Oklahoma State Rep. Goes On Anti-Gay Tirade

She didn’t know that she was being recorded in a meeting, so we get the a nice insight about what she thinks of her gay and lesbian constituents. Perhaps she doesn’t think she has any.

Tags for this video have been changed from 'anti gay, gay, politics, rhetoric, hate speech, bigotry' to 'anti gay, gay, politics, rhetoric, hate speech, bigotry, sally kern, oklahoma' - edited by CaptWillard


wow... she refused to even watch the youtube video with reactions. what a cunt. she obviously has no concern whatsoever with anyone but herself and people with her exact values. that's definitely the kind of person we need in any kind of political office... </sarcasm>

how very christian of her.


"I'm not anti-....I'm not gay bashing..."

Yes, you are.

"but, according to God's word, that's not the right kind of lifestyle."

Ah...the personal interpretation of religion.... Love thy neighbor, right?

"It has deadly consequences; for those people involved in it have more illness,"

You are correct, gays do catch more colds and get more cancer than straight folks. And AIDS? Well now wait a minute. If "AIDS kills Fags dead", isn't that what you ultimately want? If not, then why bitch about it? And why attack the homosexual population? There's no cross-gender contamination there. It's the bisexuals you need to go after. It does take a smidgen of intelligence to figure that one out.

"they have more suicide, they're more discouraged,"

Hmmm...can you imagine the feeling when people don't tolerate you and your beliefs? Something tells me you can right about now. It isn't sunshine and rainbows, is it?

"there lifespans are shorter..."

Gotta agree with you there: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_against_LGBT_people

Firstly, I apologize; as normally, I can't stand the point-counterpoint style of forum posts. To me it shows immaturity (ie. mincing words, etc, etc) But I found so much wrong with each thing she said, I had to resort to it. Yes, I too have that hypocritical gene in me as well. Looks like I'm going to have to get back on the wagon again. "Hi, my name is VSBM..."

I'll never get over how people fail so miserably, trying to rationalize their arguments as to why a thing is bad and why they get their panties in a twist over something they can't control. And I'm not even going after her because I'm gay; I'm as straight as the day is long. It's the lack of maturity, respect and intelligence that an elected representative should possess to even retain office, that I'm pointing out here.


oh no, a woman speaking out against homosexuality! whatever shall we do?

let's make a video, and then act all superior and righteous!

if you don't approve of my lifestyle, i'll force it on you anyway! that's the San Francisco way!


^---Bill O, are you saying that people from San Francisco have forced you into a homosexual lifestyle? I had no idea. How is it going with that? They never seem to find the time to come and force it on me; instead they seem intent on leaving me to enjoy whatever type of sex I like. Wish I could say the same for the Jehovah's Witnesses.


I listened to that and every time I head "gay", I replaced it with "Fundamentalist Christian". I found that it much more accurately affected the horrible reality.

ditto on BillOrielley's comment
if you don't approve of my lifestyle, i'll force it on you anyway! that's the Fundamentalist Christian way!

Seriously, I am tired of the Fundamentalist Christian lifestyle and the Fundamentalist Christian agenda. yes, they (bible bangers) do go after children and try to indoctrinate them at an early age.


Awesome! Let's all pat ourselves on the back for being "enlightened"! We can bash Christianity while we're at it, pray to the Democratic Governor of New York to run for President in 2012 (if he's over his STD's by then), and sing a Beatles song while we smoke a fatty and go through a Burger King drive-through!

I'm waiting for a Richard Dawkins quote to make this wonderful "discussion" complete. Will someone please oblige me?


It's sad to think about how mislead and ignorant some people are. It's heartwarming to know that in this age of growing readily available information that we will some day be rid of the Sally Kerns and the Bill O's as they grow old and die and are replaced by more enlightened folk.

I wish my town was controlled by the gays... lucky Eureka Springs bastards.


From the video "No society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted more than you know, a few decades."

Umm Rome, 11 of the 12 first Emperors had gay relations.

Up until 150 years ago ALL of China's recorded history showed that bisexuality was accepted as normal.

I don't think I even need to bring up ancient Greece.



Seriously, the best thing you can do to prevent this gay bashing is to convince your friends that the Old Testament (especially Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13) is a steaming pile of ... old myths and useless ceremonial baggage.


Homosexuality exists in many species, in many separate communities and generally doesn't cause any problems.

A possible benefit of having not every person in a community reproduce is that there will be people with more spare time to do tasks besides taking care of children (such as hunting, spinning textiles, writing books). This could explain the evolution of homosexuality. One can think of a whole local community as a type of organism that produces other local communities, and evolves to produce individual nonreproducing constituents if that benefits the community. (c.f. ant colonies)


As a rule I don't believe in sweeping generalizations, but in the case of religion I make an exception. This video is but one example of religion facilitating hate and fear. It would be impossible to count them all.

You think I'm ignorant? Stop believing in faerie stories, and stop believing what the faeries tell you is bad. Think for yourself.


