Bus Slams Into Illegally Parked Porsche

"This rich idiot would probably never take the bus, which makes it even more satisfying to watch the bus take their Porsche for a ride."

From http://digg.com/comedy/Bus_Slams_Into_Illegally_Parked_Porsche_VID ...

That is the weirdest accident I've ever seen... just what direction is traffic moving? Where did that bus come from? Did the bus lose its brakes? How do they get the liquid centre into the Caramilk bar?


Lol bizarro.

I think though, the bus driver was probably focusing on not hitting the second car.

Btw, traffic's on the left; which makes the porsche driver doubly retarded as they would have had to cross head on to park like that.


hahahahahahahhahahahahahahha hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhah ahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha
hahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha hahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha hahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahah
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hahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha hahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha hahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahah
ahhahahahahahahhahahahahahah hahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahah hahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha


>> ^therealblankman:
That is the weirdest accident I've ever seen... just what direction is traffic moving? Where did that bus come from? Did the bus lose its brakes? How do they get the liquid centre into the Caramilk bar?

It's like the bus driver was rushing over to tell the lady not to park there and totally forgot he was still driving a bus.


My Fake / Viral sense is tingling from the camera movements at the beginning, specifically the way the camera zooms in on the license plate, and then instantly zooms out to view the entire thing. The position and the height of the camera make little sense as well, imo.

Still, though. Fun to watch


Looks like the camera was mounted on a Police car or other law enforcement type vehicle like parking enforcement. It had just finished gathering evidence of the parking violation when the "accident" occurred, then moves off the road. Whoever was operating the camera then had some trouble moving it around back to the scene, probably was shaken by what had just happened and how bad it could have been.

BTW, this is certainly the bus driver's fault. He or she probably hit the gas instead of the brake while shifting into drive, and was then unable to find the actual brake quick enough.


>> ^therealblankman:
How do they get the liquid centre into the Caramilk bar?

Step 1. Fill a Porsche with chocolate and park it illegally on the side of the road
Step 2. Fill a bus with liquid caramel
Step 3. ??? (however you would describe whatever the hell happened in this video)
Step 4. Profit!


MaxWilder is on the right track. If you notice, the offending bus is the one that is parked 2nd in the row of busses along our right edge. It seems like the bus was accidently shifted in to drive and the wheel was already turned to the right, and the rest is history.


That's gold: "it was certainly the bus driver's fault". Yeah, I got that impression from the crazy driving all over the place smashing into bus stops and porches thing.

Meanwhile, worst camerawork ever!


^ Well, the title's emphasis on the "illegally" parked Porsche clearly implies that it was her fault for parking in a dangerous place, when that is not the case. Yes, it is parked illegally, but in a relatively safe place compared to the vehicles around it. I expected to see a car parked in a traffic lane or something like that when I first watched the vid, but according to the description, the Porsche driver deserved this simply for owning a Porsche.


>> ^Kerotan:
Then the camera proceeds to look at everything apart from the aftermath.

Yeah, it's like the camera operator and his buddy were fighting over the controls. "No left Gary! Your other left! Now up a bit more... Too much, too much!!"


>> ^demon_ix:
My Fake / Viral sense is tingling from the camera movements at the beginning, specifically the way the camera zooms in on the license plate, and then instantly zooms out to view the entire thing. The position and the height of the camera make little sense as well, imo.
Still, though. Fun to watch

Looks like CCTV to me, controlled by either the council (who would probably notify the police) or the police (who would probably order it towed). The first thing either would do is zoom in on the registration plate, otherwise he might get away.


>> ^demon_ix:
My Fake / Viral sense is tingling from the camera movements at the beginning, specifically the way the camera zooms in on the license plate, and then instantly zooms out to view the entire thing. The position and the height of the camera make little sense as well, imo.
Still, though. Fun to watch

That's like some shoop paranoia. Now whenever another cool video comes up, people will instantly go "Shopp shoop! I can see dem pixelz!!!"

This is actually similar to a time once when everyone on forums had to warn others before linking to youtube vids that the specific video in question IS NOT A RICK ROLL!

Heh, fun times we're living in.


I think it's a good example as to why the bus should have had its emergency break engaged!

The Porsche is guilty of a parking violation, no more.
The bus driver is at fault for causing the crash by accidentally knocking it into gear and sending it into traffic. He/she was lucky no pedestrians were present!


This video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by therealblankman.


>> ^ant:

>> ^therealblankman:
Sorry, my mistake. notdead.
Not sure what that was about. I blame Flash- lots of crashes and weird behaviour since the last updates.

Flash sucks. Steve Jobs and others were right about it.

You're right of course. Flash sucks ass but let's face it, Jobs' decision was first and last a business decision in the same vein as it's a business decision for Apple to continue using that ridiculous and crappy proprietary 30-pin interface for their iProducts, rather than a nice standardized USB one.

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