Nina Conti fists her monkey on stage

When Nina Conti takes the monkey out of her bag, the result is often hilarious.

Tags for this video have been changed from 'nina conti, monk, monkey, ventriloquism, cute, funny, montreal' to 'nina conti, monk, monkey, ventriloquism, cute, funny, montreal, bloody sinister' - edited by ponceleon


I think you naysayers obviously don't understand the brilliance of her act.

The jokes are corny and crude precisely becaaaaauuuuse she's only amatuerish at ventriloquism.

It's a theme.
She's poking fun at herself and the absurity of telling jokes thru a hand puppet.
Hence the deconstruction of it all.

You fellows also seem to fail at understanding why she has to laugh at her own jokes.
If she didn't, the illusion of the talking Monk is much less believeable.

Her laughter distinguishes her from the character of the Monk.

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