Ron Paul supports a free and open society

via digg:

i know there are many available here, but this is my only Ron Paul clip.

and i happen to honestly think it's the best.

running time: 10:13

YouTube title is: "America, have you forgotten history? (Ron Paul 2008)"

oh. and i e-mailed it to a few friends. and both my Senators. from New York.

no no no...

i'm going to close my eyes now, and go to sleep, finally.

and when i wake up in the morning?
this will either be a deadpool nightmare - or i will fix it, if i have to request it from the YouTube uploader, and create 100 sock accounts to spam it at every video site there is from here to oxnard.


yeah, i know. five playlists is a little much, even for me.

told ya' i was a little ocd. heh. no, i don't count toothbrush strokes or flip the doorlock back and forth 5 times. we all have our eccentricities. i like organizing things.

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