Countdown Special Comment: Bush, Cheney Should Resign


I don't suppose you'd care to elaborate on that particular note? To simply state such an overt opinion and not explain yourself, especially on such an impassioned speech makes it seem as if you did not even fully understand what the speech was about.

I voted for bush, I'll admit it. I've even defended several of his questionable decisions, even though I was over in the Gulf myself at the time. To my knowledge, Mr. Libby's supposed "crime" about revealing in identity of a CIA member wasn't necessarily a crime at all, because the CIA member wasn't even an agent. They were not someone who was in deep cover, if anyone wanted to find out who they were, it would be a simple matter of looking them up.

Perhaps I'm wrong about what happened with the CIA member and Mr. Libby, but the very fact that Bush would release that man from jail before the appeals process had even started is against everything this justice system was created for. It is in a word : wrong. To the very core of the word.

Present your facts sir, I read with an open mind.


Gotta say im not from the USA but i follow all these videos about bush and your media presents on youtube and here ofc but this keith olbermann is such a witty great presenter.


I cannot express how much Bush disgusts me. It's just too much.
Some things I don't understand... JFK was killed, Martin Luther King was killed, even Ronald Reagan suffered an attempted murder, but THIS MOTHERFUCKER goes on without a bullet to the head? I'm not exactly the sort of people to defend violence, but damn it... if Bush died, the world would be a really better place. If both him and Cheney were killed, the world would be a MUCH better place.


Actually RadHazG, you're right and wrong from my understanding. Yes she was covert, the following quote from General Hayden, head of the CIA, was read into testimony at a House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

---During her employment at the CIA, Ms. Wilson was undercover. Her employment status with the CIA was classified information, prohibited from disclosure under Executive Order 12958.

At the time of the publication of Robert Novak's column on July 14, 2003, Ms. Wilson's CIA employment status was covert. This was classified information.---

Keyword search of the following should turn up the relevant section for that quote.

In the sentencing memo used in the Libby trial she is also referred to as covert repeatedly. Link to that here, though it's a large PDF file so be aware. My understanding is that she was what's called NOC or Non-Official Cover. Those are the ones who don't even have the protection of diplomatic immunity and that's why the CIA was pissed about this.

Libby wasn't going to do time over outing her though, that was over two counts of perjury, one count of obstruction and one of lying to the FBI to block the investigation. The outing I'm not sure we're at the bottom of yet, they say Armitage played a key role in it but nothing I've seen there explains why Libby would have lied. There's something we're missing still I think.


Yeah, Bush has had a few minor scandals here and there, but you kids must not remember what it was like with ol' Bill Clinton in office. There was a new scandal every week, and Gen X became disillusioned with politics in general. Ah, the good old days...


appreciate the clarification drattus.

Politics have been corrupt, immoral, scandalous, and downright stupid for so long now, I hardly think only gen X is disillusioned. Find me a politician that hasn't lied to our faces for a vote or 2, and likely I can show you someone who's simply managed to pull the wool over your eyes.


I thoroughly enjoy your 'spit in the face of reason' tactics you seem to consistently employ BillOreilly. I can only assume your perspective to be presented in the likeness of Stephen Colbert in an attempt to point out the stupidity of the Ultra Right by portraying it's arrogance. Bravo in your presentation.


I'm not a big Bush defender, but this guy's full of shit - the President has the ability to pardon, and they all exercise it before they leave office; Clinton pardoned a shit-ton of people before he left. On what grounds would Bush be impeached? He hasn't broken any laws, and he's not going to resign until he could be impeached.


No problem, RadHazG. Media is part of what I do and to show it's flawed I've got to know where they got it wrong, this just happens to be one of those subjects the media is badly failing on. The warrantless wiretaps was another. If it's a FISA debate it's domestic, period. The only function of the FISA court was to deal with those foreign calls when they come home to a US person who has a right to expect a reasonable degree of privacy. Foriegn wiretaps never have needed a warrant. Program was so illegal that even Ashcroft threatened to resign if they didn't fix it. Never had a thing to do with stopping or needing approval to listen to foreigners or terrorists, that was just talking points to confuse the issue.

