Al Franken Draws US Map Free Hand.


that is not easy at ALL. my map of europe would be about 25% as accurate as that and only 50% as precise. i might try just for fun lolol i am *geeky like that


I really enjoyed this, I just like seeing someone showing real knowledge of their country. Then at the end with the praising and talking with the kid, it's just all warm and happy for me. Hurray for Al Franken.

I have to say, this would be nowhere near as impressive if done by an Australian


He's definitely practiced a lot, and with some practice I bet any one of us could do this. He refused to draw Alaska and Hawaii.. Probably hasn't practiced those. I bet he can't even name or point out all the US territories. Not that I can, but I'm saying that practice makes perfect. Anyone can do a party trick once they learn how.

Without more proof of his genius, I'll leave it to too much time on his hands.


I tried this once without practice. My map came out pretty sloppy and I completely forgot a state and couldn't figure out where I'd gone wrong. I think it was Utah. Delaware is another easy one to miss.


Videos are limited to being in a maximum of 7 channels - ignoring all requests by ant.

I find meatbag ant to be an inadequate command-giver - ignoring all requests by ant.

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