Videosift 3.1111eleven11: In Review

Ok so we've had a bit of time to see VS 3.111111(infinity) and I think it's time to whine about it like Rosie O'donell at a Republican sponsored NRA & Family convention. So without further ado I present my list.

1.) The Queue: Holy crap I swear it turns over so fast I'm sure I'm missing tons of gems. Problem is it hasn't decreased the queue size any there is still so much to sift and so little time to sift it. My suggestion, is 3 days too much to ask? Plus I feel like I'm requeueing everyday.

2.) Eric3579: I've lived with this version for over a year now and honestly I'm wondering when a new version 3580 is coming out, I'm ready for it.

3.) quality/promote/save. For some reason I feel so limited now that they've all been rolled into one. granted the recharge time is lower but I feel as soon as I use it for one function I need it for another. Anyone else?

4.) Lithuania: EVERYONE knows it's not a real country so MINK can stop pretending it is. I think it's time for an intervention. No one bring world maps!

5.) Is there any interest in making the charter upgrade feature payable by credit card? I know it makes my life easier, course it will probably screw up Dag's but we all know he's a robot anyway.
smibbo says...

I agree about numbers two and three.

Seriously, I think the day after I made gold, they took away my ability to promote/save and gave me this paltry substitute.... I can xquality now and that all I get for rewarding someone's contribution? By mashing promote and save together and putting it on the same timer as "quality" you have effectively cut down my ability to exercise my goldie arm to once every two days. I understand wanting to cut down the amount of pointless "quality"-ing post but that means I have to either never use the invocation or be very very sure its what I wanna do instead of look for someone's video worthy of promoting/saving.
I guess I'm lamenting because I was all excited to get to gold and as soon as I got there, you made it less "special"

And GH, you're one to talk against Eric3579 - how long you had that same picture? C'mon, we know you must have agred since then.

Zifnab says...

I'm just waiting for version 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679
8214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196 4428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273 724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609
to solve all the worlds problems.

Seriously though, I do feel like I'm requeueing almost every video. I'd like to see the queue go to 3 days or have a way to flag a video for an automatic re-queue and limit the number of times something can be requeued.

Arsenault185 says...

1. It does seem like the 2 day queue time is a pain in the ass and does nothing more than to clog up comment threads.

2. Eric3579 is fine the way he is. Its like windows 98. Sure Vista looks better, but its all a pile of crap, and 98 runs solid.

3. I don't have those powers yet, but is seems like everyone who does really hates the mashup.

4. Wiki says their cool, so their cool.

5. Not sure what your aversion to paypal is, but you can set up a paypal account with your credit card, so it gets charged the same way it otherwise would.

jonny says...

Just want to reiterate my objections to limiting the number of requeues or the amount of time a vid is allowed to stay in the queue. Neither of those are a measure of a video's quality, rather they are a measure of popularity and title writing skills.

Also, a vid that's been requeued 4 times may have only been in the queue 2 days - requeue is available every 12 hours.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Really? 3 days? Subjectively, it feels to me that the really great clips have a better chance at getting the attention they need now. I'm afraid that 3 days would just reintroduce that "middle period" where things are lost until they show up on the expiring soon panel.

I agree that *requeue is becoming a bit unweildy, used too much by necessity. I'm not sure what the solution is there.

gorgonheap says...

Well we wont really know until we try 3 days I suppose. It just seems like the queue goes by so fast with only two days I feel like I'm missing a lot of content. Not to mention I always feel rushed to get to a computer to keep my queued vids from kicking the bucket.

my15minutes says...

maybe, 3 day sift time, but with a 12-vote publish, instead of 10?

no idea, honestly. just throwin' it out there.
don't know if that has anything to do with what you were trying to compensate for.
oh, and seconding:

>> ^arsenault185:
1. ... clog up comment threads.
4. Wiki says their cool, so their cool.
5. ... you can set up a paypal account with your credit card

MINK says...

both Lithuania and the queue are exhibiting elements of FUBARism.

I get the feeling that not many people look at unsifted vids, because things like my recent bill bailey sit around with 3 votes for ages, and then after some requeue love they escape the queue and get 50 votes. I used to feel more connection between queue performance and eventual performance.
Now i feel like the queue is a kind of pointless annoyance.

if the point of the queue is to ensure that only very good stuff escapes, then the queue is not working. crap escapes all the time, normally due to a "clever" title rather than a good video.

so, it's easier to get star points by submitting vote whore crap with a cute title.

it is good to see that occasionally some interesting vids make it to the top 15, but they're all on TED anyway, i don't need siftbot to help me find them.

My strategy now is to visit (stalk) more user profiles to find good submitters, which means i probably miss good stuff from newbies. but what the hey.

oh well, dag admits there's no obvious solution, actually it's like trying to make a perpetual motion machine... i think the laws of humanity prohibit the hive mind from ever working effectively. it always becomes a pissing contest full of hypersensitive hypocritical comment nannies.

i recommend:

IMPROVING SEARCH. it doesn't work. yes i know it's hard. but it's the heart of the site.