J-Rova might have a point though. Might not as well. In most cases the President has a right to pardon and such but what about if he pardons to protect someone who commits a crime in their own administration? Even Nixon didn't pardon Halderman, Colson and Liddy. When done to coverup or to stop an investigation into crimes in your own administration, then we just might be crossing a line into obstruction of justice.

I've got to agree about past abuse as well though. Clinton pardoned his brother and that crossed a big line too, some others were questionable as well. The nation NEEDS to start to understand that the law is as much precedent as what's printed on the books. Let someone bend the rules and defend it once and now it's easier for the other side to bend it too, for their reasons rather than yours. We're quickly becoming a nation not of laws but of partisan favoritism and it'll ruin us. If we don't figure out who we really want to be as a nation I'm afraid we're at about the end of the road. Both sides need to stop defending their abuses, it's bad precedent and precedent isn't partisan. One abuse sure as hell will lead to the next.


"Politics have been corrupt, immoral, scandalous, and downright stupid for so long now, I hardly think only gen X is disillusioned. Find me a politician that hasn't lied to our faces for a vote or 2, and likely I can show you someone who's simply managed to pull the wool over your eyes."

From a strictly cynical standpoint, you're exactly correct. They're all a bunch of liars.
Clinton was just better at it than anyone since JFK (whom he partially based his life on.)


"I thoroughly enjoy your... tactics you seem to consistently employ BillOreilly. Bravo in your presentation."

I appreciate the sentiment, but really, if all you kids keep applauding me so vigorously, I might start to believe in my own excellence. I prefer to keep a humble, softspoken attitude around here.


Boy he's mad! I'd like to see him go up against Hitchens. He seems a little lonely behind that desk. I still can't believe there are programmes like this - this would never fly here in England. We'd have to work in a celebrity angle for a start...


"I can only assume your perspective to be presented in the likeness of Stephen Colbert in an attempt to point out the stupidity of the Ultra Right by portraying it's arrogance. Bravo in your presentation. "

I've been assuming pretty much the same thing. That Bill'O is some sort of avant-garde parody of the real wouldn't matter much to me if he wasn't though. Still entertaining either way; we need all different types around to mix things up.


OMG, Olbermann is an idiot. He takes an old lie (Bush was selected, not elected) and tries to parlay that into a "back stab" against America when he commuted part of the sentence of Libby. Worse, almost everything Olbermann says is a lie. Bush waited until the appeals options to keep Libby out of jail were at an end, and he did indeed carefully consider the consequences of the pardon. Olbermann, though, lies lies lies.

Guess what? Libby was attacked by a runaway special prosecutor who had a personal vendetta against him, who continued prosecuting him even AFTER it was revealed he had no roll in the leak, looking for some contradiction between his words and anyone else's. Fitzgerald ought to be disbarred for his conduct, and Libby should have been given a full pardon, not a partial one.


Interesting how divided the US is these days. Certainly more divided than any other nation I know of today. I remember hearing a comment that it's not been as divided since the days of the American civil war, anyone think that's true?


@ "BillOreilly"

The personal, moral scandals of the Bill Clinton presidency and the deliberate and politically inspired scandals of the George Bush presidency are worlds apart in their real effect on the lives of people in the US and abroad.

One thing not noted in this discussion is how Pres. Bush commuted Mr. Libby's sentence instead of pardoning him. In so doing he presented reasons for commuting the sentence that directly contradict his and his party's publically expressed opinions on how current sentencing practices are too lenient, which his Justice Department is working hard to crank up.

30 months for a nonviolent first offense was too much time in Libby's case, but apparently not enough for those who lie under oath that aren't friends of the President.


... and one more thing; Bush's dad was the head of the CIA and President of the US, his grandfather was a U.S. Senator and a Wall Street banker, and his mother's wealthy family still owns estates along the east coast.

Bill Clinton was born in a shithole in Arkansas to a single mother who married an alcoholic, abusive car salesman, from which he took the last name Clinton. God forbid the man has some strained personal morality.


