Atheist comes out of the Closet

This mom seems visibly upset that her child has become an Atheist.

She's probably just concerned about the image of her family in the community and is really caught up in the image that atheists are not human and the filth of the earth. From her point of view, to be associated with that would suck bawls


Jeez, look how old he is. Of *course* he just stopped believing in God, that's how it works. When you're a child you take what people tell you at face value, but as you mature you learn to evaluate things critically and think for yourself. Then bam, one day you just stop believing in the tooth fairy. Ooops, I meant god.


I'd like to point out that not all Christians (or any other religious folk) are like this. It's just the most extreme ones that come to attention. So please don't take examples like these as a meter for how all of them act. ;-)


My mom, a reverend's daughter, did very much the same thing. I hated church and she told me I could decide for myself (whether to go or not) after I was confirmed. The day I was confirmed was the last day I set foot in a church, 26 years ago. I do not miss that perfumy church smell at ALL. (Lutherans wear a lot of perfume, apparently).

Oh, and I told her I didn't want anything for Christmases after that, and she told me "Tough, you're getting something anyway!". I was then punished with socks and Aplets and Cotlets (mmm...) for many a Christmas after.


My personal take on this situation is that the mom is insecure in her own beliefs (like many Christians) and finds her son's ability to reject them outright incredibly troubling because it shakes her fragile grip on a faith that is maintained more by groupthink than actual belief.

That said, I feel like this is a staged production. Usually I don't cry "fake" at random internet vids, but something just doesn't ring true here.


agree with everything detlev said. also cheers to ant, our token downvoter.

The only pattern I've ever been able to discern in his otherwise random downvoting is that he seems to be a hardcore Christian.


My Mom had a similarily reaction when I told her (of course, I was a chicken-shit and didn't actually tell here until I was 42:)). She gave me the whole confirmed nonsense also etc. etc.
I was actually invovled in the church most of my youth, an alter boy and everything.
Still I didn't go to catholic school like they did.


"You wanna know there's no God? Well then you're getting nothing for Christmas!"

LOL God hast forsaken me with underwear before, and now he hast left me nothing. Where is my God now!?!


LOL God hast forsaken me with underwear before, and now he hast left me nothing. Where is my God now!?!


You win the comment thread, we can shut this one down.


I hate fuckin atheists. im sorry but i firmly believe half the kids at my school are atheists because thats what the "Cool" kids do. it makes me fuckin sick. this kid looks exactly the same as every fuckin one of them. some punk ass bitch trying to be in by denouncing God.


I disagree with White.

All the kid did was tell his mom he didn't believe in God. The mother obviously does not care to learn about her child so she yells (sorry, screams) at him.


"I hate fuckin atheists"

Then don't fuck atheists!!! DUH! [Always be sure to use a condom ;-) ]


"I hate fuckin Jews"

"I hate fuckin Christians"

"I hate fuckin Muslims"

"I hate fuckin.... etc, etc."

I doubt you would say that you "hate" ALL the people in these groups. (I don't know maybe you would?) Why then is it OK to say "I hate fuckin atheists"? What is it about atheists as a group that makes it permissible to hate them?

Just wondering if you'd thought about it?


Why do you hate people, don't you love all of gods creatures? You hate free thinking. You hate people who think differently to you. You are a biggot. I was brought up roman catholic. From the age of four to being confirmed I had to pretend to believe. Do you know what that is like?
I am glad I left it behind. Thank god


Haha, took a while before some kid posted something awesome,... and there it is! yeeehaa!

But yeah, all the kids at my school were smarter than me, too, White... luckily, I'm tenacious.


White, I agree with you in the sense that those who make a choice only because other chellovecks do are being untrue to themselves. You can't possibly come to a conclusion about such a huge question of human existence by blindly following one crowd or another/being indoctrinated from a young age and to say you hate atheists in general because of the doings of a small percentage of pseudo-this or that speaks volumes of how you group/label people by taking extreme examples and deducing that all of them must be like that. Discovery comes from within...most atheists will tell you it was a long, gradual and decidedly eventual/inevitable outcome, if you research all available knowledge on the subject in earnest. Viddy well, brother...


