Prop 8 spokesman says defeating gays like defeating Hitler

From Y/T:
This is from an official Prop 8 rally in Sacramento on 10/28. Brad Dacus, an official Prop 8 spokesperson is speaking.

Here's the transcript:

"There was another time in history when people, when the bell tolled. And the question was whether or not they were going to hear it. The time was during Nazi Germany with Adolf Hitler. You see he brought crowds of clergy together to assure them that he was going to look after the church. And one of the members, bold and courageous, Reverend Niemand (sp?) made his way to the front and (inaudible) said "Hitler, we are not concerned about the church. Jesus Christ will take care of the church. We are concerned about the soul of Germany." Embarrassed and chagrined, his peers quickly shuffled him to the back. And as they did Adolf Hitler said, "The soul of Germany, you can leave that to me." And they did, and because they did bombs did not only fall upon the nation of Germany, but also upon the church and their testimony to this very day. Let us not make that mistake folks. Let us hear the bell! Vote on Proposition 8!"

Alright this tipped me over the edge. I was procrastinating with my mail in ballot but after Obama's ad and then this video I marked it up yes for obama and no for prop 8, stamped it, and took it to the mailbox on the bottom floor of my apartment.


I'm not agreeing with what this gentleman said, or taking sides. I simply want to throw a question out there that entered into my mind while watching this and considering the Prop 8 debate.

Do many homosexuals conclude much of their personal identity of who they are as persons from their sexuality? Isn't sexuality just one of the physical functions of a human being? It's almost like someone proudly proclaiming that they are a "masticater." So regardless of what sexual preference one has, isn't it a bit alarming that so much attention is given to sexuality? and more so, that so much self worth comes from sexuality? Is it healthy to be in a society that is driven by people (again, hetero, or homosexual) that elevate one basic human action above all others?

Aren't people made up of so much more than just sexuality? Shouldn't one's identity be derived from so much more than simply one's sexuality?

In the meantime, I'm a masticater. I chew food.


^I think we can make that argument about all the walls that divide us: gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion (e.g. Catholics and Protestants in N. Ireland) etc. I agree excessive identification with subcultures robs people of their engagement with the larger culture.

Sexual orientation isn't just about sexuality specifically, but also about love life and starting a family etc, which is a big part of our lives.


@ dbarry3:

I think the issue here is laws that govern peoples private actions. Say there were some people who didn't chew their food, but instead blended it up and drank it. You might think thats personally not for you, but would you pass laws against it, giving people who drink their food less rights? no that would be ridiculous. Thats the issue here.


Being gay myself I can honestly say the ignorance these people put into the minds of children is very disturbing, I've had 5 yr. olds tell me I going to hell for being a fagot. Guess I should thank them for opening my eyes to my sinful ways and saving my soul. Fucking religious fuck tards.


At least we have a Video Sift post that cannot be Godwined.

Why have a vote about gay marriage? Why not just take the Bible literally and stone gays to death? Wouldn't that be simpler than going to rallies and shouting for incoherent rants about Hitler?

They don't want gay marriage, because the Catholic priests will think about marrying all of the altar boys they've molested. And God, in his finite wisdom, has decided that this is totally "Hitler-uncool."


Tags for this video have been changed from 'prop 8, california, gays, religion, vote no, rights, human' to 'prop 8, california, gays, religion, vote no, rights, human, godwins law' - edited by winkler1



Gays don't emphasize their own sexuality any more than straight people do, you are just less familiar with gay sexuality. Straight sexuality is much more prevalent than gay sexuality in songs, movies, TV shows, media, advertising, in the workplace, around the watercooler, in public displays of affection, etc... You just take it for granted because it is so commonplace.

Many would have no problem seeing a straight couple hold hands or kiss in public, but would view a gay couple doing the same as flaunting sexuality or 'shoving it in our faces'. This isn't a problem with Gay public displays of affection, but rather the distorted perception of the judgmental observer.

That said, none of this should have any bearing whatsoever on equal rights. That all of us share equal rights under the law should go without question.

The people waging this fight against gay people are destined for defeat at the brutal hands of time. It is growing harder and harder for bigots to raise their children to hate gays in our increasingly tolerant society, and when those bigots die, so too will their bigotry. In 20 years, I predict this moronic homophobia will be nothing more than an embarrassing memory.


>> ^dbarry3:
> Do many homosexuals conclude much of their personal identity of who they are as persons from their sexuality?

safe to assume it'd be about the same % as hetero.

> Isn't sexuality just one of the physical functions of a human being?

yes, absolutely.

> It's almost like someone proudly proclaiming that they are a "masticater."

not really.
because every human being is supposed to be able to chew.
there are reasons not to be able to, of course. lots of old people, for instance, who may not like dentures. people with some birth defects, or have had serious injuries or mouth cancer, etc, and i know people in every one of those categories.

point is, no one gives a shit whether or not you chew your food, eh?
but, some people do seem to give a shit, who someone else fucks.
though there's no good reason to, unless you're one of the people they're fucking.

> So regardless of what sexual preference one has, isn't it a bit alarming that so much attention is given to sexuality?

not especially, imo, only because it's so basic and universal a desire.
basically 4th, after food, clothing, and shelter, right?
and it's the 1 of those 4, that elevates life above mere survival.

just wanted to expand on what oatmeal & dft were saying, in a more direct answer to your questions. i sincerely hope we helped make up your mind, about "taking sides" on gay marriage measures like Prop 8.

at the very least, i'm not going to bullshit anyone with
"You know, the Nazis had pieces of flair... that they made the Jews wear..."



point is, no one gives a shit whether or not you chew your food, eh?
but, some people do seem to give a shit, who someone else fucks.
though there's no good reason to, unless you're one of the people they're fucking.

People give a shit about who some one else fucks because they wanna know what its like. The fact that they find it detestable, is the fact that they find it desirable. </Serious>

Its like chocolate cheese cake, I hate the sound of cheese in my cake, but it is so deliscous! (The cake is a lie!)

Personally I could care less who any one is fucking, because its something that every one does, a natural need to have sex even if it is strange sex (IE on the rocks in broad daylight at a beach in Frisco).

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