook from time to time:

(Expecting to get automatically comment-downvoted by anyone who disagrees with my politics.)


I think people like this sense there's something wrong with America but sadly get it all wrong because the bad guys (Palin and her ilk) are good at pandering to them and lying about things while the good guys are trying to fix things and not sugar coat a big turd.


So even though you seem to be unable to stop criticizing and arguing against Obama, you did not think the McCain/Palin ticket was worth voting for, but you now defend Palin and the people in this video?

Precisely. I commend you for your concise and accurate summation. You don't have to be a Republican to find a bazillion things about Obama and his policies to dislike. And only a blindly loyal party-line Republican zombie would have voted for the left wing RINO disaster that was John McCain. And you don't have to be a Republican to argue against the insipid knee-jerk mentality that is the "I hate Palin" bandwagon.

I hate to break it to you, but the "bulk of Americans" can't afford to donate any part of their salary to charities

I think you'd be surprised just how many American donate to charitable causes every year. Partly because of the tax break, but also because Americans in general are pretty generous.


Interviewer: "So, if Sara Palin gets ellected what kind of changes would you like to see?"

Interviewee: "Stuff. Uuuuum, and things."

Interviewer: "Like what things?"

Interviewee: "Uuuuuuu, I don't know...."

Interviewer: "What do you like about her?"

Interviewee: "Oh! Her policies!"

Interviewer: "Like what kind of policies?"

Interviewee: "Can I get some help here guys?"

Interviewer: "What policies of hers do you agree with?"

Interviewee: "Um, I don't know, where are you going with that?"

Wow, just wow.


When has Palin actually limited the size and scope of government? When she supported the "bridge to nowhere" ($398 MILLION in federal funds that she didn't return when the project was eventually cancelled)? When she ran up her state's travel expense accounts on her and her family for non-business? When she abused her powers to get her ex-brother in law sacked? Yeah, that's a real small government conservative.

For you to choose to vote for someone who is obviously incompetent over someone whose politics you merely differ with is crazy. I've voted for 3rd party candidates before; at least go that route.

I shiver at the thought of Palin in a meeting with Hu Jintao, Medvedev or Netanyahoo. She'd get eaten alive. She can't even handle Katie Couric.

Either you haven't thought it through or you are crazy.

>> ^ShakaUVM:
>>Guiness world record. Largest amount of neo-cons getting ready to go in a bookstore EVER.
Sigh... Palin is not a neo-con. Neo-cons are big government conservatives. Palin is a small government conservative. That's why she's so popular - most Republicans had to hold their noses to vote for GWB the second time and many rejected McCain, because they were both for the massive expansion of government. See for example Spendulus I. Obama continued the trend with Spendulus II.
Conservatives are (rightly) asking where all the money for the Spendulus bills will come from, and the Republican Party is providing no leadership in opposing the expansion of government - the party is nearly rudderless. Even though Palin wouldn't be my ideal candidate for president, I'd vote for most any candidate that was for limiting the size of government. Last year I voted Libertarian (Bob Barr), for example. If Palin ran against Obama, I'd vote for her.
All the liberal FUD aside, her stances on the issues are actually quite thoughtful and reasonable. I've followed her notes on Facebook from time to time:
(Expecting to get automatically comment-downvoted by anyone who disagrees with my politics.)


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Religion needs to be ABOLISHED.

Either religion leads people to be ignorant, or ignorant people are led to be religious. Either way, it's bad for the rest of the world.


I can see her in 2012, hammering away at Obama for all the czars he's created. "We're turning into communist Russia OH NO!" It could be the new swiftboat issue! While there may be valid reasons for supporting Palin, there's none contained in the brains of any of these folks. Good material!


While there may be valid reasons for supporting Palin, there's none contained in the brains of any of these folks

Well, as I said before - that isn't hard to do when you're a biased 'interviewer' who is cherry picking who does and doesn't make the cut of your video. That's what propogandists do though. Ignore the 99 normal, sensible folks and pick the one or two people who say things you can take out of context and massage into a message you like. That's why I disdain videos of this ilk - be they left or right. People who think stuff like this represents anything but an outlier fringe are self deluded and are only two hairs and some air away from being in a similar video themselves.


>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
While there may be valid reasons for supporting Palin, there's none contained in the brains of any of these folks
Well, as I said before - that isn't hard to do when you're a biased 'interviewer' who is cherry picking who does and doesn't make the cut of your video. That's what propogandists do though. Ignore the 99 normal, sensible folks and pick the one or two people who say things you can take out of context and massage into a message you like. That's why I disdain videos of this ilk - be they left or right. People who think stuff like this represents anything but an outlier fringe are self deluded and are only two hairs and some air away from being in a similar video themselves.