I was brought up in a household that was pretty religious; I've rolled back to being somewhat religious personally. If I have kids I hope they'll have a certain amount of faith, but if they don't, I can't see myself shouting at them over it (or uttering Christmas threats)


This is what my very catholic mom really wanted to say when I told her I was an atheist

Luckily, she is a bit more sympathetic than this woman in the vid and actually did do the whole "forgiveness" thing.


im sorry. i came off a little vague. i meant i only hate punk ass atheists like i think this kid is. a lot of my friends are atheists and as long as we dont discuss the existence of God, im fine with it. he just seems to me to be one of those stupid kids. you guys are probably right about the mother, though. i agree that she did overreact probably just because she wanted to feel she had some influence over her child's life. no offense, AFC, but the boy agreed with his mother about the fact that "all of a sudden there is no god." he said a lot could happen, but he never finished his thought.


+1 to white for having the balls to come back and back himself up.

As for the punk kid. It takes a lot of balls to "come out of the closet", sure he lost this screaming match, but what do you expect from a 13 year old kid vs his mother.


postmortem, great reply to my dear twin Mr. White (the first one). hilarious. i do think that what white was trying to say was that half the kids this kids age that are atheists are only atheists because they think it makes them different. 5 years later (after they are done with college and dont have to worry about their image as much) they are back where they were, god fearing and all.

upvote for the argument against my brother.


I too, agree with Mr. White, though not necessarily with such vehemence. Atheistic groupthink abounds on the net these days, especially with the celebrity status that Dawkins has achieved.

I have no more a problem with an intelligent and reasoned atheist anymore than I have with an intelligent and reasoned Muslim or Wiccan. I've known and enjoyed the company of at least a couple of such people(for some reason there are very few Muslims in Tennessee or Ohio), but this new breed of "me-too" atheist drives me batty. If you want to combat the vocal minority of the religious right, I'll back you, but there's a movement towards violently denigrating any and all who espouse a personal faith and I find that just about as ignorant as hard line fundamentalism.


This is fake.

What's funny is, the first time I saw it, I thought the skinny kid was the woman talking and the fatass in the peach shirt living with his mother was the atheist...

Both hardcore religious folks and atheists can't wait to tell the world, and both think about God more than other people.


I think the anger with most people (Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc...) is that their really is no reason why not to believe in God. People need proof of a lot of things. I for one believe in God, but don't take the bible literally. I mean, obviously something created the universal. Something caused the big bang. We evolved and so did many creatures, something kept us moving. Point being, I think the mother in the video be it fake or not, is that the reason is why not believe. I can live my whole life, and when I die I find out that God or heaven or whatever is not real. It would not be a waste, because it at least comforted me at times when I needed it, and made me stronger then most that have nothing or feel there is nothing helping them. Everything just seems to fit perfectly, let it be science, or an answer, but their will never be answer to what created everything (especially an atom).


Atheist Groupthink?! Groupthink is what religion is all about...

Subpenas of emails from Jack Abramhoff reveal the following exchange from Michael Scanlon, former Tom DeLay aide

Consider one memo highlighted in a Capitol Hill hearing Wednesday that Scanlon, a former aide to Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, sent the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana to describe his strategy for protecting the tribe's gambling business. In plain terms, Scanlon confessed the source code of recent Republican electoral victories: target religious conservatives, distract everyone else, and then railroad through complex initiatives.

"The wackos get their information through the Christian right, Christian radio, mail, the internet and telephone trees," Scanlon wrote in the memo, which was read into the public record at a hearing of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee. "Simply put, we want to bring out the wackos to vote against something and make sure the rest of the public lets the whole thing slip past them." The brilliance of this strategy was twofold: Not only would most voters not know about an initiative to protect Coushatta gambling revenues, but religious "wackos" could be tricked into supporting gambling at the Coushatta casino even as they thought they were opposing it.



Oh my science. This is the kind of stupidity and peer-pressure that religion thrives on. Bringing up christmas is just dumb, as presents and Jesus have absolutely nothing to do with each other (Like Easter and eggs -- or so the Hare Club for Men would have you believe).

What's the confirmation age in the states? 14-15? Would you truly be old enough to make a binding contract by that age? Not according to most countries, where you have to be an adult (18+) to make a contract.

It seems that Atheist is the new Gay.

"Have you tried not being an atheist..?" Heh.

While this may very well be faked, it's a dramatization of what many go through. And that's a bit frightening.


Actually, Gwiz, it's funny you should say that, because I think that analogy is much closer to the truth then most would believe, and I think it'll become more apparent with time.

