Formula 1 Simulator

I don't have a clue on what they are saying, but just some guys trying a test F1 simulator at home. I wonder if thet will actually make a commercial version anytime...

You don't need to watch it all the way, the guy won't end up flying (but someone eventually will if this thing ends up being a commercial product)

Looks like the software is Live for Speed, and that's a commercially available motion platform, though I forget what it's called off-hand. The software is about $40 USD, and the motion platform in the general neighborhood of $30,000 USD.

I would very much like to have one.


Look at the turns, when he turns right, the simulator tilts him to the left, but the horizon on screen stays horizontal. So what you experience is being thrown out to the side around a bend, but the world still looks horizontal from your chair. This is what you'd expect from a formula 1 car isnt' it? If it was a bike, you'd expect the horizon on screen to tilt and the chair to angle you into the turn, not away from it. Forward acceleration throws you back, hence the chair falls back, no wheelies involved. Similarly braking throws you forward so you're hanging from your safety harness.


ryan is correct, it tilts back so gravity will pull you into the back of your seat, simulating heavy acceleration.

Ideally the person's center of gravity would remain stationary, but you can see at some points where he's raised and lowered. That's to prep the machine for maximum effect when heavy braking/acceleration can be anticipated (ie the car is going at a really high or low speed).

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