Well, I see things have gotten out of control in my absence. Good try Bill O, but you must convince these younglings in their own words.

Younglings, how does science prove queers are legit? Oh wait, it doesn't, because if all you gay people were truly gay, you'd be making no kids, and that'd leave only a few of us, and we couldn't repopulate the world quickly enough after you losers die. Nature dictates, younglings.


Nope, gay people hide in parking garages and steal babies from hospitals, and then raise them to be gay. Why do you think they are "in the closet" and "underground culture". As long as good Christians walk the Earth, there will be ninja twinks stealing babies to create a whole new generation of John Elton and Idaho Senators.


>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
Well, I see things have gotten out of control in my absence. Good try Bill O, but you must convince these younglings in their own words.
Younglings, how does science prove queers are legit? Oh wait, it doesn't, because if all you gay people were truly gay, you'd be making no kids, and that'd leave only a few of us, and we couldn't repopulate the world quickly enough after you losers die. Nature dictates, younglings.

^WTF? If this isn't *homophobia or *hate speech, I don't know what is. Run away YOUNGLINGS! CaptainPlanet hates and fears teh gays!


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Captain Planet- whenever an "anti-gay" goes on a tirade- I think of people like Ted Haggerty and a looong string of others who hate themselves and others because of their own hidden homosexual feelings.

Homosexuality is a part of nature, we're all a little gay on the inside. Embrace your inner gay - doesn't mean you have to act on it, but you can if you want.


^ ^For example, we know that EVERYONE is attracted to Sean Connery. Male, female, whatever, you know that you get all hot and bothered when you watch him in Goldfinger and The Hunt for Red October.

Also, since homosexuality has been found in nature, which is supposedly God's grand design, it must be natural for homosexuality to occur. Is it the most common thing? No, but then again, neither are a lot of perfectly "acceptable" traits. People end up gay without being raised by homosexuals, and this has happened all throughout history, so it's just stupid to say that homosexuals would ever cease to exist.


I'm all about diversity. So I'm glad that among all the enlightened, positive, and genuinely humane comments that there are a few backwards, trogloditic, trollish throwbacks. It just wouldn't be the itnernets without you!

Here's lookin' at you, younglings!


I wish I could invent the time machine and send CaptainPlanet back about two thousand years into the heart of Rome. I bet his luscious, pampered 21st century body would be a hit with the Senators of old! Don't drop the soap!

>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
Well, I see things have gotten out of control in my absence. Good try Bill O, but you must convince these younglings in their own words.
Younglings, how does science prove queers are legit? Oh wait, it doesn't, because if all you gay people were truly gay, you'd be making no kids, and that'd leave only a few of us, and we couldn't repopulate the world quickly enough after you losers die. Nature dictates, younglings.


Sigh... Read something.

Homosexuality frequently occurs in all of the primate species and many other animals as well. To say it doesn't occur in nature, and that science doesn't prove that it is natural is a clear indicator that you did not know this.

This is your free pass, next time I am kicking you off the train.


Serious question for the Cap'n:

What would you do if your son or daughter was gay? And don't give us any of that "he/she wouldn't be", because it's proven that it has nothing to do with how you raised them.

Please answer this before resuming your trolling.


I could write a big essay on everything wrong here, but it's fruitless.. i'm afraid, my little fundy-wundy-christianlings, that you are too far indoctrinated to ever be educated on this subject.

You haven't thought for yourself, you haven't formed your own opinions, and whether you like to hear it or not, you are as bad -in your own way- as all of the muslim extremists.

You've been misled, tricked and made a fool of. You've been taught things that are false. You've been promised things that can't be granted, and given hate-filled views by people who should have known better. I'm sorry that the world turned out like this for you.

You have my most sincere pity.


Do you know what the queers are doing to our soil? If you look at the soil around any large US city where there's a large underground homosexual population. Des Moines, Iowa, for example. Look at the soil around Des Moines, Stuart.
You can't build on it; you can't grow anything in it. The government says it's due to poor farming. But I know what's really going on. I know it's the queers. They're in it with the aliens. They're building landing strips for gay Martians, I swear to God.

("Stuart" from The Dead Milkmen. Couldn't resist.)


Suck it Trebek! lol @ ^ Indeed Connery is t3h Sexy in Bond. Back to the subject.
Everyone is ruining everything on earth. Tis the fate of intelligence in the universe, something like 90% of all intelligent life destroys itself before it reaches the technology to survive in space or relocate to another planet. Life is too short to hate, should get on with your own lives and dreams and enjoy it. Hate only brings sadness and pain. I'm not gay, nor do I hate gays, look at other species of animals(humans are animals) they play butt tag all the time with same sex's. Stop hating homo's and go get laid, I guarantee you will stop thinking about hating someone when you're having sex.


>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
Well, I see things have gotten out of control in my absence. Good try Bill O, but you must convince these younglings in their own words.
Younglings, how does science prove queers are legit? Oh wait, it doesn't, because if all you gay people were truly gay, you'd be making no kids, and that'd leave only a few of us, and we couldn't repopulate the world quickly enough after you losers die. Nature dictates, younglings.