The reason I say this is because I'm hearing more and more talk of Atheism being a 'phase' that teenagers go through and grow out of. Very similar to what worried parents would say to comfort themselves about their gay son/daughter.


By the way, if this is faked (I don't think it is, but you never know, I suppose), then it's an extremely realistic dramatization. My mother over-reacted the exact same way when I was a teenager.


I think the internet has really allowed other atheists to realize they are not alone and there is quite a large group of people who share similar feelings. Some may think people are doing it just to be popular but I was an atheist at around 10, I just didn't have a word to go with it and we didn't have the internet so I didn't know how many "others" there were. Are some kids doing it because it's rebellious? of course but that shouldn't belittle those who really are atheist.


Yep- Nothing like hostility, shouting and threats to get your point across to kids.

You could transcribe the part about Christmas gifts into a Simpsons episode and it'd be pretty funny.


My parents are in UCC, one of the most liberal protestant denominations, and they basically made me go to church until confirmation. They didn't ask whether I wanted to be confirmed. They just sent me there every week. I went to church but didn't utter most of the things we were instructed to utter together because I didn't see any good reason to do so. I kept my mouth shut during the songs etc. After a few years of that I think they took the hint.


I can really identify with this poor kid. Although both my mum and dad are pastors and mum is a theologian. So to tell them I was an atheist meant I was in for some real focused bouts of theological and metaphysical debate.


My first response after the X-mas hit would have been, "What the Bible does clearly teach is that Christ was born in the fall (tax season) and not on December 25th. The latter date was the great pagan holy day of the ancient world." Clearly he should have made this point. Also Christianity in it's current and old forms are predated by many religions in the Iron Age. Guess those guys got in for free or were SOL.

Presents please.

I just never understood why we should follow something we have no proof of and causes major strifes throughout history. What's more important the medical treatment you get now, or the possible healing from religion (which doesn't seem to work so well). I will follow proof in front of me rather than faith. Proof allows me to interact with all people on a non-biased viewpoint. Faith requires me to be "loving" but tell other people they're wrong.

Religious holidays that coalesced into the 25th.

As for the video, if I knew who was recording (perhaps a sibling with similar views, or knew how the mother would react) the I might be willing to not call this viral. But, the cutoff at the end made me wonder.

Atheist till the end. If there is such a thing as God, then he would have to obey rules--to be able to choose. Which means on some level he must obey rules. Which means he is fallible and may not deserve our trust. The derivation of his dogma and power can be put to the question. Then he must explain logically why all God's dogma is correct. But, of course, it could just as easily be Zeus.

I vote for nothing as the universe seems to be a closed system (except some quantum effects). If we can master this, X-mas will be the last thing you believe is nice.

Etc.. etc... etc...
P.S.- White, any insights into your "hatred"? I can also say that religion seems to be a fad/trend in my area (Utah).


There is nothing more shrill, annoying, and irrational than a "true believer" of any stripe.

Growing up, my parents were not religious but there were some older people and grandparents around who were all religious. One of my earliest memories of a conversation was asking my dad whether "we" (the family) believed in god, and he told me that it was up to me to look at the facts and decide for myself. He could be a bastard in many other ways, but I'll take parents who are a bit abusive emotionally while encouraging critical thinking, over the other way around.

I think the woman in this video has a sad, empty life. Most things that have meaning to her have to be shot through some delusional, self-aggrandizing filter that tells her god is part of her life. How goddamn self-centered and wish-fulfilling is that?


My family respects my beliefs, only because I provided sound (not angry) proof that I believe not in god or fate.

But there are many arguments that we have, because I believe that I have nothing to fear. Therefore I need not fear a god.

My family also thinks that the end times are upon us.

I want to be completely devoid of any systemic belief, other than the constitution. So that I can view the world through clear eyes and see "How far down the shitter we really are!" - Lewis Black


Watching this made me reassess how lucky I am! I dropped out of the Mormons about that kid's age, 20 years ago. My mom was pissed, but nothing like that...She still sends me propagandistic emails now and then though.

I love christmas threat...classic.


