Matt Damon Actually Sounding Smart On Palin

I completely agree with Matt Damon here. Funny, never thought I would have typed that.

Matt Damon was a veritable nextdoor neighbor of Howard Zinn (whom he interacted with regularly) so his knowledge of politics and history should not come as a surprise.

In related news, Sarah Palin is not fucking Matt Damon.


>> ^Trancecoach:
It's always a bad idea for celebrities to become political spokespersons. While I agree with what he says here, I think Damon should stick to "acting" and keep schtum when it comes to politics.

So, depending upon your job dictates whether you can have an active role in politics or not?

No way.

Artists, musicians and actors have been at the forefront of a lot of major, modern-day revolutionary movements. And to think that anyone, whether it's Matt Damon, The Dixie Chicks or Spike Lee should just shut up is a bit absurd.


>> ^Trancecoach:
It's always a bad idea for celebrities to become political spokespersons. While I agree with what he says here, I think Damon should stick to "acting" and keep schtum when it comes to politics.

Thats probably the most ignorant thing I've read in a long time. You wanna tell a plumber/taxi driver/waitress/oh I don't know pick anybody with a job that they simply don't have the right to express their own political opinions?

FYI most politicians are actors. Presidents and Govinators were actors.


The problem with celebrities speaking out is that they often use their considerable fame, that was acquired outside of the political world, to spread their message to a much larger audience than any regular person could ever hope to reach. I think Rob Reiner is a good example of someone abusing their celebrity status and power and money. But I think the position Matt Damon is taking in this video stands on its own whether or not you know who he is.


>> ^furrycloud:
Why the crap should I care any more about what Matt Damon has to say

Why the crap should we care about what you have to think?

Because we all live and die in this society, and we all share the responsibilities of our citizenship, which means voting and being informed.

ANYONE who lives in this country has just as much right to voice their opinion as anyone else. Noone's asking you personally what you care about or don't, so why are you so crazy about belittling what he or anyone else has to say?

I think Matt is a shitty actor (or maybe he just does shitty movies) but if he's got an informed and well thought out opinion, I'm all ears.


>> ^volumptuous:So, depending upon your job dictates whether you can have an active role in politics or not?

Wrong. A person's job does not dictate the value of their opinions. These celebrities can vote in a democracy in any way they choose. When they speak out, with absolutely no basis from which they're speaking, and influence public policy is where I have a problem. If you want to take your political cues from how the Dixie Chicks, Spike Lee, Matt Damon, or Bono tell you to think, that's up to you. For journalists to cover it -- well that's relying on a crutch instead of doing real journalism and is a waste of the public attention.


>> ^Trancecoach: with absolutely no basis from which they're speaking, and influence public policy is where I have a problem. If you want to take your political cues from how the Dixie Chicks, Spike Lee, Matt Damon, or Bono tell you to think, that's up to you. For journalists to cover it -- well that's relying on a crutch instead of doing real journalism and is a waste of the public attention.

Ya know what mr.pants, that's pretty ridiculous, and insulting.

Tell us, oh wise one, what your "basis from which you are speaking" exactly is. You can actually piss-off with insinuating that I get any of my views from Matt fucking Damon or whatnot. That's just insulting and belittling.

btw: You honestly think that Matt fucking Damon is "influencing policy"??? You have got to be kidding me!


Some people really get their panties in a bunch (no offense ladies) because celebrities use fame to promote a particular cause.

How is using one's fame any different than using one's inherited or earned wealth to promote an idea?

Money, fame, time, etc are just tools that people use to promote their ideas.

>> ^Trancecoach:
>> ^volumptuous:So, depending upon your job dictates whether you can have an active role in politics or not?

Wrong. A person's job does not dictate the value of their opinions. These celebrities can vote in a democracy in any way they choose. When they speak out, with absolutely no basis from which they're speaking, and influence public policy is where I have a problem. If you want to take your political cues from how the Dixie Chicks, Spike Lee, Matt Damon, or Bono tell you to think, that's up to you. For journalists to cover it -- well that's relying on a crutch instead of doing real journalism and is a waste of the public attention.

Umm... Obviously there is a bit of frustration there. Seems you personally dealt with people that have based their opinion on a celeb's, etc opinion and hold onto that frustration. I do sympathize, but I think you are attacking the wrong thing here.

Maybe your real fight should be promoting civic and logic classes for people.


It seems all these aggressive anti-Palin stories are really strengthening the GOP base behind Palin. To the GOP base she comes across as a common soccer mom making a brave stand against a barrage of attacks coming from the liberal left. For example, the bit Matt Daemon did here about Palin's candidacy being something straight out of a bad Disney movie - the bit is funny, it is a valid/scary observation but it is polarizing. It is not likely to convert most people. If the argument against the McCain-Palin ticket is that a soccer mom with stronger Christian beliefs should not allowed near the presidency then the results of the 2004 election should tell you what America thinks of such arguments.

