EMP Cannon Stops Cars Almost Instantly

The idea is that an electromagnetic pulse would be used to disable a car's microprocessors, chips, and whatever other electronics are keeping it running. The final "cannon" system, built by Eureka Aerospace, will apparently a bit smaller and lighter than what we see in the video—it'll be suitcase-sized and about 50 pounds—and it will "stop cars in their tracks up to 656 feet (200 m) away." -LL

And how many thousands of dollars does it cost to replace everything burned out by this? Kind of a nasty surprise, if your car happens to get zapped simply by being in line with the target, don't you think?


>> ^Stormsinger:
And how many thousands of dollars does it cost to replace everything burned out by this? Kind of a nasty surprise, if your car happens to get zapped simply by being in line with the target, don't you think?

A friend of mine had a power line fall on top of his newer car (someone crashed into the pole and he was parked into the parking lot next to it.) He took it in and the mechanic said it would cost more than he paid for the car when he bought it brand new to replace the electrical system.

Don't get me wrong, I think this will be a very useful tool; however, I would hate to be in the position of having to prove and then get money from the police department for a new car if they zapped my car by accident.


Sooooo, does it work on pacemakers?
Will this be the next police taser?
Can a cop just take out your car to make you stop for a traffic violation, if he doesn't feel like driving after you?
Taking out the electronics in a car also stops power steering and some of the brakes in some cars. What if the driver doesn't understand what happened and crashes the car? Can he sue the police later?

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