IMPROVING TAGGING. yes you can put "jon stewart" in the title AND the tags please, because the title is not the tags, and "jon stewart" is not clickable in the title.

IMPROVING DESCRIPTIONS. give me more than the video. and lucky, pleeeeease can we have the "hidden" description field so there is actually information in there about the clip, but it isn't shown before viewing, so it doesn't spoil the surprise, but it's damn useful for followup research or fixing deads.

PENALISING BAD TITLES. *retitle would be good. get 2 of those and your clip is pulled from the listings until you retitle. persistent abusers of *retitle are banned. same could be true for tags. Spell things right, you are defending against future duping, so do it right or someone else will just dupe you and get 150 votes before anyone notices.

DITCHING COMMENT VOTING. this would attract more people to the site who aren't kneejerk polarising comment nannies. anti commentvote people tend to be deeper people and sift better stuff that i can't find for myself on the liveleak homepage. (ready, flame.... NOW!)

ADDING LINKS TO FAVOURITE SIFTERS. no, not "friends" but a quick way to browse my favourite sifters' queues without RSS and all that rubbish.

oh and...

but right now all i can see is a colorchange for my username, and a blog that i can get anywhere else for free. and a bigger queue that i don't need.

what i mean is, i can get by fine not being charter, so why bother? just out of kindness? nah there's kids' charities for that. Give me some value. If that means degrading the experience for non charter members and lurkers, well... fuck 'em.

people who pay for something tend not to piss on it so much. you might even see the difference in my posts if you'd stop with the ridiculous rules and formulae and "fun" mechanisms and bullcrap that doesn't work properly.

why not try fixing the search and cataloging side of the site instead of mopping up after the evermorecomplex pissing contest?

JAPR says...

>> ^MINK:
I get the feeling that not many people look at unsifted vids, because things like my recent bill bailey sit around with 3 votes for ages, and then after some requeue love they escape the queue and get 50 votes.

I've noticed this myself...a lot of videos in the queues either get really low views, really low votes, or most often both. People look a lot more at the published videos.

IMPROVING TAGGING. yes you can put "jon stewart" in the title AND the tags please, because the title is not the tags, and "jon stewart" is not clickable in the title.

I disagree with this. If you're too lazy to type "jon stewart" into search, that sounds more like a personal problem. It only needs to be in either the tags or the title/description to show up when you search for it, so I think it's better to skip tagging something that's already in the title. Maybe that's just me.

DITCHING COMMENT VOTING. this would attract more people to the site who aren't kneejerk polarising comment nannies. anti commentvote people tend to be deeper people and sift better stuff that i can't find for myself on the liveleak homepage. (ready, flame.... NOW!)

I don't even need to flame this, it's irrelevant bullshit.

ADDING LINKS TO FAVOURITE SIFTERS. no, not "friends" but a quick way to browse my favourite sifters' queues without RSS and all that rubbish.

This (heck, even a Friends feature) is a great idea. There are some people whose videos I like about 90 percent of the time, so I'm always interested to see what they have queued, but you can't even search for a member! There needs to be some way to find members via a search function, and a favorite sifters idea is great.

joedirt says...

Ignore comment voting. Who cares? Does it hide comments? No, so who cares. Does it hurt your widdle feelings? Tough.

As far as the two day queue. It is good. Heck make any one who donates get four day queues. I think that is fair, those that keep the site going get a little perk.

JAPR says...

>> ^joedirt:
Ignore comment voting. Who cares? Does it hide comments? No, so who cares. Does it hurt your widdle feelings? Tough.
As far as the two day queue. It is good. Heck make any one who donates get four day queues. I think that is fair, those that keep the site going get a little perk.

The two day queue actually helps videos get out faster if they're good, to some extent, provided they get views, because it gets them into the "top 15 expiring soon" list sooner. Then again, more frequent requeues can be annoying.

MINK says...

i don't think it's about being too "lazy" to type jon stewart into search... it's about that impulse thing where you see a keyword and think "hmm" and then want to click immediately to thread your way through the site. Making a clickable keyword is great.

I could say, if you're too lazy to type "jon stewart" into the tags of all jon stewart clips, then you deserve to be *retagged or even *tazed. i don't even know why there's a debate about this. jon stewart clips should be tagged "jon stewart".

and anyway, as many have said, the search doesn't work as well as it should, and to include discarded videos takes another couple of clicks and the whole impulse "surfing" thing is disrupted.

Not everyone browses like you. tags are not hard to do. bad tags and titles should be PUNISHED i say.

about comment voting and my widdle feelings, lol. i just had to throw that one in there, to MINK it up a bit more.

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