In my opinion, best to keep the arguments focused on the disaster that was the previous republican administration and how McCain's candidacy will be a continuation of that failed experiment. Use Palin's inexperience (and her likelihood of becoming the president) only to counter the right's argument that Obama is inexperienced. It is probably best to pull the punches regarding Palin's family, her Christian values, anything that may vaguely come across as sexist, any comments about the irrelevancy of her experience as a mom, PTA member, TV reporter, etc. The same goes for joking about McCain's overuse of his time spent in the prison camp. All these points while valid don't seem to be helping.


>> ^anyprophet:
The problem with celebrities speaking out is that they often use their considerable fame, that was acquired outside of the political world, to spread their message to a much larger audience than any regular person could ever hope to reach. I think Rob Reiner is a good example of someone abusing their celebrity status and power and money. But I think the position Matt Damon is taking in this video stands on its own whether or not you know who he is.

I'm going to disagree with you there. By stating that, you've shifted the focus of responsibility onto the celebrity, rather than onto the listener/receiver. One could even derive that you are insulting those who are not celebrities by insinuating that people cannot think for themselves. EVERY celebrity (see: person) has the right to state their opinion; just like you do. It is the receiver who interprets the message and moves forward, either accepting or rejecting it. Like I just did with your comment.

If I followed your logic, then you shouldn't be allowed to put forth your opinion.

>> ^Trancecoach:

Difference between a plumber, taxi driver, waitress is that, when they voice their opinions, it's not published in the national news.

See above. Again, you've shifted the responsibility back onto the celebrity. Why should it matter if the media does spread their message? If people can't think for themselves, then you need to direct your anger toward them, not the celebrity.


the difference between Matt Damon in this, and say, Sean Penn, is that he is probably doing this interview on an unrelated manner. He doesn't consider himself a world leader, like that jackass Sean Penn, he is just giving his view when ASKED about his view in an interview.


>> ^pro:
It is probably best to pull the punches regarding Palin's family, her Christian values, anything that may vaguely come across as sexist, any comments about the irrelevancy of her experience as a mom, PTA member, TV reporter, etc. The same goes for joking about McCain's overuse of his time spent in the prison camp. All these points while valid don't seem to be helping.

BINGO! Couldn't agree more. Obama and Biden are doing a great job at steering clear of this trap, but the GOP will still SAY they are beating up on her about this stuff... and it won't matter if someone calls them on it because it never matters when they stretch the truth to people too busy to check the facts.


Now if he feels like actually becoming involved in politics maybe I'll give a rip.

talking about politics in a public forum = becoming involved in politics


Seems like there is a shit load of "I dont care what Matt Damon says on principle", which is all well and fine. But in the end its also isolationist knee-jerk reaction to idiots to drink up celebrity drivel.

Im not drinking it up - Im just plain agreeing with well put view, which happens to be expoused by MAAAAAAAAAT DAAAAAAMOnnNNnnnNnnnn


I'm sorry, but Matt Damon is TOTALLY right about the reality of the situation that the McCain camp has created. This is a story straight out of a Disney movie - the Hockey mom staring down an ex-KGB Russian leader. They could totally fucking adapt that into the next fucking "Mighty Ducks 12: American Hockey Mom vs Russian Spy-turned-Prime Minister," complete with a shoot-out to decide whether or not WORLD FUCKING WAR III happens.

We don't know enough about her, aside from the fact that she's a raving fucking lunatic fundamentalist Christian with a Down's baby and a pregnant teenage daughter. She may also be a nepotistic, vindictive (Trooper-gate?) woman who believes that god's will has dictated her entire political career. It is also not unlikely that McCain would kick the bucket given that he's had FOUR FUCKING MELANOMA SCARES and we all know that the stress he had at the Hanoi Hilton certainly didn't ADD years to his life. Do we REALLY want this woman in control of the Nuclear Missile codes? Am I the ONLY ONE besides Damon who sees the total fucking ABSURDITY of the situation?


"...because I don't know anything about her..."

"...It’s like a really bad Disney movie. You know the hockey mom, ‘Oh, I’m just a hockey mom from Alaska.’ And she’s the President, and it’s like she’s facing down Vladamir Putin..."

Really? Well, your like a really bad actor…


it doesn't matter who he is, that was a genuine, passionate, rational and eloquent statement of his position, which a LOT of people want to express for themselves but they are too scared of being labelled sexist.

the only difference his fame makes is you actually heard about this.
With that kind of platform, i think i would criticise him MORE if he didn't speak out. We gave him the platform by paying to see his work. Now thank fuck he's using it for something good instead of just selling perfume.


>> ^Trancecoach:You don't get out much, do you.

Ah...stick it up your arse.

