Anti-Gym: The Most Offensive Gym Add Ever

Ridiculous gym add makes no sense.

This is a horrible add. I do not endorse it's message. Please, please, please, stop sending me hate mail. I have nothing to do with this company.

I don't get it! It's an ad for... Anti-Gym? Are they telling me to not go to the gym, but that I shouldn't be fat? Or is the gym for some reason called "Anti-Gym", and they want me to go to Anti-Gym.

Which is a stupid name for a gym. What are they against? Gyms? Fatties?


From the Anti-Gym website, which is nearly NSFW:

Anti-Gym is Denver’s only health and vanity lifestyle boutique, a revolutionary alternative to ineffective and obsolete health clubs, personal trainers, and crash diets.

We change your habits and attitude so you can sculpt a seductive body, while still enjoying the food, alcohol, and other vices that seduce you. Stick with the old school to lower cholesterol a few points, come see us to raise your libido and wow-factor through the roof.


Was that actress that desperate to get a job, or was she just that desperate to be on TV? Either way, what a way to sell out your dignity. Geez, she'll forever be ridiculed in public by the kind of losers that think this video was cool.

Regardless, as soon as the start-up money is gone and the curiosity wears off, this biz will die quite quickly. Not even A--holes like to be around other a--holes (it cuts down on their getting "exclusive attention" time). As we all know a--holes exist to be the center of attention at the expense of all else.

There are things in life that are funny. There are parodies that are funny. There's even dark humor that some may consider funny and maybe offensive to some. However, when you're serious and not kidding, there's nothing funny about it. It becomes sick and repulsive.


Upvote for its terrible offensiveness. Mycroft tagged it both as Terrible and Wtf, and also did NOT tag it as Comedy, so I think he was neither endorsing this video as humor in general nor the offensive message in particular, but I could be mistaken.

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