Letterman Sets Bill O'Reilly Straight


I think Bill O'Reilly is probably the biggest douche in the universe, but he's got a point. Leaving Iraq now could prove to be yet another giant mistake. And yes, it is all about the oil, but that doesn't mean staying in Iraq is wrong. I feel the US has the responsibility to stay in Iraq in order to ensure the rebuilding of the country. It's lying in ruins right now, you can't just bomb it to hell and then run, no way.


>> ^campionidelmondo:
I feel the US has the responsibility to stay in Iraq in order to ensure the rebuilding of the country. It's lying in ruins right now, you can't just bomb it to hell and then run, no way.

Unless the people we're supposed to be helping are convinced we're doing more harm than good, and want us out. There comes a time when you have to look at what you're doing, say "there is nothing more I can do here," and leave. Personally I think we're well beyond that point -- Take our response to the recent Russo-Georgian conflict and how simply it was dismissed. We just don't have the political power we had eight years ago, and we can't make it up with military force.

I think the most effective way of reinforcing stability in Iraq is for the US to draw out and have another foreign power move in with humanitarian aid while also offering a military alliance in exchange for trading contracts. Such an arrangement might be able to deter a possible invasion of Iraq while they stabilize locally, which may become easier with diplomatic aid. Local stability in that region without some sort of civil war seems highly unlikely, but I don't think there's anything we can do to help, especially since all of our efforts so far have been unsuccessful.

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