>> ^Trancecoach:
Difference between a plumber, taxi driver, waitress is that, when they voice their opinions, it's not published in the national news.

So? Just because he happens to get an audience doesn't automagically mean he shouldn't be allowed to express his opinion.

>> ^Trancecoach:And we see how well that's been working out. Celebrity politics are for people who don't know how to think for themselves.

Yes you are totally right, no way a celebrity could possibly have an intelligent thing to say on a particular issue. Uhuh no way. They're all just morons. /s


I'm not sure what the snark is in the title to this, because my experience has been that Mr Damon is actually a pretty clever guy.

And to you twats who think eh shouldn't ahve a right as an artist to express his opinion: if you really feel that way then what gives you the right to express your braindead opinions here? Go fuck yourselves.


>> ^Fade:
Thats probably the most ignorant thing I've read in a long time. You wanna tell a plumber/taxi driver/waitress/oh I don't know pick anybody with a job that they simply don't have the right to express their own political opinions?
FYI most politicians are actors. Presidents and Govinators were actors.

I think you're overstating things here...

No one has ever accused Arnie of being an actor.


BTW. Matt Damon was accepted into Harvard, he CHOSE to suspend his studies to pursue one million American dollars.

over and over again...

He's not stupid. You're confusing him with Affleck.


ok, lets set the record on matt damon. He is smart, not dumb. I would say he is smarter than any of us, since he wrote Good Will Hunting, and none of us have created anything that brilliant. A hell of a lot better than Team America or any South Park Episode.

Also, Affleck is not stupid either, you would know this if you have ever seen Gone Baby Gone which he directed. And your an idiot if you think matt damon was actually mad and not acting on the Jimmy Kimmel.


I find it frustrating that the main thrust of the arguments here seem to be based on how one feels about an actor which may or may not be based on ones opinions of the movies he’s done. The real argument that should be playing out is weather or not Palin would be ready to LEAD this country let alone if she’s sane or not.
His (Damon’s) opinions should not held on any pedestal nor should it be driven into the ground. He has a platform and hes using it. OUR platform is Videosift and we are using IT, what's the difference? Don't we all in some small way have pretentious feelings about the comments we leave?
In regards to Palin my not so humble opinion and not an incredibly educated one at that is that she isn’t fit to govern the second smallest state in the United States let alone the most powerful country on the planet. Her pick as a running mate is a disgusting insult and an utterly reckless and irresponsible choice. It not only puts this country at risk but the entire world. A soccer mom is going prevent the second cold war from happening let alone negotiate a nuclear standoff? A soccer mom is going to negotiate with Iran, North Korea, clean up the Iraq mess, continue the fight in Afganistan, help solve the energy crisis, the housing crisis, the health care problem? A religious zealot who has demonstrated that she hates and or is terrified of anyone or thing existing outside of her tiny little box of existance is going to help the poor of this country, the sick, the minority, the gays and lesbians, the non Christians?
This isn’t a joke. This isn’t a movie where the unlikeliest of underdogs pulls off a victory and saves the day. This is the real world where an old man with failing health and a clueless woman with little to zero experience have the potential to govern the lives of millions of people.
I hope I’m not alone when I say that I am terrified.


Don't be. Presidents, like most leaders of industialized nations, today are almost figureheads. Both of them are fairly intelligent and like any president, would make BIG policy decisions based on advisors and "experts".

If you have any real concerns, you should only have them after they appoint Lars Ulrich as Chief of Staff.


So, does anyone have the definite scoop on whether Palin thinks dinosaurs lived 3000 years ago and the earth appeared *poof* out of thin air when god spoke 6,000 years ago? McCain probably wouldn't survive his first term.


>> ^conan:
erm.. Putin? Please Matt, read more newspapers.

Putin is the Prime Minister... Maybe you should read more newspapers.

PS. Some would argue that he has even more control than Prime Minister, most of them being, well Russians.


By law how it works:
Russian President = Power
Russian Prime Minister = No Power

Putin couldn't run for another term, so he is now Prime Minister.. but it's pretty obvious that he's still calling the shots.


Dummy Damon threw his hat in the ring for the Obamessiah back in 2006, when the "community organizer" had even less experience than he does now (and still doesn't have more than Palin).

Somebody get this dummy a script. Perhaps The Bourne Ignoramus.



wait, what? Did QM just say that Palin has more experience ... wait, what?

Is that a typo? Is the right wing talk radio echo chamber saying that Palin has more experience than Obama? ....

really? But, like... isn't that just laughably, provably, fundamentally, inarguably false?