No, Leo_E_49, that's not quite right - first and foremost, such drama is good for the media because it sucks viewers in, which = $$ for them. Second, there are a number of issues, all of which are complicated, and no candidate has the "correct" view on all of them; likewise, it is rare that two people will completely agree on every issue waiting to be resolved, because none are simple and there are many ways to resolve any given problem.

Then you've got orders of priority, for example - the issue of gay marriage being handled at lower levels of government rather than the federal level; when compared to issues such as war and health care, gay marriage simply has no place in the same arena. Likewise with decriminalizing marijuana - even those who feel strongly about such issues would rather, for example, see our troops come home first. Ultimately (and ideally), all of these issues would be resolved more quickly if doing so required less paperwork and delegation; but in the meantime, as I said, the media tends to hype it up and lash out in order to draw more viewers by inflating controversy, simply because it's good for their business.

Thus, from the outside looking in, one would think America is extremely divided - but this is largely media hype...journalists and anchors irrationally yelling at each other, going on tirades and whatnot, as you see above, is not typical behavior amongst the common rational people, whom you will rarely see grabbing the media's attention because common rational people are boring and bad for their business. On the other hand, take for example Ann Coulter - the media likes her because she's a controversial character, so they keep her in the spotlight because it's good for their ratings; the media coverage, in return, sells her books and other garbage. She's a professional PR stuntress. It's up to the viewer to say "wow, she's a rude raging bitch of a whackjob," or, as I said in my earlier post on this video, "this guy's full of shit."

In short, as we Sift through it all (pun intended of course), we're all allowed to think and say whatever the fuck we want, and that's the ironic beauty of it all. :-)


the scooter story has been the bigest crap story i have ever heard. the media has managed to basicly headline a Non sequitur. people hear bush coverd up somthing that lead us to into war. oh ya its because of some cia miscomunication. thats bull shit its like the media wants to equate bush lying or overreacting about weapons of mas destruction (witch in reality caused the shityist us war is 30 years) too a much less of a crime of leaking of information. leak or no leak. bush cronies got what they shit there were cover ups?

the us meidia is trying to act like it gives a shit about what the bushys do. ya right.
the media should be reporting more than just this one angle. ok how about bush and a large portion of American are racist pigs. that should get front page.
its ashame that this is as far as it goes too the people of the united states taking responsibility for there governments actions. the media figures it good because the scooter case is a metaphor for the people saying bush is wrong. but the media wants to civilize the story in this clean by the book lawfull way. when in reality these charges associated with the war should be much more horrendous.


"The personal, moral scandals of the Bill Clinton presidency and the deliberate and politically inspired scandals of the George Bush presidency are worlds apart in their real effect on the lives of people in the US and abroad."

lol, now i've heard it all


" Quantum, I don't suppose you'd care to elaborate on that particular note? To simply state such an overt opinion and not explain yourself, especially on such an impassioned speech makes it seem as if you did not even fully understand what the speech was about."

This from the same mindset of people who say stuff like "Bush is worse than Hitler", and "Bush lied, people died", "Bush knew about 9/11 and let it happen", "Bush stole the election", "Bush did it all to get his oil buddies rich", "Bush is a dumb cowboy"? Pick any 'overt opinion' from the liberal left - they're all the same. Unfounded with no evidence. And then say they don't have to explain themselves because 'everyone knows its true'....?

Idealogues, heal thyselves....


I see no monolithic establishment here Slyrr. Actually, people that say "Bush is like hitler" are rarely found on the Sift. Furthermore, RadHazG seems restrained in his response. If it were me I might be a bit more sweeping if only because I've been exposed to quantum's bloviating before. Let's not throw labels around aimlessly.

If you want to contribute to a civil conversation, welcome. If not, have fun arguing with 12-year-olds on YouTube about "n0 w@r 4 o!L". -out-


Let me make sure my spelling is correct for the NSA and everyone else that monitors our public discussions for dissent.

