Flying Whales

Why do I like this as much as I do?

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Because a whale is murdering its oppressors, which is ALWAYS fun and funny. I mean, I like British people but there's something about Mel Gibson murdering them in movies that just... that's also why we hate Mel Gibson, because he became the oppressor which we need to kill (socially). And now we are the oppressor.

If I saw a giant whale flying over my city, I would welcome it with dying arms. It's funny to know deep down inside that your own death, not out of self hatred or injustice, but out of a post-human sense of justice, could be absolutely hilarious.

Would the death of your civilization yield positive results?

Or at least laughs?

It did in this animation!!

Money is the root of all evil? Evil is the root of all things -- and it's funny to exist within the frames of constant existential doublethink!

Also, it's a cute whale, sort of like a Stay Puff of our current meme cycle -- which is over, because meme cycles are like 5 minutes or something.


I don't know why you like this as much as you do, nor do I know why I like it as much as I do...but I do.


I think it had more to do with the metal song with a simple and clear message about whales.


Because a whale is murdering its oppressors, which is ALWAYS fun and funny. I mean, I like British people but there's something about Mel Gibson murdering them in movies that just... that's also why we hate Mel Gibson, because he became the oppressor which we need to kill (socially). And now we are the oppressor.

If I saw a giant whale flying over my city, I would welcome it with dying arms. It's funny to know deep down inside that your own death, not out of self hatred or injustice, but out of a post-human sense of justice, could be absolutely hilarious.

Would the death of your civilization yield positive results?

Or at least laughs?

It did in this animation!!

Money is the root of all evil? Evil is the root of all things -- and it's funny to exist within the frames of constant existential doublethink!

Also, it's a cute whale, sort of like a Stay Puff of our current meme cycle -- which is over, because meme cycles are like 5 minutes or something.


Metal is inherently misanthropic. In a fun way, not a serious murdery way. Like the story of Sabbath's Iron Man or Norwegian black metal songs about demons overthrowing heaven, raping angels, and then reigning over earth. It's mostly shocking and funny. Then there's Babymetal, which is still misanthropic in sound but cute in their display. I posit a similar effect is occurring.


I think it had more to do with the metal song with a simple and clear message about whales.

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