She could've said;"Ok Son,let's sit down and discuss your concerns". But NO..Instead, she swears and threatens him with church every week,as if his brainwashing needs a top up. Like all the Abrahamic faiths(and more) it's threats,anger and punishment all the way.(but remember,god loves you) I admire the kid for saying;"A lot can happen, you can think". She should be utterly ashamed of her reaction to his honesty. Hopefully he won't have to tell her he's gay or he's dating a nice scientologist girl. Still, could've been worse. Were he muslim, they would have killed him immediately for being an apostate and bringing shame on the family..The sooner these bronze age myths are consigned to history-as countless others have been-the better for humanity.


>> ^Munchound:
I think the anger with most people (Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc...) is that their really is no reason why not to believe in God. People need proof of a lot of things. I for one believe in God, but don't take the bible literally. I mean, obviously something created the universal. Something caused the big bang. We evolved and so did many creatures, something kept us moving. Point being, I think the mother in the video be it fake or not, is that the reason is why not believe. I can live my whole life, and when I die I find out that God or heaven or whatever is not real. It would not be a waste, because it at least comforted me at times when I needed it, and made me stronger then most that have nothing or feel there is nothing helping them. Everything just seems to fit perfectly, let it be science, or an answer, but their will never be answer to what created everything (especially an atom).

The primary reason why not to believe is WHY BELIEVE IN ANYTHING THAT HAS NO SUPPORTING EVIDENCE at best its a waist of time at worse its dangerous due to people then believing aditoinal things that's attached to that fictional thing that could or could not exists.

why not believe in invisible pink elephants that you cannot see BUT THEY DO EXIST because I read it in a book. also they watch you to make sure you are good and if you are bad then they trample on you when you die. the pink elephants also trample on you if you masturbate or if you don't cut off the skin on the end of your penis. they also trample on you and give you cancer if you talk about them in a negative way.
Now if i write that down into a 300 page book and then hide it in a cave for 2k years whalst spreding it as an idea , im sure manny people could take it serouse in the future if i replaced pink eliphant for almighty gods that created the world. I mean look at Scientology and how that has spred to some exstent despite the fact its blatently obsurd.

I have written down some other points for you to consider

1) granted annything could have created the universe or it could have always existed.

2) even if it was created by a intelligent entity that would not be "god" as described by the major religions.

3) the god of the major religoins is one tha knows you cares what you do and judges you

4) all the information you have on that god is assertaind from a book that was most probably written by

5) when you are chooseing a god you are realy choosing which book do you think is most likely "real"

6) there is no way to know if One book is more likely the word of god than another

7) if you don't believe in the whole book litrally then how do you know the bits about god are true how are you deciding which bits to belive and which bits not to ? i know that the bible and the quran both contain contradictoins there is no way to actualy know what would be the write thing to do.

from a universe creation stand point MOST THINGS START OFF SIMPLE A allmighty powerfull creator is not simple , evan if the universe was started by some supper inteligence it would not be a god but it would just be a super inteligent life form, for example if we created life 10k years from now we are not Gods in the biblical sence. as an example of how things start of simple A planet for example starts off as dust and debry that colects together due to gravity untill its so large its core becomes hot and other systems and chemical reactoins can accour.

9) if you believe everything needs to be created by something who or what creates god by saying god did it your left with the same problem.

10) belive me things do not fit together perfectly , for example humans are cosntantly braking , we have to go around inflicting pain on other cretures just for us to stay alive , 90% of creatures live by killing other creatures that are all pritty mutch inosent but all have to suffer horable deths or freeze and stare to death.

11) granted it might seem like slim ods that we would come to exist but thats because we are looking at it after the fact We are an accident not a planned event, for example ,

If I specify that I have to roll a dice and get the nimbers , 6 ,3,2 , 6 ,6 4 ,3 ,2 , 5, 1, 5, 6, 3 ,2 ,1 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 all in a row the ods would be mind boggling but say I didn't specify that i had to get anything and I was just aimlessly rolling the dice and the numbers that came out were 3,2,6,4,3,2,5,1,5,6,3,2,1,3,4,5,6 IT would be stupid for me to look back on that and say THAT'S UNBELIEVABLE what were the ods of me getting those.

Its like sum one wining the lottery and then attributing it to skill , they just happened to pick 6 random numbers that then happened to be the ones that occoured, Just because the numbers happened dose not then mean that person used skill to get them , or actually knew they were going to be the numbers that were picked.

Its far more likely that we are just a random occurrence than the creation of one of the gods of , Islam, Christianity, Mormonism, Scientology , flying spagetih monster .

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