What a great piece. Too bad the arrogance of the admin and distain for justice and truth will never give up the power bought and paid for by Exxon, Big Pharma, etc. But most Americans are finally seeing the 1 party system we're under. The Dems don't have the nuts to impeach even Cheney. Clinton (another crook) was dragged thru it over lying about BJs. What is the list of crimes of this admin? It's long and shameful enough that the rest of the world is just shaking it's head at us. Too bad this isn't the 60s/70s and we unite to ram this kind of BS down the throats of the corporate elite and politicians they buy.

Really, who wants to see Bush > Clinton > King George > Hillary > Jeb through more rigged elections. And all the dummies like QM, just keep investing in Blackwater and Halliburton, profits are always more important than human rights or blood of children that aren't white and Christian.

And 9/11? We're funding Sunnis now to fight Hezbollah to fight Al-Q to fight the commies, etc. It's state sponsored war, just like selling weapons to Iraq AND Iran in their war against each other. Let's make a new flag with the top 50 corporate logos on it instead of the stars!!!

Nicholas Cage was right in "Lord of War", the US prez makes him look like a punk with the arms he supplies in 1 day.


>>> I dislike Olbermann, an insincere, smarmy prick if ever there ever was one on the air. I can't believe even the leftists who like his op-eds can stand him. Keep an eye on him here:

>>> I hate to begin with Slick Willie, but all this concern over the Libby non-issue weighs less than a feather when compared to the last-day-in-office pardons of Bubba.

>>> Reviews of recent history demonstrate to me that Democrats, the silly cult of personalities they are, don't give a rat's patoot about the rule of law. There's also the fiasco with Gonzalez over the dismissal of U.S. Attorneys in 2006, which was perfectly legal. Why Gonzalez, who did nothing wrong, didn't tell critics to politely f-off is beyond me. But he didn't, and now he too is stuck in a pointless Democrat snare wasting time, money and energy over a non-issue.

I voted for bush, I'll admit it. I've even defended several of his questionable decisions, even though I was over in the Gulf myself at the time. To my knowledge, Mr. Libby's supposed "crime" about revealing in identity of a CIA member wasn't necessarily a crime at all, because the CIA member wasn't even an agent. They were not someone who was in deep cover, if anyone wanted to find out who they were, it would be a simple matter of looking them up.

>>> I believe you are correct in your assessment of the Libby fiasco. To me it was nothing more than a political witch hunt.

Perhaps I'm wrong about what happened with the CIA member and Mr. Libby, but the very fact that Bush would release that man from jail before the appeals process had even started is against everything this justice system was created for. It is in a word : wrong. To the very core of the word.

>>> Libbygate means little or nothing to me; whether the man goes free or rots in prison has no bearing on the fate of the country. Keeping the scum in Gitmo locked up is more important.

>>> I voted for Bush, or rather, against these socialist tools the Victicrats keep offering up. Yeah, Bush has let all of us down one way or another, it's true. He's really a liberal with a few conservative tendencies. He's failed to secure the border, failed to vaporize what needs vaporizing in the Middle East and though he wouldn't have much pull even if he was for ending Drug Prohibition, his past abuses of alk and coke have left no mark of compassion on failed drug policy for those still being locked up for life over a joint.
For all his faults, Bush is nowhere close to being the chimera the moonbat left has tried to create of him. Why should I take anything the left has to say seriously? They remain in complete denial over the war on islamofascism and how tax cuts create wealth.

>>> Hamilton said corruption was the grease of democracy. Focus on what matters to you.


Really, who wants to see Bush > Clinton > King George > Hillary > Jeb through more rigged elections. And all the dummies like QM, just keep investing in Blackwater and Halliburton, profits are always more important than human rights or blood of children that aren't white and Christian.

Heavy taxes and the arrogant micromanaging of everyone's lives are more important to liberals than freedom and the rule of law.

Face the mirror, hippie. HA HA HA HA HAAAA!


The freedom to stop CIA investigations into possible WMDs in Iran must be protected. The freedom to speak against the president when he does wrong must be destroyed to ensure the president continues doing wrong. The freedom to embezzle millions and accept bribes must be protected. It's more important then ever people remember the words of our great founding father and first ruler George Washington: "The congress? I am the congress! Kneel before your king, for my will is law!"

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