I am scared to go and look now, but somebody tell me at least that nobody really thinks that. Do they?


experience at what?

being near russia for a while? CHECK
dealing with antiamerican religious fundamentalist nutcases? CHECK
wearing lipstick? CHECK
knowing what it is like to be a white woman? CHECK
exercising the ability to have too many children? CHECK

i'd say that's conclusive, Palin is infinitely more qualified than Obama. Obama for example doesn't even have a womb, and has probably never been to alaska, let alone GOVERNED the place. Eat that!


law degree from harvard
president of the harvard law review
worked for a charity that set up job training program and a college preparatory program in Chicago's impoverished south side.
taught constitutional law for 12 years at the University of Chicago law school.
state senator for 7.5 years
U.S. senator for 3.5 years

attended half a dozen tier-4 state-run schools for about 6 months each and got a bachelor's degree in journalism
Sports newscaster
Mayor of a town of <7,000 people for 6 years, cut back on library and museum spending. Governor of Alaska for 1.5 years, replacing an incumbent with <20% approval rating.

Graduated naval academy at the bottom of his class
Shot down in Vietnam
Military stuff
Unremarkable senator for 21 years.

More experienced than McCain (35 years in the senate)


>> ^vermeulen:He doesn't consider himself a world leader, like that jackass Sean Penn

Yeah, what a jackass!!

How jackassian of him to go down to New Orleans by himself, with a boat, and personally help rescue dozens of people who could've otherwise died, and risk his life doing so.

Only losers literally help people.


>> ^MrConrads:
I hope youre not reffering to the same advisors and "experts" that have been helping bush over the last 8 years.
...I'm still scared

No, I'm talking about advisors and experts intelligent people would hire.


what a jerkoff. he doesn't even realize how hypocritical he looks when his points on her so called inexperience apply far more to his own candidate. not to mention we know even less about obama, all we know is what his image marketing folks have put out and a few vague speeches. the fact is she has executive experience of a decade. like it or not the experience of being a head of a organization like mayor or governor is FAR different from being a legislator. an executive leader has final responsibility, and is alone in leadership. the positions obama had had diffused responsibility, its why "congress" or the "senate" get blamed as a unit, not as individuals. there is always someone else to blame as a legislator. let alone as a junior one who gets almost nothing done. you are one of many, the buck doesn't stop at obamas desk.

his characterization of her was dishonest. and if the same had been done to obama he would have gotten his panties in a twist. and the major problem is you have these sudden high standards for the oppositions vice president while you put your head in the sand with your own candidate for the PRESIDENCY! if obama were vice presidential candidate this argument might almost have a point. but he's going for the top job, so if you argue in this manner and support obama, i just really don't know whats wrong with you.

obamas issues run deep. his "spiritual guide" of minister wright was a bigot lover. giving unrestrained praise to the likes of antisemitic racists like lewis farrakhan. and yes this matters, he stood by this man for a decade in silence when he thought no one was watching. and that goes to character. if he stood for everything the left supposedly thinks he stands for he would have either left that church or stood up to that man. but he did neither, he instead stood by him and exposed his children to the man. and thats revealing. but the love of the left has blinded them to this mans many character flaws. he talks pretty yes. but words are cheap. and when you look at what he actually did when he thought no one was watching, its much less of a fairy tale.

anyways whats "crazy" mr damon is self important actors spewing about politics in the media. as if you being able to pretend on camera qualifies you to be a political expert. give me a break.


well, its funny the left is playing the games they used to accuse the far right of playing.
We’ve been flooded for the past few days with queries about dubious Internet postings and mass e-mail messages making claims about McCain’s running mate, Gov. Palin. We find that many are completely false, or misleading.

* Palin did not cut funding for special needs education in Alaska by 62 percent. She didn’t cut it at all. In fact, she increased funding and signed a bill that will triple per-pupil funding over three years for special needs students with high-cost requirements.

* She did not demand that books be banned from the Wasilla library. Some of the books on a widely circulated list were not even in print at the time. The librarian has said Palin asked a "What if?" question, but the librarian continued in her job through most of Palin's first term.

* She was never a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, a group that wants Alaskans to vote on whether they wish to secede from the United States. She’s been registered as a Republican since May 1982.

* Palin never endorsed or supported Pat Buchanan for president. She once wore a Buchanan button as a "courtesy" when he visited Wasilla, but shortly afterward she was appointed to co-chair of the campaign of Steve Forbes in the state.

* Palin has not pushed for teaching creationism in Alaska's schools. She has said that students should be allowed to "debate both sides" of the evolution question, but she also said creationism "doesn't have to be part of the curriculum."



While I believe that it's important that these things get cleared up, and I'm glad that you've gone to verify some of the details in Ms. Palin's background, don't you think that some of these points should never fall into question for someone who could have the power to appoint judges to supreme courts or detonate a nuclear bomb anywhere in the world?



On a side note 'shadowxaf' and 'frasera' are a white married christian evangelist mid-30s couple from Texas. They have been together for 3 years.

They are looking for a couple(man and woman only) to go on double dates with. They are regular church goers. On the weekends they enjoy racquetball, hiking, and necroposting on internet forums.

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