I can't tell if you're implying that homosexuality is hereditary. I've said this before, and I stick to it, somebody having a sexual attraction and inclination towards the same sex is no different than my sexual attraction and inclination towards asian women, latin women, round asses, caramel colored skin, and well-pedicured feet. Just because it's with the opposite sex, it doesn't make it more "normal" or any more "natural" for that matter.

A mixture of genetic predisposition affecting hormonal balance and events in one's life are what lead to that person's sexual identity. Yes, I did mention events in one's life. Does that mean that a child being raised by homosexuals will grow up to be homosexual? The answer is no, for the same reason my mother is the antithesis of what I look for in a sexual partner (suck on that Freud). Also, for the same reason children raised in straight families realize that they're homosexual. Usually this sexual identity is realized at a young age, but it's hard for the child to recognize what this means until they become sexually mature.

Lay off gay people, they won't affect you anymore than the straight guys will. In fact, you should be more wary of straight guys because guys like me will steal your woman away and not think twice about it. Your nightmares of being pounded in the ass against your will won't seem as bad as the realization that your lovely "shnukems" is taking some other guy's hot load all over her face...

...who should you REALLY fear?


Funny you should mention gay and self-hate in the same sentence dag-I have only one thing against homosexuality-lots of the queers I have known, have a large carry-on full of it(as does anyone with perception issues). Others have so much more majorly fucked sensibilities it oozes, and very few are self-actualized, in the sense that they even know themselves well enough to not be either bitter-pills, mean as fuck to straights, or coping affectations ranging from flagrant exhibitionist, to social mole.....

So fuck all, captain planet, yer allowed not to like gay folks as far is goes with me-Plenty of people on this thread are poised to point out another's flaws rather than point the fucking mirror t'wards themselves....

Gay is a combo of the cards yer dealt(genetic/parental), your place in the societal matrix with regard to imprint, and an individual's particular process and perception. There are no facts, there are no models, and there is no one right or wrong attitude, unless one seeks to do unto others, as they would not have others do unto you...

"Yes Billy, even bears can be gay, it happen's all the time." No, in nature, it's the exception rather than the rule, and HELLOO!!??? Human's have a more complex brain, and a thing called, "Self-conscious Awareness."
always gonna be a moron, (or a so-called, "EXPERT") who uses the, "Animals are gay too." argument No, only humans are gay, but we can all stick things in places they we're not intended, and by all means, be my guest.

I do love transvestites......


^I'd probably be fucked up in the head too if a whole country of people is against something that I feel instinctual propensity towards to the degree of treating me as an inferior or confused human.


oh and i could give a fuck some dumbass christian is on some bullshit, anti-gay tirade....all you so-called atheists simply use it like liquid for water balloons....one cult is as damaged as the other.....


If I don't have children, and I'm not gay, does that mean I'm not scientifically legit? What if I were Republican? I mean, a replicant? I'm probably clone-able. I want so much to be legitimate like your breeding self!


Indeed we are all damaged in one way or another. We are also spectacular in one way or another. How about we judge people by their whole being, and not just what we are told is damaged about them?

By the way, I've got plenty of liquid for my so-called atheist water balloons. I don't need any more from idiots like Kern.


>> ^scottishthunder47:
Joy of joys. It turns out the Ms. Sally Kern's own SON is a homo:
So sweet. So very sweet.

How sad. Seriously. No one should have to endure homo-bigotry, especially from their own parent. What a sad world we live in, where parents denounce the harmless lifestyle of their own offspring. And frankly I'm NOT in the mood for someone to question my use of the word "harmless". So unless you want an unending stream of rancor from me, I suggest you keep your ignorant-ass remarks in check.


Personally I can't understand why everyone is acting surprised at this level of stupid. It's all around us, we attempt to sift it every day, this is nothing new. I always wanted to be there on Judgement Day for these so-called Christians, when they think they've earnt a free pass to heaven, reach the pearly gates, big expectant grin on their faces and the good Lord shits all over it.


Even if CaptainPlanet's way of putting it is annoying and patronizing, doesn't he have a point about natural selection? Man+man or Woman+woman does not a baby make. I suppose you could, rightly, argue that homosexuality is not genetic, but then the argument that "it doesn't matter how you raised them" falls flat, it's either nature or nurture.


Feeding the trolls only counts as feeding the trolls if they're the only ones getting amused by the thread. I've been laughing at almost every comment since dag's "I'm totally gay for Obama."


^With overpopulation becoming as big of a problem as I think it is, I would say that the fact that some of us aren't having children is in the best interest of the species. Sounds like a pretty positive evolutionary step to me. It's not like EVERYONE is going to become gay.


"No society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted more than a few decades."

She must have forgotten about the greek, the romans or nearly all of Europe as it exists now.

Edit: Bleh, I need to read the comments before posting. Already said above.

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