Creepy Live Action Spanish Version of The Simpsons

“Los Simpson” is a really creepy live action Spanish version of The Simpsons from the TV show Cruz Y Raya.Com.

Living in Miami, I'm constantly bombarded by Hispanic culture and one thing that has always BOGGLED MY MIND is their television. I just don't understand it at all... like, has their television historically been SO bad that shit like this is considered quality entertainment? The same goes for all the telenovelas and variety shows like "Sabado Gigante" and whatnot. Their prime time banner television is worse than the worst English daytime television. It's really, truly, revoltingly bad stuff.


I am pretty sure this is duplicate, since I was even asked to translate the video back when it was sifted. Perhaps is dead now, but I hope the winkler1 checked.

>> ^uhohzombies:
Living in Miami, I'm constantly bombarded by Hispanic culture and one thing that has always BOGGLED MY MIND is their television. I just don't understand it at all... like, has their television historically been SO bad that shit like this is considered quality entertainment? The same goes for all the telenovelas and variety shows like "Sabado Gigante" and whatnot. Their prime time banner television is worse than the worst English daytime television. It's really, truly, revoltingly bad stuff.

First, that's not Hispanic, is a show from Spain.
Second, realize that the culture in Miami does not represent the Latino community as a whole. I am South American and I puke every time I turn on a Hispanic channel. For several reasons, one being how awful it is as you have already said. Another is, that it does not represent, nor is even close to my culture. Those channels are mainly aimed at low class Mexicans and Cubans since that is the majority of individuals in South Florida and California, etc. Think of them as redneck television or something along those lines.

Third, sorry but nothing is worse, more revolting, disgusting and substandard than shows like The Jerry Springer show. Just as I don't go generalizing the entire American culture based on shows like springer please don't generalize Hispanics based on two channels aimed at only a small portion of the entire Hispanic community.

Not trying to argue with you, just felt some things needed to be put on the table in regards to your comment.
I am also baffled at the content of these channels, is a pretty sad thing but so it's MTV! Just saying, TV sucks everywhere.

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