Are you honestly claiming someone who is a fan of Sara Palin is likely to have reasonable thought out beliefs to back up their support of her? Sure you CAN cherry pick interviews but are you really saying that's what's happening here?


Oh Winstonfield. He claims these people are the fringers - the minority that exist in all political movements. However, has ANYONE seen a clip of an intelligent, informed, thoughtful person elaborating their support for Palin. A single one? Winwstonfield?

'Small Gubmint rah rah!' doesn't cut it. It's like an advocate of Obama's walking around yelling 'Big Gubmint rah rah!' which I'm sure you would find just as ridiculous. So WP, can you elaborate more on why you semi-kinda-sorta support Palin?

These people are a prime example of "I support politican/party X because they remind me of me". When politician X is a moron and simpleton who reads all the newspapers and NewsMax, this is what you get.

And FYI - America is NOT an exceptional country. You really are just another country.


>> ^alizarin:
Are you honestly claiming someone who is a fan of Sara Palin is likely to have reasonable thought out beliefs to back up their support of her? Sure you CAN cherry pick interviews but are you really saying that's what's happening here?

I think a lot of people have difficulty comprehending a different world view. Generally the folks who support Palin and her ilk care much less than folks on the left about the sort of rational arguments, that the interviewer is prompting for. To folks in her camp, it's more about "character" and trusting people to act in line with your "values". Why should they conform to the lefts rules of how to make decisions?

WPs ref to Bullshit is apt, but I think WP underestimates how incoherent most people are when asked to actually explain their beliefs and preferences. This works across the political spectrum, but folks in the fundamentalist-neo-con camp don't have any cultural incentive to self reflection, and so it's harder to cherry pick the "coherent" ones, because that sort of coherence does not, in general, matter to them.


For the record, by 4:30 (I had to stop there) I had counted 17 unique people interviewed. I would assume that by the end of the 8+ minute video there's somewhere between 23-30 people. Now granted he probably still choose the "winners", but that's not so much cherry picking as a cherry truck jack-knifing on the overpass.

And I can only imagine the switch in certain comments if this video was of a democrat this bright....

And FYI - America is NOT an exceptional country. You really are just another country.

-Any- group of people has the potential of consisting of ones who are a positive contribution to the world or negative. Assuming that a single group is great just because they have a good track record, or whatever allows the negative ones to slip into power given enough time. As a nation we can achieve greatness, but not by just saying we are.


Are you honestly claiming someone who is a fan of Sara Palin is likely to have reasonable thought out beliefs to back up their support of her? ... So WP, can you elaborate more on why you semi-kinda-sorta support Palin?

I VERY much agree with Palin's 'small government' talking point. We need more politicians discussing reductions as opposed to increases. The USA is in a 'government bubble' just as dangerous as the or housing bubbles. Like it or not, Palin is about the only person in the GOP today that is pushing the 'scale back government' talking point. McCain sure wasn't. I'm a 'fan' of any politician who has a record of cutting, and who considers government scaleback as a major issue.

I also VERY much like it when when Congress is held by the opposing political party to the President. That check & balance works fantastically. When one party is running the whole show it is always a bad thing (Bush & Obama's agendas are prime examples). I'm not a GOP party member. I tend to vote 3rd party. But in off-year elections as a matter of principle I will always vote for the Congressman/Senator who is of the major opposing party to the sitting President. So I'm in favor of anything that gooses the GOP into the House & Senate in 2010 if only to throw the whole system into complete gridlock. If Palin motivates Independants and the GOP base (and it seems that she does) then I support it.

fundamentalist-neo-con camp

The true 'neo-cons' are left-wing politicians who support the military. Joe Liberman is a neo-con. You are using the lazy, propoganda definition of neo-con, which is to use it as an epithet similar to denigratory racial or sexual terms. To a left-wing liberal, 'neo-con' is a word you can slap on anyone who tilts right on any issue. Less spending? Neo-con. Limits on late-term abortion? Neo-con. Tax cuts? Neo-con. This stems from the practice in the 1990s when Bill Clinton's War Room posse would run out and call all political opponents 'neo-cons' in order to conjure of images of Timothy McVeigh or other people that live on compounds. It isn't your fault perhaps to have fallen into this trap. However, now that I've revealed the truth it will be your fault if you choose to remain in the lie. Palin supporters are not 'neo cons'. They are plain folk who agree with her on issues which disagree with radical left-wing politics.

So you too are in the iron grip of Big Fast Food?

I enjoy the occasional indulgence, but as a user of the P90-X system I am not an abuser. At 6 foot 1 and 170 pounds with a 32" waist at age 40, I consider myself in reasonable shape and therefore able to partake of a pizza now and then without shame.

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